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Everything posted by bottomfeed

  1. I've just bought two AE112's... & am amazed at how much sound comes out of such small & lightweight boxes! up to now I've been a 2x10 + 1x15 kind of guy... but the bergs deliver as much punch as I could wish for & a phatt warm bottom! with such clarity.... very impressed indeed! These seem very 'articulate' cabs... they reproduce exactly what you put through 'em & I have had to fiddle about quite a bit to get what I want to hear from my Peavey T-max head..... (soon to be replaced with a Genz Benz neo-pak 3.5) portability had become an issue for me & Genz Benz + Bergantino neo's seems the ideal solution... I guess with any drastic change in sound.... I will be tweaking about for a while before settling in with it....
  2. (maybe another pic of Harry Hill will help?!) Think maybe I've sold it...... going once, going twice.....
  3. Another Bump..... still have the 2x10.... this is the lil' beauty!>>>> (maybe another pic of Harry Hill will help?!)
  4. [quote name='Tengu' post='210124' date='May 31 2008, 02:31 PM']I can attest to how good these speakers sound, as I have been using a set for the last year. If they are in the same condition as the 1x15 then this really has to be a bargain. [/quote] Yeah.... thanks for that.... sound like your enjoying the 1x15!
  5. Yep ..... them 2x10's are still here.......I'd take £180 for them....
  6. Bump!.... still got the 2x10!
  7. Looks like the 2x10 is still available!...... any takers?
  8. Well ... I need to make the £400... so is £200 each fair?
  9. This sounds pretty cool guys.... ok... how can we work it?
  10. [quote name='Tengu' post='203983' date='May 21 2008, 11:36 PM']Would you be prepared to split? I already have the 2x10 but would love a 1x15 to go with it.[/quote] ...... yeah, possibly... give it a few days, see if I can shift 'em together.... I'm sure you can talk me into it!
  11. [b]*SOLD*Trace Elliot 2103H 200 watt 2x10 cab for sale...*SOLD*[/b] [b]SOLD pending the usual......[/b] green carpet covered will stack either sideways or tall (handy for those gigs where floor space is short!) I've had 'em from new & looked after them pretty well... will throw in the custom made 'shadow covers' (...the cover has taken a bit of a battering & don't look pretty ...but still works!...as a cover!)[b] BARGAIN AT £180[/b] excuse the phone photos...
  12. wow!.... who would Adam & Eve it!? .....they be some pretty big speakers in there! & [i]interesting[/i] graphic setting! Top geezer!
  13. Well f**k me with a bargepole!..... Hello Richie! ........& you still have the Bertha !!!!! Random! 'what are the chances of that happening, eh?'
  14. Is this still alive?..... or was the stuff sold ages ago?.... Looking for a son of Bertha... Ha!.... excuse me!.... came to this thread via a general internet search.... then I saw the date!... doh! move along .... nothing to see here!
  15. another plus for Meshell Ndegeocello ..... she da man (!?! )
  16. well tried the BA300 1x15 out yesterday.... didn't seem like 300watts to me... quite a nice tone to it... the sound 'style' switch suited me best in position 1 or 2, the rest were too lightweight & middley .... maybe I thump a bit hard at times but a limiter was cutting in & I didn't like that..... not gunna hold me breath about that one!... think I will look for separates, gone off the combo idea... may need a trip to Exeter or Poole to try the Mark Bass.....
  17. hmmmm.... thanx for that, I'll look into the MarkBass stuff... SoundControl have the Ampeg stuff in, so when I get a chance I'll check that out too...
  18. The older I get the more interested I become in lighter weight, smaller options .... ( my 14 stairs to my front door at the end of the night are a bit of a pain!) ....but don't want to sacrifice sound quality etc.. I've not had a combo for many years & generally prefer separates... These lil' babies look interesting!... I've not tried 'em yet but wondered if anyone else has, or even owns one? [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/bassamp/ba300/210.html"]Ampeg BA300210[/url]
  19. Drum Bank Music Guitar Centre has 3 specialist bass tutors.... [url="http://www.drumbankmusic.co.uk/acatalog/Musical-Instrument-Tuition.html"]Drum Bank Music[/url] although the fees have gone up since (& not changed on the website) £13.50 per half-hour or 6 lessons for £72
  20. [quote name='Alun' post='112584' date='Jan 2 2008, 09:27 PM']I know I'm probably in a minority but I still love the Ibanez Phathead PD7. Great range of noises from clean and clanky to out and out death metal and the tone controls allow you to dial in all the low end you want. In fact the EQ is so good that I've been using mine with the "Clean" setting as a "smiley face" EQ for slapping. Cheers, Alun[/quote] ... +1, currently doing the same! my fave of all time though, was a 'coloursound supa tonebender' that a mate of mine had tweeked to fatten the bottom end... somewhere down the line I gave it away!
  21. aahh, that'll be a 'zandingo' mate!
  22. I really like the way she plays..... she's gotta be one of my favorite bass players soulful, tasteful & in the pocket.... beautiful sense of groove..... 'I'm digging you' 'if that's your Boyfriend' 'Thankful' 'Bitter' 'Stay' (....those dead notes! ) 'luqman' (off 'dance of the infidels') 'the sloganeer' 'virgo' all great bass parts for very different reasons..... some very minimal but so well placed.... (less is more!) 'make me wanna holler'..... .... anyone who gets 'my mother used to whore herself... & my father used to reap the benefits of her labours' in as a 1st line of a song, deserves to be listened to!........... A real unique player, indeed....
  23. [quote name='Josh' post='113162' date='Jan 3 2008, 08:17 PM']That ain't me fooool! It's Bottomfeed/Dave.[/quote] ........indeed! yes, Mr Reason to the right! "thats a Lancia Delta INTACT driving behind you!!!"......... it is?!
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