Played our first gig for 18 months yesterday. It was only an hours set at a local Cricket Cub Fun Day but went reasonably well. A good gentle introduction to gigging proper again.
I saw the original WA line up several times over the years, initially when Ted Turner was still with them. Met Martin Turner a couple of times more recently and had a good chat with him about bass guitars etc. Top man in my book.
We use Parcels to Go occasionally at work and sometimes not all of the carriers return with a quote. I believe it depends on their available slots so Interparcel may be the same.
I'm not generally good enough to learn and play exact copies (depending on complexities of the song) but try and work an adapted version. This seems to work in my covers band.
I think it may be only certain couriers that are allowed to ship or maybe suppliers need a special licence. I know my work are not allowed to ship aerosols.
Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. Requested by the forthcoming bride and groom for a wedding we are booked to play (hopefully, fingers crossed) in August.
We have cancelled our two upcoming gigs in March. Will probably end up cancelling April as well I think. Hard decision as we all know getting gigs in the first place is difficult.
I agree. My experience with them was a few years ago now. My combo blew a power supply a few weeks after the warranty period but they sent me a new one without any quibble.
I remember seeing a great, but not very well known band in the seventies called Glenco. Found out a few years later that a few of them became The Blockheads including Norman.
I saw WA way back several times in the 70s and later when Martin was playing with them. I have seen Martin's band a couple of times recently.
He was probably the player that influenced me to start playing bass originally. I chatted with him at one of the bass guitar shows and he was interested that I played a Fender Jazz with a pick. He said he played that on the first WA album but it sounded very "clicky" apparently.