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Everything posted by BassBunny

  1. Kris has just left the building with an Alesis 3630. What a pleasure it was to do the deal. Really nice guy and hope you enjoy Compressing Kris.
  2. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='434350' date='Mar 14 2009, 07:10 AM']but I can't help thinking what a waste of a bloody good unit as anyone who's seen us in the past will testify.[/quote] +1 to that. Al, you know I feel the same about NGE. I thought you were a crackin band and the concept was brilliant. Loads of energy and Soul done your own way. Also know how it fell apart as the same thing happened with us, only with a Vocalist. Decent drummers are as rare as rockin horse sh*t and it is soul destrying holding auditions when the candidates aren't what you want or don't bother turning up. Completely agree with OG and stay in touch. Who knows. Catch up with you soon.
  3. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='432953' date='Mar 12 2009, 10:18 PM']Cheers Alan Its the Hop pocket, Chorley next friday.....See you soon pal if not at that one[/quote] Good venue. Went to see Nick's band there a couple of weeks back. Not seen you for a while son. Will try and get there.
  4. Shouldn't be a problem at all as the tone-pump is only a Treble/Bass boost pre-amp.
  5. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='431928' date='Mar 11 2009, 09:29 PM']I've made plans for a fretless build Josh - so still for sale [/quote] Another ACG????
  6. You'll regret it mate.......
  7. Glasgow Area. Alan McCabe The Old School 189 Old Shettleston Road Glasgow G32 7HN E-Mail: [email protected]
  8. Stick a 15" Neo in it. Awesome sound.
  9. No way I can trump that offer BUT John, if you PM me your e-mail address I can send you an MP3 of the MIDI track with the Bass way up in the mix. The Drum and Bass tracks are easy to pick out with the other instruments just audible so you know where you are. As we use MIDI tracks I use them to learn the numbers. If you use a MIDI player you can either Solo the bass or drop all the other tracks down to learn the Bass Parts. Slow it down, repeat whatever. This version is in Ab but easy to move once you've learnt it. It's a really good version so if you want it, let me know.
  10. [quote name='Terra' post='426850' date='Mar 6 2009, 01:31 AM']Oh man, if you'd posted this two days ago I'd have snapped it up! Just spent £70 on an ABX 266 though [/quote] I'd completely forgotten about it. It has been lying around for a few month's. Ah Well
  11. Alesis 3630 Rack Mounted Compressor. Fits in a 1U Rack Slot. Details Here. [url="http://www.alesis.com/3630"]http://www.alesis.com/3630[/url] Boxed with instructions and As New. Bought it from Orangepeelneil a few months ago and it hasn't been out of the box other than to check it wasn't damaged in transit. Great for Vocals as well as Bass. Change of plan means it's sitting here gathering dust, £45 delivered. Sold subject to the usual.
  12. You'll regret it.....but that's easy for me to say, never been made redundant. Sorry to hear it and sorry it has come to this. I have just sold one of mine, but there is no way I would sell "Midnight". They are indeed the most flexible bass I have ever owned. You can get Stingray, P-Bass, Jazz sounds and more besides. Every Home should have one.
  13. Al, You can borrow my Jazz if you like.
  14. Jazz came over to pick up a G&L he bought off me. What a really nice guy and well connected Good to deal with you Jazz and see you soon.
  15. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='411965' date='Feb 17 2009, 01:56 PM']Ever heard of the North West? What he said... [/quote] BirkingHead is NW apparently. Gonna try and make the Gig at Hotel California.
  16. All PM's answered. A BassChatter is coming for a butchers at it tomorrow. This one is a Korean one, (One of the last).
  17. Probably one of Leo Fender's finest creations. An unbelievable range of sounds from a single instrument due to the switching arrangements. No need to change basses mid set, this will do it all. It's a Natural one with Rosewood Fingerboard. Recently returned from a set-up at The Bass Centre and I got them to fit a new nut, a set of Elite Nickels and an extended Truss Rod Adjuster, (the standard G&L one was a pig to get at). It's as new and every home should have one. So why am I selling? ............ I have 2 of them, (that's how good they are), and with an ACG on the way, one has to go. Sold.
  18. BassBunny


    [quote name='Smash' post='407304' date='Feb 12 2009, 09:06 AM']Hi there is one on the back of the headstock and that too has been changed as it has a US no.[/quote] Are you sure it isn't a US neck? I thought the serial numbers were "engraved" into the wood. Must check mine. Bit weird going to all that trouble to disguise the origin.
  19. [quote name='RayFW' post='404975' date='Feb 10 2009, 12:50 AM']Hello fellow NW Basschatters! Come and see my 8 piece Soul/Funk/Motown band GrooveThing trying their best to make people dance at the Old Millstone, Macclesfield on 7th March Start 9ish. 66 Waters Green Macclesfield, SK11 6JZ Give me a shout and I'll buy you a pint. Cheers, Ray[/quote] I could come and catch up with my old MTD
  20. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='403208' date='Feb 8 2009, 09:51 AM']Ease my pain - make me an offer, I need a ACG02 for my Spector Euro LX.[/quote] So Al's was THAT good then Going for the world's biggest ACG02 collection?
  21. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='404979' date='Feb 10 2009, 01:09 AM']If I were you - considering that you don't really know anything about what you want, but you've got a big budget - I'd buy a couple of different used mid-price basses and sell the one you don't like (or both). Keep going until you find one you really like, or until you gather enough knowledge to make an informed decision about what you want from a bass. I would avoid having a custom bass built for you if you don't know what you want.[/quote] A resounding +1. If you don't know what you want go for the "used" option. You can keep buying and selling until you know what you want. You will probaly like the neck from Bass A, Body of Bass B, Pick-Ups from Bass C, then you can have the ideal bass built. If you go custom and can't decide what you want then the chances are you won't like the end result and will lose a load of money if you want to sell it. It will be a Bass built to your spec and no-one else may like it. I have just ordered an ACG Re-Curve 5-String from Alan and it took the best part of an afternoon just picking the wood. If I hadn't owned and sold a load of Basses over the years I would not have had a clue where to start when you start getting questions like. Bolt on or Through Neck? Asymetric Neck Profile? 34 or 35" Scale? String Through? Which Pick-Ups? etc. etc.
  22. [quote name='RayFW' post='403645' date='Feb 8 2009, 06:58 PM']Thought I would try some Weed Whackers on my Stagg. Put the G on and start tuning to pitch. Turn, turn, turn , turn... still not at pitch, Turn, turn, turn, turn... still not there, Turn, turn, turn... PING! OH FOR FARKS SAKE! The bloody nut has snapped! Cue much swearing and cursing of Chinese workmanship.. What to do now? Luthier only job? Anyone know any in the North West?[/quote] Hi Ray, You can do it yourself and there will be shed loads of info on the web to help. Hardest part will be cutting the slots. Or take it to Steve Robinson or Ged Green. Both local, Steve is in Sale, Ged in Heaton ?????. one of the suburbs outside Stockport. I can recommend both. How's my MTD these days
  23. Wow you have set yourself up to open a real can of worms here. When you say "[i]I'm in "trouble"... I'm going to buy a new bass but frankly... I don't know much about 'em![/i] " Is this your first Bass? Your budget is pretty impressive BUT if it's your first Bass I personally would aim way lower. I am a converted guitarist and when I started playing Bass, I had a pre-conceived idea of what I wanted. Some years later after a number of Basses have passed through my hands, I have ended up with something completely different, (cue Monty Python Sketch). No-one can pick a Bass for you. You need to touch, smell, feel and most importantly PLAY a Bass to see if it is for you. You will be very lucky if you get EXACTLY what you want by asking someone else to pick it for you. You will get some great advice from here, but with modern manufacturing techniques most basses these days are quality instruments and the makes you have mentioned are all good. There are others. Cort make, IMHO, the most underrated Basses available. They also make for Lakland, G&L, Fender, Ibanez so some pedigree. Aria make great basses G&L, Lakland etc. etc Incidently Fender DO make Active 4 String basses. So don't discount them. Good luck in your search.
  24. Great Idea. Might get to look at some Wood?????
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