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[quote name='andy67' post='83075' date='Nov 3 2007, 10:15 AM']Has there been any explanation from ZPQ re this? I am sh*t at geography and please correct me if I'm way off the plot here...but zpqproductions appears to be in hull and the original seller says its was in preston lancashire thus, by my dodgy geographical search (multimap) would make these places neighbours?[/quote] Time to put this one to bed I think. I have heard from John, (ZPQ), so here is the explanation..... Firstly it IS the same bass and here is what happened. Are you sitting comfortably??? When ZPQ spotted the Bass on t'Bay there had been some bids on it. He contacted the seller and asked if there had been a BIN. (sometimes BINS disappear when there is a bid). Seller says NO, ZPQ offers £400. Seller doesn't reply and the auction finishes on £262.89, my winning bid. Seller then contacts ZPQ and offers to sell at the £400 he originally offered and assumed that I had backed out of the deal. ZPQ said he was held up in a meeting, so did not see the auction finish and does the deal. At that time he had no idea it was someone from here and paid for it and received it before discovering that. As no one had lost any money he just put it down to one of those eBay experiences and is his words; [i]"However as my reputation is now questionable the only honorable thing to do is withdraw from BC and apologize for the incident. Hope that helps clear things up, doesn't make it right but I can't do much more."[/i] I suggested that John may want to put his side of the story on this thread and he has obviously decided not too. There is still something that I am still puzzled about. As the winning bid was £262.89, why pay nearly £150 over that to secure the Bass? I would assume the seller would have been happy with anything over the auction price as he had listed without reserve and the plan fell flat. The Bass was then subsequently advertised on BC for £450 within 5 Days of the auction end. Probably only just enough time to receive it, let alone decide you didn't like it. I am being toooooo cynical? The crazy thing is that I only took a punt on it as it was a really good price and I wanted to see if it would suit me. The chances are it may not, so no damage done. On the other hand, I don't now know. Anyway thanks again all for all the support and suggestions.
[quote name='Hamster' post='82259' date='Nov 1 2007, 01:55 PM']IIRC the Oxford Road station is the closest Hamster[/quote] It is indeed. The Loughborough train [u]may[/u] terminate at Manchester Piccadilly, but there are plenty of connections from Platform 14 to Oxford Rd.
I must admit I didn't expect this topic to still be running. Just to add a couple of points. I have long since got over the e-Bay situation and it was only when a "similar " Sub appeared on BC some 4 days after the auction I got a bit curious. 2 Teal Blue Sub5's for sale in a 4 day period does seem strange. I sent John, (ZPQ), a PM to that effect and jokingly asked if it was the one off e-Bay. I did not receive a reply. That in itself is not unusual as the BassChat PM system can be notorious. I sent a further PM today pointing this thread out and mentioned to John that he [u]may[/u] wish to add his side of the story. There is further scenario that could account for the situation over this particular Bass but I will wait for John's response before spilling the beans. Ultimately we all want the same thing. A forum with members who are honest and courteous to each other and wouldn't do what [u]MIGHT[/u] have happened here.
[quote name='paul, the' post='81052' date='Oct 29 2007, 10:49 PM']The email addresses aren't the same are they? I guess that would be [b]too[/b] easy. --- Sorry for all the posts[/quote] Paul, I haven't been in touch with ZPQ. What I meant was that when I communicated with the original seller, I had a feeling they were aware of this thread, and that leads to a number of conclusions. I am pretty certain that the Bass was sold after the auction for a higher price or someone else is fronting a sale for him. As indicated in the e-mail below. [i]Hi, i am sorry for the delay in reply but i am away Birmingham for the week. My friend has taken the bass of my hands to repair and will be selling on ebay for me when he is done, so i would keep a eye on eBay. Thanks anyway, bit annoyed as i have had to pay eBay fees for the sale but oh well it happens. Sam[/i] No need to apologise for the posts. After the anger of being "shafted" with the sale passed, I have enjoyed all the comments and suggestions put forward. I guess what does now stick in the throat is that I [u]could[/u] have been "shafted" by a felow BC member.
[quote name='andy67' post='80989' date='Oct 29 2007, 08:15 PM']thats just too spooky.....cant make the link geographically (ebay community ID check)......unless ZPQ is the buyer and is now the seller?? too spooky - those scratches are just awesome![/quote] Not wishing to pre-judge anyone, it could explain some of the reponses I got from the original seller [u]IF[/u] he and ZPQ are one and the same [u]OR[/u] ZPQ bought it after my successful bid. Leaves me in a bit of a dillema as I don't reckon e-Bay will do anything but I have been waiting for it to resurface.
Well they've kicked my ass off eBay!
BassBunny replied to warwickhunt's topic in eBay - Weird and Wonderful
John, Really sorry to hear what e-Bay have done, but not surprised in the slightest. I started a post about an MM Sub I didn't get, where the seller is still trading despite the obvious fraud. e-Bay did exactly nothing even when presented with so much evidence a trained monkey could have figured it out. (Now I know at this stage there will be a temptation to post replies relating to trained monkeys.) If you are up for some revenge, count me in if you need help. I got some really useful assistance from a couple of BC members in exposing the seller I was dealing with. Happy to return the favour. -
[quote name='Beedster' post='75218' date='Oct 16 2007, 07:18 PM']OK, I'm about to get shot down here....[/quote] I doubt it chris, As usual you have summed the situation up and are absolutely correct. Between Mrs BB and myself, we have completed over 200 e-Bay transactions and this is only 1 of 2 that has been bad. The other was resolved fairly amicably. This one resulted in the long drawn out exchange as the SELLER kept on coming back with more and more lies and was frankly insulting what little intelligence I have. If he had accepted my first e-mail telling him what I thought of him it would have been Game Over. I do however have to sympathise with some of the comments about e-Bay being happy to take the money and slow to respond when needed. They could have put this one to bed ages ago and the guy has not even had his account withdrawn..... Finally that is my rantings over......... Likely to be down in Canterbury a few more times in the future if you fancy a sherbert Chris. Cheers, Stuart
[quote name='wolper' post='75216' date='Oct 16 2007, 07:13 PM']Get as much as you can from him and then put it all on ebay...[/quote] So you reckon a "huge pill of ipod socks" will fetch good money on e-Bay????????
Well e-Bay have been less than useless. They have, apparently, done something but I haven't a clue what it is. I haven't paid anything, that was going to happen when I picked it up :wacko: , so after one last stinging e-mail to the seller it will be neg feedback and forget it. Any annoyance I have is for e-Bay who are a complete waste of space. If they had moved a bit quicker instead of sending me patronising e-mails, I may have got to the guy, (with a heavy in tow), and completed the sale. Any feelings I had about the sale and seller evaporated some time ago. I was just keeping it going out of devilment and to get the seller to finally admit he had "disposed" of the item. Also it has kept you guys enthralled for a while...... Thanks all for your comments and suggestions. It was nice to know that I at least had the support of THIS community, if not e-Bay. I might just push him for his "huge pill of ipod socks" by way of compensation.
[quote name='andy67' post='74931' date='Oct 16 2007, 08:37 AM']needs to be taken further now! I d/k what kind of action can be taken but this ebayer has broken a legal and binding contract which should result in him losing his account. I always say go for the jugular and weed these idiots out...also ebay needs to be sanctioned/censored/disciplined/fined for allowing any of this activity....[/quote] That is exactly what I am doing. I am pushing e-Bay on a daily basis and have sent the latest thrilling instalment to them. Their process for this kind of thing appears to written by the Health and Safety gestapo as it appears to be very long winded and relies on YOU doing most of the work. Happy to do that, (and having fun in the process), but I have told them there is no more i can do. THEY now need to take action.
[quote name='Beedster' post='74546' date='Oct 15 2007, 12:42 PM']No way, as it used to say above my desk, the best advice I can give you is to ignore any advice I give you [/quote] But Chris, you do have an amazing nose for the "dodgy deal", so I guess you were spot on with the advice. However if I had taken it, I wouldn't be having half the fun I am at the moment with this Herbert and I would be depriving BassChatters of all the goss. I was in your fair city recently. Best chips I have had for ages.....
Now I know there are loads of you just waiting for the next thrilling instalment so here it is. e-Mail received earlier this evening. I am afraid i am out of "tea and sympathy". [i]Hi I just need to know what i can do now. The bass has gone, i have nothing much else to offer as i am just a student. i only have i other bass which is a Fender Marcus Miller Jazz which i have been trying to sell for some time now but would be sold for a lot more than the musicman as i bought it from dawsons in manchester for £750 and would want £650-£700 with a hardcase included. I also have a huge pill of ipod socks which i could let you have for free. Please just let me know what you would like me to do as i am a bit shaken up by this and dont know what else to say to make you happy. Sam[/i] Not sure if I shouuld put a post in Items For Sale and see if I can get rid of any "ipod socks" :wacko:
Here we go again with the latest. Have registered a formal complaint with e-Bay now and got his details. Address in Preston and a phone number in the Outer Hebrides ?????????? God I wet myself when I got that. Anyway will see what e-Bay do next. Haven't had so much fun in years. Think I need to get a life.... Thanks for the e-Mail Kev, will make sure I only use it if neccesary. Cheers, Stuart
[quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='73956' date='Oct 13 2007, 10:04 PM']We already know he's a complete liar as he admitted he previously lied about it being packed up. I'm sure he just tried to save on ebay fees by not setting a reserve, then was disappointed not to get what its worth, but thats the nature of ebay and why I wouldn't sell my stuff on ebay. He's commiting fraud as the ebay auction is a legally binding agrement to sell at the price & terms stated. I'd INSIST on paying the sale price for the bass as is and demand the address - it won't be broken that story is so obviously BS (I'm sure you know that already). You've nothing to lose by telling him you know he's lying and put the ball in his court.[/quote] Exactly what I did last night JLP. I was a bit more subtle however and said I was really pleased he was having it repaired, ( yeah right), and as he has a legally binding contract with me I will call and collect it as soon as it is fixed, subject to it being as described in the posting. Have given him until tomorrow to respond with a date when it will be ready, or I will raise the issue with e-Bay, including the e-mails of people who have contacted him and he has said it is sold. Needless to say it has now gone quiet I know I should just take Beedsters advice and just walk away, but I am having so much fun watching him wriggle and squirm I can't let go...... Good job e-mails are free
[quote name='kevbass' post='73858' date='Oct 13 2007, 05:05 PM']Hello all, here's a cheap custom bass that I saw on ebay at a BIN of £200, its probbably not a proper custom but an eastern made bass that looks like one, anyways anyone who wants a Ken smith lookalike for pennys might be interested, [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/hand-built-custom-five-string-bass_W0QQitemZ140167482440QQihZ004QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/hand-built-custom-fi...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] Checked the other items he has sold and he seems to deal in guitar, (mainly Bass), parts. Has sold some bodies, necks etc. recently so has probably assembled it himself. Still looks nice though...
And the latest when I pushed him for the pictures and an address. By "My friend will be selling on eBay must mean a different eBay account he is going to create. [i]Hi, i am sorry for the delay in reply but i am away Birmingham for the week. My friend has taken the bass of my hands to repair and will be selling on ebay for me when he is done, so i would keep a eye on eBay. Thanks anyway, bit annoyed as i have had to pay eBay fees for the sale but oh well it happens. Sam[/i]
[quote name='kevbass' post='72936' date='Oct 11 2007, 04:45 PM']I got the reply from him saying that "the bass was sold at the price it went for", well we know it hasnt because you've not got it, if it didnt sell to you where did it go? methinks he's sold it to someone else who's offered him more or he's keeping it.[/quote] Kev, Would you mind me mentioning this to eBay if I decide to raise a complaint, or would that drop you in it for offering more than the final auction price?
[quote name='Toasted' post='73091' date='Oct 11 2007, 10:47 PM']Since you're the auction winner you can do a "request for information" and ebay will provide his address. [/quote] Cheers, T, Might just do that, although if Mrs BB is correct, (and she usually is... ), I reckon it will have been dispatched to the new owner. Although I still pretty annoyed, I have taken Beedster's advice to heart and put it down to experience.
[quote name='butlerk02' post='72399' date='Oct 10 2007, 09:13 PM']I emailed him last night asking if it was still for sale saying that i would be happy to pay more etc. He replied straight away saying that it had been sold. I reckon he's changed his mind and has decided to keep it.[/quote] Mrs BassBunny has come up with a very plausable explanation. She reckons that someone I beat in the auction got in touch with the seller and offered more, hence the "fairy story". Have just mailed him to push him for either pictures or his address so i can call when i am in Leyland.
[quote name='butlerk02' post='72399' date='Oct 10 2007, 09:13 PM']I emailed him last night asking if it was still for sale saying that i would be happy to pay more etc. He replied straight away saying that it had been sold. I reckon he's changed his mind and has decided to keep it.[/quote] Thanks for that Guys. I appreciate the help. I was about to use my wife's e-Bay account to contact him, but he just may have sussed. Will keep my eye open on fleaBay to see if it re-surfaces at some point. He may just be waiting till things go quiet or maybe reads some of the post on here......
[quote name='applerocks' post='71561' date='Oct 9 2007, 02:09 PM']Zack Bleach [email protected] [/quote] Hi Zack, I think you have the Bass in the wrong section. It needs to go in Basses For Sale. If you contact a mod they will move it for you, Cheers, Stuart
[quote name='Beedster' post='71405' date='Oct 9 2007, 07:09 AM']I'd stay well clear and put it down to experience Chris[/quote] Hi Chris, Already have done. In fact I did the minute I got the first e-mail from him. I have no intention of dealing with him. I was just trying to see how much "wriggling and squirming" he could do. I am going to be a couple of miles away from Preston on Saturday and after repeated requests for his address, it has gone very quiet. I had a feeling about it form the word go. Don't know why.....
[quote name='ZPQ' post='71355' date='Oct 8 2007, 11:33 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1983-Wal-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ260168938408QQihZ016QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1983-Wal-Bass-Guitar...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] zero feedback but otherwise might be real? What do we think? I might email ask if it's ok to collect and pay cash. Cheers John[/quote] It's Aberdeen again.... I think there are a few more "iffy" sales from that area on other posts. No PayPal either...