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Everything posted by BassBunny

  1. ABM has a solid state output section so 4 ohms and above is fine.
  2. I've got 2 basses with that configuration and it works really well. Both have have single/series/parallel coil switching so there are a number of options. The MM is generally a bit louder but that's what blend controls are for. 🙂
  3. I hope so. Also the graphs superimposed on each other with different scales for maximum effect. 🙂
  4. Agree. It appears that ICU's are getting fuller but according to NHE, they are more non - Covid patients in them, which is not the way the media are reporting it. In fact the number of Covid patients on ventilators now is very small indeed. Regarding transmission, top of the tree is Education, which is no surprise as Schools/ Universities went back last month. Hospitality, which obviously includes pubs accounts for only 4% of transmission so it seems crazy to shut pubs. I realise that students are younger and pretty resilient as far as Covid goes so looks like our leaders are happy to let it fester there but as the duty collected on Alcohol is huge it appears to be a strange decision to cut off that income when the Entertainment sector doesn't appear to be the major cause of spread. I've sauntered into a couple of pubs since they opened and found them to be incredibly well organised and doing everything they should. At some point we have to get back to some sort of life as more people are now suffering from treatments cancelled than are from Covid.
  5. Firstly apologies to the OP for high-jacking the thread but an interesting exchange. If the mods want to put this in a new thread, please do. Chris, I really don't have a definitive answer. As you, @Happy Jack and myself are used to crunching numbers we know that if the data is wrong no matter what you do with it, the answer is useless. So currently the "scientists" are using Cases as the number. So how accurate are the Cases? Well it would appear that the results OR the collating of the results are suspect. As one example, Nursing Home staff are tested every week. One home I am aware of had 100% negatives week on week. Half the staff then had Seasonal Flu Jabs. Next round of tests, they were all positive. So anyone, and I have had just had one, having a flu jab stands the chance of being positive if required to have a Covid test. I know a couple of people who had tests that came up positive only to be asked to return for a second test 2 days later and they were negative. Clearly we don't have an accurate method of testing for Covid. So having a predictive model, that is already suspect, running data, that is suspect can only give 1 result in my mind. If you switch to using Deaths as the data source, there is a similar problem. currently anyone passing away within 28 days of a positive test is counted as a Covid death. so if someone tests positive and is then run over by a bus within 28 days, it's one in the box for Covid. there are very few, if any, PM's being held as they are considered dangerous so the TRUE cause of death, in a lot of cases, will not be known but this is clearly inflating the true Covid death rate. Finally it appears that from October 8th, deaths from seasonal flu are being lumped in with the figures. I would assume that can only be deaths unless the test IS picking up ANy Covid infection, which Flu is. i think the attached graph says it all and is from Gov.UK figures. It clearly shows that "Cases" are going up, (well they will if you test more), but hospital admissions and deaths aren't following the same trend.
  6. If you're going for a kit get @KiOgon to make you one. He only uses quality components and it's a no solder solution.
  7. I bought a WL534 a few weeks back for £400. It's a stunner. I've had 2 full fat Japanese ones in the past and the workmanship is every bit as good.
  8. 2 pubs in Leigh area got raided by the Police a few weeks back as they had bands on. Told to stop immediately and they would be shut down if they do it again. @Beedster, @Happy Jack a well thought out and interesting debate. I spent a large proportion of my working career in a statistics environment and know full well that you make numbers tell any story you like. I only look at the numbers NHS or ONS produce and they tell a completely different story to Government and the Media. The "scientific" approach is still using Neil Ferguson's modelling, ( I know he resigned from SAGE, but is still involved ), and this has proven to be spectacularly wrong on 5 previous occasions. We know far more about this virus than we did in March and need to change our approach, in my opinion. Factor in that seasonal flu deaths are now going to be included in the figures and there appears to be no way out of this mess currently.
  9. It looks like the simple answer is to change the jack, but if you aren't that savvy why not check the list of "basschatters who are prepared to help" and see if there is anyone near you who could do it. Personally I would change the pots as well as having had a Squier CV before, they aren't that good. Suggestion 3 is contact @KiOgon for one of his solder free looms. If you can handle a screwdriver, these are a doddle to fit. If you happen to be in the Manchester area, I'd be happy to have a look.
  10. Yep, Gee Electronics in Warrington.
  11. Just get hold of Ashdown. They will sort it. @Ashdown Engineering
  12. I presume the single wire is a screened cable. If you remove the outer covering there should be a single white wire, ( hot ), and strands of wire surrounding it which is the ground. As to passive/active that's up to you. I guess you would need to track a wiring diagram down for the pre-amp, which if it's a Fender one, should be available from their website.
  13. Eden WT550. Just plug in a play. The natural tone with everything flat is fantastic. Military engineering that is utterly bomb proof. There used to be some pictures on Eden's website of a WT550 that was in a studio fire. It looked ready for the bin. All the control knobs had melted but they switched it on and it still worked.
  14. Cracking webinar. Some really interesting/ funny/ heartwarming stories. David Garibaldi was stellar. Hope Steve Bailey was serious offering Yolanda Charles a job at Berklee. 😉
  15. This might do the job if it's a locking type.
  16. @eude is looking for one of these.
  17. The Rootmaster needs a double switch with stereo jack. The drive and sub octave are both switchable. The Hayden one is unlikely to work
  18. Other push to make, locking ones will do. Not the momentary ones, must be a locking one. This is the one I got. Only thing was it came with LED's and you need to disconnect them. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B072XHV913?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
  19. Here's the wiring diagram for an ASAT/L200/L2500. It appears that Volume and Tone (Treble) are 250K Audio and Bass is 1 Meg which might be an Anti-Log Taper, not absolutely sure. That's what's thrown up when you Google "1MC Potentiometer". ASATbass_L-2000_L2500_Wiring.pdf
  20. Thanks for the explanation.
  21. The standard "tone" control on a jazz is a treble bleed. I'm not sure what the Obsidian loom gives you different to a standard one other than better components and solder free installation. Our own @KiOgon can do you the same thing only probably a good bit cheaper than a US import. In fact he has some ready made and up for sale now. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/334251-bass-wiring-looms-for-sale/
  22. I've replaced a passive EMG tone with a BTC with no drama.
  23. Agree. In my opinion the best 2 Yes albums. I always felt the Anderson/Howe/Squire/Wakeman/Bruford line-up was the best. To me that is Yes. Alan White was a worthy replacement for Bill Bruford, but after that I lost interest.
  24. I'm sure about the Gotoh ones but the one in the link you sent, I haven't a clue, sorry. It isn't easy to figure out how that one secures. Would a message to Warwick be the best way forward?
  25. If it's similar to one of the Gotoh ones, there are small screws used in the bottom of the casing. You need to remove the hinged battery carrier to access them. The other Gotoh one has 4 external screws. I've a brand new Gotoh one I bought and never used so I'll have a quick look.
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