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Everything posted by BassBunny

  1. An absolute monster of a player. Had the pleasure of meeting him 3 years ago when TOP played in Manchester, (first time in 15 years), and he was an incredibly nice guy to talk to. Turns out that was his last tour and he only worked in the studio from then on in. Another legend gone.
  2. Stretches pretty well and only need a hairdryer if it won't play.
  3. You can add a 2nd vol pot in series with the existing, which is dead simple.
  4. A piece of car wrapping vinyl would do the job and cheap as. I'm about to do a carbon fiber wrap on a pickguard. Beauty is, if you don't like it, peel it off and start again.
  5. There is a tutor's section on BassChat. Hopefully you can find someone suitable here: https://www.basschat.co.uk/forum/26-tutors-available/
  6. Agree with @itu. Bartolini is one of the better companies for support and has wiring diagrams for all their products on-line. They are also pretty good at email responses. Any decent guitar tech should be able to sort you out once they have the wiring scheme.
  7. I'll just leave this here.
  8. It looks like an active loom by having a battery clip and 3 wires to the pick-up connectors. As to what goes where on the jack you want to use. What do A,B and C correspond to? In other words which is tip, ring and sleeve? It's easy to suss out with a multimeter.
  9. Absolutely. Stonking amps.
  10. It appears that inside the pub, ( and that may be the issue. Is a pub a music venue ), the tables were well laid out and punters were limited. Outside, however it was rammed, particularly in a car park at the rear. The guy who was appearing is a massive draw. He's a major pull on the Northern Soul scene and I guess a huge number of people wanted to see him. How you stop a Northern crowd from dancing though. 🙂
  11. Could be very interesting. Just heard from a pal of mine who got shut down tonight in Darwen. Got raided by the police. That was a solo act. At least he got paid though. 🙂
  12. Just been chatting to my window cleaner who hails from Atherton, near Leigh and he mentioned a couple of pubs had put bands on and we're visited by the boys in blue. Band told to pack up and landlords given a right bollocking with the ultimate threat of closure if they continue. Looks like bands in NW are definitely a "no no".
  13. I'd speak to Alan and see If he can help . They are made exclusively for him by John East.
  14. Don't think so. Sure this has been asked a few times on the Ashdown Amps FB page. Ping an email to Ashdown.
  15. The ACG pre-amp is a filter based one similar to that fitted to Wal's. They have a separate filter stack per pickup, active blend and a global high-pass filter.
  16. Personally I don't think the Aguilar pre-amp is an improvement on the EQ01. That said I've had 4 ACG's and still have one and have got used to how the EQ01 works. I think it is awesome. I put an East retro in my current one for a while, which was brilliant, but not as good as the 01, in my opinion. I'm also a big fan of Alan's pick-ups but managed to discuss what I wanted before the build. I find them to be incredibly transparent and maybe you just need to get your head around the 01 or speak to Alan.
  17. I've never found Alan's pickups wanting in any way. If you speak to him and tell him what you want I'm sure he can get Aaron Armstrong to sort something for you. Regarding the pre-amp, the EQ01, once you learn how it functions, is in my opinion, as good as it gets. You need to approach it in a different way to a normal cut/boost type of pre. I've got a really good guide on how to use it and if you want a copy let me know. If you have decided to change it the John East Uni-pre is awesome and the other pre-amp that Alan offers. Good luck in getting it sorted as ACG's are damn fine instruments.
  18. I've done the same. I messaged Neil via Eventbrite and he came back pretty quickly offering to refund or carry the ticket over. Decided to leave it with him as he is pretty determined that this will happen at some point. He's contacted the exhibitors and they are all on board. It's unlikely to be early 2021 though as the venue, Manchester Central, is currently a Nightingale Hospital and it's likely to remain like that for the winter in case it's needed. Neil seems very approachable so if you have any questions just contact him.
  19. Just posted in the other thread about my streaming experience last night of a Tower Of Power gig.
  20. I booked a ticket for a live stream from America of a Tower of Power/Los Lobos gig last night. It was organised by a c company who advertise it as "Concerts In Your Car" and was held at Ventura State Fare site in California. So the idea is set a stage up in the huge car park. Cars are parked a sensible distance from each other. You pay "per car" and can set up Gazebos, bring your own drinks etc. There are huge Diamond Vision screens on each side of the stage and it seemed to work perfectly. From my point of view I didn't have to get ready to go out, (watched in my pj's), queue to get in and be frisked, queue at the bar etc. etc. and from that point it was awesome. What was obviously missing was actually being able to be in the auditorium and see the artists. The stream itself was brilliant and what it lacked in artistic content it made up in being in and among the band. Is it a solution until some sort of normality returns? Possibly, TOP did 2 performances so the crowd was refreshed after the first one and the streaming aspect must work as CIC have more planned. Here's a bit of video that someone from TOP's entourage shot which shows the setup and security on patrol preventing any movement towards the stage area. Official Tower of Power Band was live.-3568839453182993.mp4
  21. I'd be inclined to look at getting the truss rod sorted first and see what the cost is likely to be compared to a new neck. Stewmac do a tool for sorting out stripped truss rods but unlikely to be of use if yours has sheared.
  22. Just done this. I used the original screws in the same holes they came out of and no problem at all. The tightened up nicely.
  23. I've got some carbon wrap that I got to wrap a mountain bike. I might pinch a bit to wrap the pickguard on mine. I can never make my mind up about the clear ones Bacchus fit.
  24. A local working men's club contacted the MU to try and get some clarity on what the situation is. Apparently there is a 5 stage roadmap and currently we are in stage 4 where music venues are allowed to open and out live acts on. WMC's are apparently classed as music venues as they generally have separate function rooms so tables can be distanced, numbers limited and details taken for track and trace. With the social distancing required for performers it really limits the options to Solos or Duo's. Pubs are not supposed to be having live music indoors as yet, outdoors is fine. I've noticed a few pubs in NW advertising Solos and DJ's and a good few that have subsequently announced they've had to cancel. One pub is apparently starting to run a Jam Night and that sounds like a recipe for disaster.
  25. I'm interested in a set of tuners if you would consider splitting.
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