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Bassman Rich

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Everything posted by Bassman Rich

  1. Thanks Bill, sorry, but I was being a bit silly at the chap saying he had nightmares about this whole thread. I have put a couple of these speakers (bought around 2010 ish ) in a pair of Ashdown compact 1x15 cabs, that are approx 41 x 49 x62 cm outside dimensions, and they sound pretty good to me. The cabs have a couple or round rear tuning ports, no idea what freq they are , but, all sounds good to me, I like a deep bassy mid heft, not much top at all... using a classic P bass with heavy strings and Ashdown ABM 500 usually to power it in a small room, them in bigger ones.
  2. So, just to recap, can I put my old Kappelite 3015 into a new, smaller cab (that fits in the boot of the car), and it'll be ok ??
  3. Is this still for sale??
  4. I had 2 of those cabs, put 4 new Fane reconed speakers in from DC Boultons off Manningham Lane in Bradford, sounded huge, even only powering it from a 50 w Marshall head. Bloody heavy though. Have you still got the front clip on cover ?? made it a lot safer to transport.
  5. I just bought an ABM 500 EVO II, to partner my ABM 500 EVO. and it sounds ok after 2 minutes, bit of crackling going on, but I think all my gear is due a contact cleaned spray.
  6. I saw you at the Donkey, you were bloody great. If you get the chance, more gigs up in Yorkshire would be great. (Shame I'm at Mudhoney/Thee Hypnotics when you play Barnsley)
  7. If the sale doesnt work out, pm me, I have a 2003 Precision, light blue r/w neck, mint condition I could trade with you
  8. I've got one almost exactly the same. Ie all the bits look the same, but mine is virtually mint, and I would never sell, it plays the best of any bass I have. The neck is wide but thin and SO resonant. Oh my case is the less useful rectangular one, a right bugger to fit in the boot, your size one fits ok!!
  9. I got a 71 P off Simon, and is still fabulous, apart from supporting Chelsea of course, he's a top geezer and great to deal with ;-)
  10. Thanks Rikki, for the comments about my bass, and Martin too, its really great that theres someone just down the road who can get you sorted with a quality job and at a decent price.
  11. When mine went, all Ashdown wanted was the money to cover an envelope and the postage, they sent me one out for a few pence (well 3 or 4 quid I think). Its pretty easy to do, just phone them up or look on their website.
  12. Thanks for all that, I found some clear epoxy glue I'd bought for a work job, and as its only a few small screw holes i'm filling am giving that a go. Once I make a bit more progress I'll put up some pics of the thing.
  13. [quote name='Manton Customs' timestamp='1489614628' post='3258454'] Yes, plastic wood is crap. Fill the screw holes with hardwood cocktail sticks to almost flush, but ever slightly below the surface. Then fill the remaining void with West System Epoxy. Don't use superglue as Nitro doesn't like it! For dents just use the epoxy, and apply masking tape over the top of the fill to hold in place. Remove the tape when dry. [/quote] Thanks for that, I'll google that stuff and get some. I'm planning to use this for the top coat (https://www.specialistpaints.com/collections/kustom-canz-kits-custom-aerosol-can-kits/products/kustom-canz-candy-kit?variant=28206879239, ie not nitro, an acrylic type paint), is there any primer/filler you would advise me to use, and ones to avoid?? Thanks for the advice so far.
  14. Filler question. I'm fitting 2 new Filtertron type pups to an old affinity squire Telecaster, glued wood blocks in the old holes, routed out new holes (thanks to Martin Dixon guitars of Otley, West Yorkshire), and am starting to fill the old scratchplate and dents with filler. I'm using plastic wood, and its ok but seems to leave a few micro size holes when I sand flat. Is there a better sort of filler I should be using?? I'm going to have a go with some custom car candy turquoise metallic paint for the top coat and no scratchplate, so the best finish I can get is quite important. TIA guys,
  15. Great looking amp, you have those skills down to a T. I tried an ampmaker se5, and it worked great first time, so I didn't learn too much, just how to follow instructions to the letter!!!
  16. [quote name='Rikki_Sixx' timestamp='1488894945' post='3252716'] There's a guy called Martin Dixon in Otley near Leeds who does things like this (or used to, I'm not sure). I've read about folks going to stay with him for a week and building a guitar/bass together, very hands-on. I don't think he has a website, but he's a lovely bloke and the stuff he produces is fantastic. Someone from this very parish has done similar and posted some contact details, worth a read if you're interested! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/206258-build-a-bass/"]http://basschat.co.u...8-build-a-bass/[/url] [/quote] I built the bass you can see in my pic there, and can vouch for Martin and his courses. He has repaired many of mine and my friends guitars over the years, and is a lovely guy (as his his wife, who kept us all very well fed during my course too)
  17. Its looking great, and thanks for the thread, very interesting. Did you ever think not to have a scratchplate and let all the glittery top shine out?? I'm starting to do a squire affinity telecaster, and bought some custom car sprays, a silver base coat and a candy tangerine top coat, so I wont have the same glittery problems as you, but my thinking is I would probably hate to cover u all the lovely orangey colour with a scratchplate, so am going to fill the screw holes in with wood filler first. If I ever get beyond routing out the new pups (going for twin Gretsch esque powertron types , actually black cats from the creamery in manchester), I'll maybe start a thread of my own.
  18. It was a while ago when I needed help, but Ashdown themselves are really good and helpful, might be worth giving them a ring??
  19. Hey Artisan, I might be able to help there. I live in Harrogate, have had a bit of GAS for a DB for ages, and have a 2003 USA Precision in virtually mint nick that I would be willing to trade for your DB. Is that of any interest? PM me or drop me an email on [email protected] . If they can put up with a learner, I might even be able to fill in your old band position on electric bass whilst I learn how to wrestle the DB into action, but I think that would be just too much of an amazing coincidence to expect it all to work out. All the best whatever, Rich
  20. John, glad you have sorted out the position, could you amend the heading to position sorted if you have got it done? Ps I'm Rich, ex Colours of Black!!!!!!!!
  21. Brilliant amps, and even better value for the money. I bought the 500 Watt ABM 1x15 combo in approx 2003, which has been ultra reliable and great sounding, but was just short of £900. !!!!!!!!!!
  22. I played a black one at the fender factory after a tour, and as a P man, was very pleasantly surprised, it was really really good. Obv helped by the big bassman valve head and 8x10 on pretty much full bely rumbling volume!!
  23. FYI I bought a 'polar white' one of these from Scheerers in Leeds in 1982, £428 with a non original case. God knows what £428 would be in todays money, but a pint was about 70p IIRC then !!! My first 'proper' bass, and served me well for ages, (still got it too). Nice bases and much underrated. Good luck with the sale.
  24. Beautiful bass. I have the MC 924 from the same year, really well built basses with a very full wide variety of sounds, can be used for most types of music. If I didn't have a shed load of basses I'd be all over this like a rash!!
  25. I have a white (turned a kind of vintage yellow like the one above) but maple neck. Its a pretty wide nut 1 3/4 ", sounds fantastic, great fast low action, but loads of growl. This is my favourite compared to a 71 P and a 2003 'USA standard. Great basses, don't sell, you will regret it.
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