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Bassman Rich

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Everything posted by Bassman Rich

  1. I love the look of rippers (my 74 natural gets a run out every now and then), great project, looking forward to the finished pics.
  2. Pm'd details, to protect the innocent.
  3. I have a line 6 g50, and apart from only having it 2 years, my experience is exactly what JPJ said above!! I did notice a slight delay when about 25 yds from the stage, but that could have been the sound from the amp to me rather than the bass guitar signal to the receiver, but no problem on most normal stages.
  4. Hi all, [url="http://www.therocketeers.co.uk"]www.therocketeers.co.uk[/url] play the Blues Bar this friday, free in, great real ale, and lots of full on rock n roll thrills n spills.
  5. Thanks for that, i'm a bit worried that it looks to boost the treble and cut the bass, but if it worked for you, I guess I can always eq that to my taste, which is usually a hunk of bass and low mids and cutting the top a bit. IE Gut rattling boomabooma sounding bass ;-) Bare Knuckles here I come
  6. Thanks again to all for their input, its again a heartwarming thing there are lots of people out there who a) know more than me about this subject (not hard) and take the time and effort with suggestions. @Beerofthebass, Good, wise words, I guess i'll just sell it rather than butcher it, rendering it useless, ta. @Brensabre79, I'd not even heard of those type of pickups, so if all the 'traditional' routes fail, might go that way, thanks fot the Bareknuckle suggestion though, again good ideas... @BurrittoBass I'm surprised about your blueflower one, maybe I just need different guage strings, I tend to go for Ernie Ball power slinkies 55-75-90-110, might try some old ones just to experiment, and re fit the original compensated/staggered polepiece pickup which at least was more even. and go from there. Thanks again all.
  7. [indent=1]Thanks for the input, but I can't see a 6 string guitar pup working too well for a 4 string bass, looks like I will have to get my tools out and adjust the pole pieces myself, now wheres that big hammer [/indent]
  8. I have a Pink Paisley 68 Japan Reissue P bass, it plays fantastically well, but the stock pickup is a bit lacking compared to my other split coil 'standard' P basses, also, as the strings are 'curved' to match the curve of the frets and ensure a low and equal action across the neck (I think its a 9 inch radius but not certain), and the single coil is esentially flat from the E polepiece to the G one, the E and G strings are much louder than the A or D strings. I have tried a Seymore Duncan SCPB-3, and it has a slightly fuller sound, but is even worse in terms of even string volume as the polepieces are not even compensated like the stock Japan pup. Help!!!??? Ps I was just about to go to Wizard for a custom one, and he's gone and retired.
  9. [size=4]Just searched for the wizard pickups site, and got this, bugger, but good luck to him!![/size] [b] You've missed us sorry![/b] After the best part of 20 years, Wizard Pickups Ltd is closing; The Pickup Wizard is hanging up his wand. Actually he's retiring and moving closer to the coast and his boat, maybe, just maybe, he'll fulfill his dream of taking it round the UK. If you wanted to be a customer sorry, if you were a customer a big thank you. Best of luck to you all [b] Wizard[/b]
  10. I'm off to a new years do in Harrogate with a live band, the bassist better be sh*t hot, I'll be giving him the evil eye after all this!!! ;-)
  11. Deep Valley, best band without a bassist since, erm The Black Keys/The Doors??
  12. Just bought a 1971 Precision off Simon, an absolute Gent from start to finish, great communications, he packaged it better than any shop has ever done, delivered it next day, put my particular brand and guage of strings on, and even sourced a vintage correct screw for me, all at his own expense. Thanks Si, I have no hesitation recommending you to anyone who wants a great guitar and a flawless purchase.
  13. [i]This should really be in another section (I think, I have seen guitar speakers in the any other...bit) and you might get more response for it there. Maybe check with the mods ???[/i] [i]BTW Nice speaker, great in a champ type combo[/i]
  14. This is one nice bass, I played it when we traded amps a while back. If it was the gold one, it would be mine!!. Oh, and Omikin is a thoroughly decent geezer too, so have a pre ebay bump from me.
  15. Great looking bass, I have a same ers made in japan 1983 MC924 in polar white, and that is really well built, fantastic neck and sound, so this one should be too, great bass and astonishingly low price for such a beauty. If I didnt already have 3 or 4 too many it would be mine....
  16. That is a great looking bass, and if I didnt have a 2003 one in Light blue, would have it. Its amazing that these fantastic sounding and playing basses can be had for such a low price, I know I thought about selling or trading mine but once I got it out of the case, photographed it with all the case candy etc just couldnt do it!!
  17. Ps thanks for all the support and good wishes, its a bit daunting being the first one, but as I spent 3 years studying electronics and fix medical electronic stuff as a job, if I can't do it, it really is a rum bloody do as they say. I recently biassed said Marshall VBA, it was really funny when I had to run a 1khz signal through it at 30 volts output (into my two 1x15s as I dont have a dummy load), and make various adjustments. The mrs was on a work phonecall (I didn't hear it come through) and had to run down stairs closing a bedroom, hall and kitchen door, and still couldn't hear herself on the call, so ran out into the back garden. Fortunately it was another engineer on the phone, so they were understanding!!
  18. I've already got a small valve bass amp. Its a [size=1]marshall vba [/size] [size=4]Sorry I'll get me coat........[/size]
  19. You can come and see how to be a 48 year old never made it big has been playing the pub circuit life of a bassist if you like, at one of our gigs in Wakey , Band is called Creme Brulle and its a sh*t business. Ooops sorry, just joking, ask if you really do wanna see our january wakey gig!!
  20. Hi all, Happy New Year. The mrs very kindly got me a 5 watt all valve amp kit to keep my busy for a few hours and stop venturing into the kitchen for turkey, sausages, mince pies and chocolates. More updates as I progress, don't hold your breath though, jobs round here take ages. ps its an se5a from ampbuilder of ipswich.
  21. My 83 usa P bass has a screw in that position (just below the g string, halfway between the pups and the neck), countersunk like the rest holding the white single ply pickguard on (15 in total). Oh and no thumbrest, surely when playing fingerstyle thats what the top of the bass pup is for?
  22. Use two 1x15s, then it looks and sounds like a stack for those big stages and need to 'look loud' occasions, but just one for those tiny back street pub stages that I play when you are all squeezed up. Our next gig stage is so small the 5 piece band assemble like a 5 a side team, drummer (goalkeeper) at the back, and then 2 defenders, 2 attackers
  23. Hello all, I've got one just like the Maple necked one at Normans, but like some suggest here, there is an additional screw in the center of the (all white single ply) pick guard on mine like on Huttons photo. However, these are fantastic basses, and if I didnt have mine, and I'd seen that one on ebay I would have paid £700 for it, so lets just see if this goes for what its advertised for, if its anything like mine its a keeper. ps. Is this one a wide 45mm width nut like mine, I find it easier to play like that, but some prefer the standard 43 mm ones ?
  24. Just passed the details of this on to my mate who is after a 175 or 175T. Myself, I can't imagine anything sadder than listing such a beautilful guitar for sale on Christmas Day, unless of course you recieved a 1959 LP from santa.... Happy Christmas bump anyway, and good luck with the sale.
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