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Bassman Rich

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Everything posted by Bassman Rich

  1. [quote name='Bassman Rich' timestamp='1264006534' post='719250'] Bought a Fulltone bass drive from Alex today, and his service is exemplary, from paypalling the money at 7pm Sunday night, he had it boxed in fantastic packaging (brown packing paper/strong cardboard box/polystyrene filler/original fulltone box/bubble wrap/pedal)!!!! It was then posted the next day, email sent with full tracking link and details, and arrived as I requested 48 hours later, well in time for rehearsal and gig this week. I haven't had any better service from any retailer, and would obviously recommend him. [/quote] And forgot to mention, he's a top bloke to deal with and chat to too.
  2. I bought a cab off Ed yesterday, great prompt communications, descriptions, photos and price all good, and above all a really nice friendly guy to deal with and talk to. I arrived half an hour early, just to make sure I was not going to be delayed by traffic etc, and guess what, so did he!!, we then chatted for ages so I was still only just on time for my band rehearsal later in the evening. Thanks Ed, top bloke.
  3. Hi everyone. Well, after people on here were so helpful suggesting a replacement speaker for my Ashdown 1 x 15 cab (Eminence 3015) which is now absolutely fantastic sounding, I thought I'd consult the oracle and ask for suitable 10s replacements. The original Marshall 4 x 10 is internally 58.5cm x 58.5 cm x approx 29cm, and has a 10.5cm circular front port (porthole??!!), the speakers are celestions, 100 watt rating, 8 ohms. I was hoping to keep the same 8 ohms, but up the rating so my Ashdown ABM 500 doesnt blow it again, when used on its own, sometimes we play places with no PA support for the bass, so have to run pretty much near full on before amp distortion (probably around half way or just over, 12 o clock on the dial). Any suggestions? It sounds great using a 1x15 with the 4 x 10, but I'd rather not have to lug 2 cabs about, maybe buying 4 new speakers is throwing good money after bad, and I should just get a different cab altogether?? Confused of Yorkshire... Ps I play classic dirty rock n roll, think mainly a warm fuzzy bottom end with a thick low down punch, punchy mids and a bit of top just to cut through now and then.
  4. I used to have 2 of the HH BL215's, the ones with the small ports at the side (they stood up, one driver above the other) and had a clip on front wooden cover. They originally had some really naff sounding 30 watt (prob the bees knees at the time) celestion drivers in, which I swapped out for some of unknown make (probably Fane) 100 watters from DC Boulton, just off maningham lane in Bradford around 1985, I thought they sounded great, never had any difficulty keeping up with loud drummers and marshall stacks, using only a 50 watt Marshall valve amp
  5. This sounds great, pics please
  6. [quote name='blunderthumbs' post='1346129' date='Aug 20 2011, 09:59 AM']I am genuinely interested in this cab as I'm downsizing from the larger Abm 1x15 8ohm version. Please could you respond to my email Thanks. [/quote] Hi there, I might be interested in the larger cab you are about to replace, could you sent me the size and a pic if possible, maybe we culd all do a deal? ps Is it 8 ohms? Rich
  7. These days, I have more problems following through than cutting through..
  8. Well, aint that strange, maybe Ive got a loud abm, or a quiet orange? The abm easy keeps up with a drummer, volume on about half through an old marshall 4 x 10, guitarist thru a fender de ville, but all these things are pretty subjective, however, in all the years i've been playing, I've never heard it said 'that bassists a bit quiet, isnt he?'
  9. I must disagree, I think the Ashdown ABM 500 is louder, more 'expensive sounding', with more variable tone, and just nicer all round, but mine is a series 1, I think its an early one as there is no serial number on it, or maybe they just had a forgetful friday. The orange is great as an easy to carry, lightweight thing, and sure nails 'that' tone, but the eq is pretty weak if you prefer something even slightly different from the flat stock tone. That said, unless someone makes me a silly offer for the terror, i'm keeping both. BTW, I have done a bit of bass recording for a mate who has a pro studio for film scores, ads, pc games etc, and he really likes a usa P, through the abm 500, and then di'd into the desk!! Maybe its all in the fingers, or just that I come very cheap...
  10. Hi there Si, Don't suppose you fancy an Orange Terror 500 watt bass amp and/or a 2003 USA P bass (light blue, r/w fingerboard) going your way to sweeten the deal, ie leave me with a bit less dosh to give you!! Nice nass you have there Rich
  11. I have an Orange Bass Terror, 500 watt one I would like to trade, is it still available?
  12. Hello Bit of a long shot type punt, but don't suppose you're wanting either a 2003 USA P bass (mint nick, light blue body, Rosewood f/ or an Orange Tiny Terror 500 watt bass amp as a trade do you, I only want the 1 x 15, (but could be persuaded if I try the 4 x 8 and get GAS ;-), so a bit of cash would have to come my way as well. I come down to Coventry every now and then, so transport isn't an issue, let me know either way, if no, then good luck with the sale Rich
  13. I used to use 2 of those cabs, with fane 1oo watt speakers fitted (I got 4 for £80 from DC Boultons in Bradford in the early 80s), and a marshall 50 watt valve head, biggest heaviest sound from a 50 watter I ever heard, and 1 cab fitted in the boot of a triumph spitfire with the boot lid open!!!!
  14. Hi I recently (about 9 months ago) left my last band [url="http://www.myspace.com/idlemaestro"]http://www.myspace.com/idlemaestro[/url], due to them being 19/27 and wanting to go for it 2/3 days a week, wheras i'm in my 40s and just really looking for once a week, twice at a push every now and then. Check out some songs, its me on the basslines from the studio recordings. We played dirty rockin blues tunes, bit like White Stripes or Black Keys with a bass, your stuff sounds just the ticket, are you after the whole dressing up Johnny Thunders waysted look, or just a bit of a chubby 40 year old bloke who plays solid, hard steady but dancable rocking basslines? I'm def the second!!! [email protected]
  15. Nice bass, I have a 1980s usa one with 45 mm nut spacing, its great for those dark sweaty stages where the fingers go all over the place, plenty of space for slob hand sloppyness and still hitting the note. If I didnt have too many basses already I'd snap this up
  16. [quote name='Clarky' post='860101' date='Jun 7 2010, 05:22 PM']Bit out of order to hijack someone's FS thread IMHO. Set up your own FS thread mate![/quote] Sorry. you are right, I'll delete it. I only meant to msg college, whose just up the road.....
  17. I'm keen to see the pictures too, do you know what wood (eg Marine ply, 12mmm) the cabs are made of?
  18. Hiya Would you be interested in a swap with my Orange Bass Terror and a few quid for the head, not sure about the cab, would have to try it against my 15" speakers Rich
  19. Hiya Is the 1x 15 the same size as the compact or deep abm cab, and is it felt or vinyl? It looks like just what i'm after, and may be in Durham friday, so deal for that may be on if its similar in size to my vinyl ABM 500 1 x 15 combo, Rich Ps try me on [email protected] if i've not replied by Friday am
  20. Hi there Sorry to be a pain, is the cab you've got still available, (the 1 x 15) a felt or vinyl covered one, and what are the dimensions. I'm down in nuneaton this weekend, so not too far to come and pick it up if the dimensions match the cab I want to sit on top of it!!! Rich
  21. Job Done I fitted 2 new electro harmonics 5751 gold valves, and things are now much better, deeper bass, slightly less distorted (still grinds and drives like a gravelly bastard if required). And putting the 1 x 15 cab on the floor increased the bass response too So thanks for all replies Rich
  22. I did this very thing, Ashdown sold me a sleeve for £75 I think, make sure you specify the dimensions, as there are a few different size sleeves available, also ask for 4 plugs to cover the screw holes up. As has been said before, fitting is easy, just the 4 screws. The speaker outs are one speakon, one 1/4 inch jack (on my series1), so no real issues there. For what its worth, Ashdown were really helpful and pleasant to deal with, and its not often you can say that about major companies these days.
  23. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='806709' date='Apr 14 2010, 11:29 PM']You could try a 5751 in V1, but you'd lose a little volume.... G.[/quote] Thats a good call, theres certainly no lack of gain or volume, I might give that a go when I get the time. Ps I tried it through Retromans Ampeg 6 x 10, and the bass response was pretty much the same as through my own cabs, he turned it down for him, I turned it up for me
  24. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='806819' date='Apr 15 2010, 08:57 AM']I'm baffled. Mine's got more bass than a dancehall soundsystem. Even through a 2x10. Maybe it's faulty?[/quote] Well, I tried two in the shop, both were pretty much identical. And its not that it hasn't any bass, just on a control that boosts from 0-5, I want 5.5 to 6!! Maybe its just me
  25. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='806331' date='Apr 14 2010, 06:01 PM']Slap an EQ pedal in front (or in the loop if it has one?). You could try changing the pre and power valves - talk to a decent valve supplier about what they have that will darken the tone. You could try Watford valves if you're wealthy, Hotrox or someone like Eurotubes in the US. There's always components that can be changed in the amp to alter the tone, but it rather defeats the objective of buying an Orange if you want to do that. Much better to just sell it and buy something with a tone you like better.[/quote] Wow, quick responses, just got back to the PC after my tea!! Thanks for all comments. 'Ancient Mariner' , The tone is pretty much there, like 8 or 9 out of 10, just after a little bit more bass. (I have the settings on Treble 0 (ie neither cut nor boost), middle, 9 o clock (about 3/5 cut) bass 5 o clock (5/5 boost). As an electronic enginner, I'd prefer to change a resistor or two, and using a different valve, rather than add extra eq to my chain, the whole reason for using the little orange is for ease of transport , not carrying loads of leads, pedals etc. Delberthot. Yes i'm serious!!! I usually use an Ashdown 1 x 15 cab, (early series 1, not the deep version, speaker replaced with Eminence 3015 400 watt), which is deep, smooth and punchy with my Ashdown ABM 500 head. I'm also pairing it with a Marshall 4 x 10 400 watt jubilee cab in parallel to get a 4 ohm load, and again, sounds great with the ashdown. Its nearly there, just prefer to have say bass set on 5.5 out of 6, rather than all the way up. Just as an aside, years ago (early 80s), I used a 50 w valve marshall artiste head, sort of clean deep tone with a bit of reverb!!! (Roger waters ish), paired with two HH 2 x 15s gave a big big sound, but a nightmare to lug around, could only get one at once in a sierra estate!! As you can see above, when we started playing in our 3 piece band, I cut a bit of my middle out, and our guitarist cut some bass out of his sound to avoid overlapping, and although individually each bass or guitar sounds perhaps not as full as you would like, together the 'sonic pallate' (I know it sounds w***y, but couldn't think of another word) really blends well. As you can all guess, i'm most definately an 'old school' bassman Waterboarder. Thanks for that, I tended to have the passive/active button pressed in to 'active' as even at 9 o clock gain settings, was getting a bit too dirty for me when needing a cleaner sound All. Link to our band myspace, recorded direct and miked up 1 x 15 cab blended bass signal, so you can hear what a racket we make. [url="http://www.myspace.com/idlemaestro"]http://www.myspace.com/idlemaestro[/url]
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