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Everything posted by Snakeman1066

  1. So last Saturday we played a bit of a Doomed Set.... [u][b]Back Story:[/b][/u] This promoter shoots me an E-mail and says he wants us to play this festival in a town roughly two hours down the road, big diverse line-up 17 bands.... so after hashing a few details we agree a few days before the show i e-mail him back to make sure we are still a go and everyting is still a go... we are supposed to take the stage at 8:00 p.m. and bands were supposed to be playing from 2:00 p.m. on.... so we roll into the parking lot and guess what? nobody there.... so i get out go in and ask the bartender what's up....he says, "Didn't somebody call you? plans have all changed....you still go on at 8:00 but your the opening act.... Apparently the guy that booked the club backed out the night before, and the lead singer of the headlining band took the show over.... so we unload, set up and lo and behold 15 minutes before we are supposed to start the Lead singer of the headlining band shows up with his drummer and asks us what kind of music we play? to which i respond "Stoner" (Imagine Sabbath Meets Floyd with a bit of the blues thrown in for good measure) and he's all like well all the other bands cancelled and i booked a bunch of Speed and Death Metal Bands (17 down to 7 and only 5 showed including us) that and the sound guy didn't know what to do with us...lol and the show was a total sausage fest! well we played anyway... and quickly got off the stage... long story short the venue owner invited us back....and only us...so i guess it turned out ok in the End
  2. Still got her mate! Just not digging her clean tone.... here in the U.S. the split pick guard is less desireable to collectors than the one piece models......so they tend to be less expensive than the other models
  3. Try to answer each one.... Sorry Zoe....Fellas is a general term 'round here....and i can see you not a fella....and quite adorable if i am allowed to say so....dig the labret piercing...have one myself....would it have been better if i typed Y'all? Um I'm Very Close to Dallas Texas in the Eastern middle part of the state actually i find the best Milk Chocolate comes from Switzerland.....though i had some of that chocolate that was supposedly made for the Queen last trip around and it was very good........but I'm a sucker for the uber dark stuff!....could really go for some Smarties and Jelly Babies though! as to the weather i would much rather be in the dismal rain than the 105 degree oven we have here at the moment! you guys have any idea how hard it is to Find Beamish, Murphy's or Newcastle here? nigh impossible! got hooked while i was there last i think that covers them all!
  4. I wanted one for nigh on 30 years now.....and finally snagged one on the cheap about 2 months ago.... I have no issue with the neck (as i mostly play 5 string) the binding on the body is a bit uncomfortable but not a major issue.... here is my issue however.....while i absolutely love this bass distorted (main reason I bought it to Cop a Geddy like tone, well that and the stereo output), i cannot for the life of me find a clean tone i can live with out of her.... so IMHO you want a Ric make sure you play one first! she is a 1980 Mapleglo Ric 4003
  5. Thanks for the welcome fellas
  6. nothing exotic here.....but it gets the job done
  7. I thought Limey was a negative term? anyway love the U.K. been there many times love the country side ! however hate the food..lol love the beer! I figure the low end is the same no matter what country....thanks for the reply
  8. Traben Player here!
  9. Hey everyone just discovered the U.K. version of Talk Bass....so i thought I would pop in and see how different things were here....
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