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Everything posted by Bankai

  1. As far as I'm aware, it's down to the new version of software. On this new version there isn't a subtitle option, instead you 'tag' your post with the appropriate phrases. For example if I was selling an Orange SP210. I'd enter orange cab bass 2x10 sp210 tiny rig (Making sure to press enter in between each word) Makes it easier for people to find what they want in searches.
  2. I like. I did a comparison with the ashdown 115 cab I also have, and although the 115 unsurprisingly performed a bit better on that B, the SP210 was by no means poor! It sounds the same, if not better than the other 210 cabs I've had.
  3. This has snuck up on me as I didn't realise it was tomorrow! And guess who put themselves down to work
  4. I have a 5 string but haven't used it with this cab before. I'll give it a go and let you know!
  5. Recommendation here for the Q3HD if you want the same but with the addition of HD quality video!
  6. Oh my. I wouldn't use it as a snowboard, or a bass!
  7. [quote name='jackers' timestamp='1316533653' post='1379327'] is that my old p bass i spy there alex? [/quote] Certainly is! It went in for a full service and cleanup, and it's very fun I wouldn't sell it unless it was my only option to get money for something I needed!
  8. Small eh? I have a perfect condition Orange SP210 up for grabs. It's really tiny, it's orange, and it's 600W. Would give you it and some cash on top if that suits?
  9. [quote name='Shire' timestamp='1316363487' post='1376938'] so I think [b]£385 collected from Oxford[/b] is fair although I might be at the Surrey bass bash next weekend if you want to collect it from there [/quote] I like this plan.. Must first make sure I can get to the bash as well!
  10. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1375898' date='Sep 16 2011, 08:15 PM']ok spill the beans now for pete sake! [/quote] The reason for the name changes was because in recent months fender have been bringing lawsuits against a lot of german bass manufacturers for patent infringement and the like. They infact actually got 3 closed down. Therefore, Sandberg changed their model names as a precautionary move for fear of being another victim.
  11. Sandberg in general as well as talking about the reason behind the model name changes, and also the PM4
  12. After the big day we had yesterday we were out for a meal (us being the GG Epsom staff and a few of the company directors). About half an hour into the meal I started having a chat to the guy sitting opposite me. Turns out he didn't work for GG, but was in fact MD of Sandberg in the UK. Needless to say, we had a good chat
  13. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' post='1374026' date='Sep 15 2011, 08:20 AM']Did you mean "Paisley Freight"?[/quote] That's the one
  14. [quote name='silddx' post='1373961' date='Sep 15 2011, 12:54 AM']Yeah, bye![/quote] I meant "I'll see you then (when you come in)". Not Goodbye! Although I have a feeling you know and you're just some kind of wind up merchant....
  15. Anyone who has had to send an amp will know that companies will charge a lot due to weight, take 3 days to send it, and also not insure it or accept any liability, even if they smash it to pieces. I needed to send an amp I'd bought (Ampeg SVT) and found Paisley Shipping. They shipped it, door to door on next day delivery for £15. Insured. Unbelievable. Fully recommended. I don't know a single other courier that'll carry amps insured. Nor do it for so cheap and fast. They'll also send a guitar/bass door to door for a flat rate of £10.
  16. I just shipped an Ampeg head using Paisley Shipping. Companies like parcelfarce etc. have an exception in their insurance/liability that says musical amplifiers aren't covered at all, even if it gets smashed to pieces. In fact, I never found a single company that didn't have that rule. Which kind of makes it a bit lucrative sending amps with them as the moment something goes wrong, even if they're to blame, there's nothing you can do. That was until I found Paisley. They have a list of items that are excluded from insurance/liability. But amps aren't one. They'll cover it fully insured, door to door. And next day delivery will cost less than £20 for your AD200. I fully recommend them to anybody wanting to send an amp head. Cheap, quick and actually responsible!
  17. I just shipped an Ampeg head using Paisley Shipping. Companies like parcelfarce etc. have an exception in their insurance/liability that says musical amplifiers aren't covered at all, even if it gets smashed to pieces. In fact, I never found a single company that didn't have that rule. Which kind of makes it a bit lucrative sending amps with them as the moment something goes wrong, even if they're to blame, there's nothing you can do. That was until I found Paisley. They have a list of items that are excluded from insurance/liability. But amps aren't one. They'll cover it fully insured, door to door. And next day delivery will cost less than £20 for your AD200. A massive recommendation for them, to anybody wanting to send an amp head.
  18. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1368838' date='Sep 10 2011, 07:46 PM']Oh and it was nice to catch up with Bankai (Martin? not sure)[/quote] Nice to see you in again. It's Alex I'm sadly still not full-time there. It's a bit of a shame, all of their other staff are guitar salespersons, I'm the only one who is a bass man, and I'm also supposed to be the hi-tech (PA/Recording/Sound) salesmen, but I'm only part-time. It really should be the other way round, having one of the guitar people part-time and me in full-time so when someone comes in for bass/sound, I can be there to help, rather than one of the guitarists having to improvise.
  19. [quote name='silddx' post='1373662' date='Sep 14 2011, 08:21 PM']Do you? I looked, and found nowt in the internet. What are they mate?[/quote] [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars.asp?brandname=Sandberg"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...ndname=Sandberg[/url] The PM in tobacco is the one we both really like. All three are in store in Epsom (unless for some reason they've been transferred in the past two days when I've been off). I'm working tomorrow (Thursday), Saturday and Sunday this week. Let me know if you are coming in. This Thursday we also have SLASH (AMAGAD) coming in store!
  20. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1373661' date='Sep 14 2011, 08:17 PM']Yeah and who pointed it out to you?[/quote] You may take credit! I'd been dedicating all my playing time to having a go on that rickenbacker! Although I'm very happy to have found a new love
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