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Everything posted by Bankai

  1. I have replied on your other thread. Trade/sell/buy. The whole world of possibilities awaits you!
  2. Have a Ashdown LG350 head and 210T Deep cab on offer. Not the blue line speakers either.
  3. It'll be down to the compression I'd expect.
  4. Hello. New band started up. Have the two guitarists and drummer but need a bassist to complete the lineup. Looking for a competent player to play a mixture of covers and originals from bands such as Led Zeppelin and Thin Lizzy as well as more modern rock such as Muse. We're all students at the university so would ideally be looking for a fellow student but anybody in the same age range would be welcome. 18+ only.
  5. Hello. Rather than using a seperate overdrive unit, I've been experimenting with doing it the old fashioned way. By putting the input gain up on the little giant and fiddling the EQ I'm getting a very nice overdriven tone. My question is though, will I cause damage to the preamp (or any other section) by overdriving it in this way? I'm using a compressor in the FX loop between the preamp and power stages so there's no danger to that from loud volumes. I'm just worried it might cause internal damage elsewhere? Will the clipping/overdriving damage it?
  6. Surely if we're saying the Electric Bass Guitar is a derivitive of the Double Bass (which it is). Maybe the Guitar is a child of the Chello?
  7. Pick up a little giant head. It won't cost you more than £150/200. If you like it, keep it. If not, pass it on... You can get very nice deep tones from it! It may not match some of the more upmarket rigs, but it's certainly worth considering
  8. I use a rackmount compressor in my rig both live and in the studio. The FX Send of the amp goes to the first compressor which is set as a limiter at +10dB. This runs into the second one which is set as at 2:1 above 0dB. I've been getting very good comments about the sound it's creating
  9. I'd say it's because it's bigger. It's also why I play with the strap at it's longest..
  10. I have a feeling that probably 90% of the people who clicked on this post are probably not over 18! It's just the title, it draws them in...
  11. Bankai

    Boss ME50b

    An interesting thing it does is if you use Octave Up on the first pedal combined with an Overdrive/Distortion on the second, it'll only put the effect on the higher signal and will leave the normal signal clean underneath My favourite effect is Muff Fuzz. Try it with both the Tone/Cutoff and D.Level/Resonance knobs turned to full and the Drive/Sens a little over half way. Awesomezorz.
  12. I have a HTC Hero and when I got it I spent quite a long time trawling the App Marketplace looking for cool apps. I found many that are awesome but I thought I'd mention this one as it's relevant to us all. It's called gStrings. [url="http://www.cohortor.org/gstrings"]http://www.cohortor.org/gstrings[/url] A full chromatic tuner that just uses the built in mic on the phone. Probably would work better on Guitars but I've not had any problems using it on my bass. If you've got an Android phone, I highly recommend it. What's more, it's free as well! Search for it on the marketplace, you won't be dissapointed...
  13. Native Tongue in Epsom defines the phrase 'Small Venue'. Play there, you'll understand
  14. Although I was originally planning on attending, it looks like I won't be able to make it due to the placement of exams either side of the weekend
  15. I started playing with picks, but I now play with fingers.
  16. On mine the pickup poles are flush with the pickup body on the E and G strings (normal on A and D). I thought they were all like this or has mine had something done?
  17. Am I allowed to say I don't like the drumming?
  18. Although the guitar in that starter pack does look all nice and shiny like Sorry to rain on your post...
  19. When I started playing bass last year I purposefully didn't want to buy a starter instrument. That meant Encores, Squiers etc. They were all out as far as I was concerned. The reasons for this came from my drumming. I've been drumming over a decade and my first kit was a 1960s beauty. It was worn, it wasn't the best, but the quality was there and that made me want to play. I've seen so many people start the instrument, buy a cheap kit (CB, Percussion Pro etc.) and then get disenchanted with it, and subsequently playing drums at all due to dissatisfaction. And I'm not suprised they do when they have something like that as their introduction. Toneless, hard to play and poor quality. As such, when I decided I'd have a go at playing bass, I'd go out searching for a good piece of kit second hand. In the end I bought a Shine Extreme Series 845, not the best some might say (well, it isn't!) but it's a damn sight better than some starter kit that one could purchase off of eBay for a similiar price. I loved it, I loved the intrument and more importantly, I've stuck with it. So here I am, a year down the line, now with a Fender Jazz and an Ashdown half-stack. My message to parents out there, considering purchasing an instrument for a budding musician (or any older budding musicians who are purchasing for themselves) is to buy second hand. What you get might be a bit road worn but what you/they'll get out if it will make it worth it!
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