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Everything posted by Bankai

  1. Aye, there were a few mistakes. The most noticable of which was blamed on me for doing 'what sounded like a fill' I got my first drum kit at 8 so have been playing a few years. As for bass, I've been playing a little over a year so I'm only just starting out. We're playing again on wednesday night hopefully (first time since november). I'll get the video up afterwards. I'm playing bass for one song and drums for another P.S. No guitar sadly, well not yet anyway...
  2. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RARE-FENDER-1963-6-STRING-BASS-OWNED-BY-THE-HOLLIES_W0QQitemZ170460556805QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item27b03dae05"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RARE-FENDER-1963-6-S...=item27b03dae05[/url] Anyone a fan?
  3. Ok. Well referring back to the actual amp head. If it was a 200W amp (as is the case here) and was being run at full power. Presuming that the signal being fed into the power amp is 0dB, it'd be hitting the RMS bang on. Any fluctuation over 0dB would be more than the 200W RMS? Or is this not the case? You see the signal coming from my preamp into the power section is usually hitting 10dB on the beat so I'm worried that if I'm running the amp at full it'd be hitting higher than 200W, thus maybe damaging the speaker?
  4. Any thoughts? We'll be playing again next wednesday probably. This time I'll be recording properly (10 channels) rather than just condensor mics at the back
  5. I'd wanted to stick this up for a while but always forgot. Anyway, this is our performance of Crazy Train. We're not actually a band, just a group of friends who play together every few months However, in this video, I'm on drums instead of bass Recorded using a HD Camcorder for video and 2x Condenser Mics for audio.
  6. You are, yet I can't see a poll on this one? EDIT: Now I can
  7. Can't vote on it seeing as I've already voted on the date. Anybody else who voted on the date will have the same problem as I
  8. [quote name='bumnote' post='778343' date='Mar 18 2010, 10:07 AM']thats pretty nifty My guitarist is over to the states tomorrow for a week so i thought I would get him to bring me back some strings and a new tuner. Looking on the Sam ash site the prices even with no shipping and [coughs] assuming he goes through the nothing to declare isle, the prices are not much cheaper than whats on e bay in the uk I suspect that where the pound is down at 1.48 ish importing is not going to be that attractive[/quote] It is a shame. When I went to the USA back in 2007 I went to Sam Ash to get my new cymbals. In the UK they would have been £260 and £280 each. In the US they were $210 and $220. Bearing in mind the 2:1 exchange rate they pretty much worked out at £220 for the pair
  9. Well basically I've started using a limiter in the FX loop and currently have it set to cut at +10dB. It's not there for sound quality it's to safeguard the amp/cab against my (or far more likely someone else's) clumsy fingers. Amp is running around about 200wts RMS into 8 Ohms (Little Giant 350). The cab is 8 Ohms and is rated 200wts RMS. Is having the limiter at 10dB too high to prevent excessive/dangerous volumes or is it too low?
  10. Passive I'd say. Although, try it in both and use whatever sounds better to you.
  11. I'm going to be using a dual/stereo comp. One channel is set to work as a limiter, basically to protect the speakers. The second channel will be running gentle compression just to make the playing sound more rounded.
  12. I have a MAG210T. Previously they were made with the blueline speakers but they're now made with upgraded speakers. I have no problem with low-end. Plenty of it to be had providing you use your EQ right
  13. [quote name='Stingray5' post='774792' date='Mar 14 2010, 11:11 PM']Didn't the band break up when they all moved up to secondary school? [/quote] They would have been Year 9 (Aged 14) when that was done. They broke up a couple of years after that. The bassist left and was replaced but it wasn't quite the same so they dissapeared.
  14. [quote name='OldGit' post='774269' date='Mar 14 2010, 01:16 PM']Compare and contrast: Jimmy Page even strums chords in a Big Show kinda way....[/quote] How about a cover of that one? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBDuExiVYTI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBDuExiVYTI[/url] What do ye think of them?
  15. I'd suggest asking the previous owner. If they're his settings you can bet that he'll never forget them!
  16. Open string. The lowest (note wise) string should be an E and then in order the others should read as an A, D, G. Make sure to play them notes gently
  17. [quote name='MIJ-VI' post='767898' date='Mar 8 2010, 01:10 PM']Here's some guy playing cello on bass: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WMO0nJRWAM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WMO0nJRWAM[/url][/quote] That to me sounds much more talented and good than the video in the OP.
  18. How could nobody notice something like that
  19. Just ordered a rackmount flightcase for the head and a dbx166 compressor and a dt1000 tuner to join it
  20. Only just saw your post I've now bought a dbx166 second hand off eBay for £50.
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