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Everything posted by Bankai

  1. I live in Surrey so I'm a bit far away to pop up for a chat unfortunately. As for letting the drummer decide, I've been playing drums since '99, bass since '09. I do both I'll have a look at those and get back to you, Thanks!
  2. I take a good mid ground. I don't buy cheapy cables, but I don't go spending £40 on one either! £10/15 is just about bearable for me
  3. I'm looking for a complete rig. I've got a budget of £500, wouldn't mind spending less but I can go higher as well. Could you please recommend something of yours for my budget. The lightest songs I play are ones from bands like The Hives and I tend to do heavier stuff like Arch Enemy.
  4. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='750093' date='Feb 18 2010, 07:15 PM']Unless you fancy a Harte-branded footstool![/quote] Put a price on it and I'll buy it! Ok, thanks for the help, I've asked about the speaker and will post up when I've got a response. I'm always looking around on the forum here as well to try and find something else that'd be suitable. I have a thing in that I hate to mix brands i.e. a Peavey Head and a Mesa Cab. I'm only after a head+cab from the same manufacturer. Had an offer of a Laney R9 and R410 for £200 plus delivery which I might take (simply for the fact it's a hell of a lot cheaper), i'm not sure if the sound quality will be much of a sacrifice. I can spend up to about £700 and there's a few things around for that price. I'm waiting for the perfect thing to come up
  5. Haven't seen it or heard it in person yet but I'll be taking a trip to the store shortly to try it.
  6. I noticed the different cone and have asked about it, yet good shout on the knob, I hadn't seen that.
  7. And I give you pictures
  8. I saw someone using an Ashdown at a gig recently. He was running it as far as the needle could go for about half an hour! If that were mine I would be seriously worried and kill the power straight away. Although suprisingly, despite this destruction, the amp was working fine the next day...
  9. Ok. So if when using both it's 350w, in theory each cab will be recieving 175w?
  10. One other thing. The head is 350w into 4 ohms. 240w into 8 ohms. Both cabs are 150 @ 8 ohms. I'm not too sure on what this works out to as I don't fully understand the relation between impedance and rms. Could someone tell me what the power output would be if I used 1 cab, and what it'd be if I used both. And whether I could only use one without putting the cabs in danger. Thanks.
  11. I recently bought a fender jazz second hand and took it to a store for an MOT, I got it back and all was good. Yet after a few days of playing, the bridge on the A string and to a certain extent the other strings has sunk to the point that it's rather unplayable. I used some allen keys to raise it back up to where it was before yet it sunk down again a short while after. My thinking now would be to use loctite to hold it in place once I've got it up again. Would that be a bad idea? Please suggest what you think would the best course of action. Thanks, Alex.
  12. Danke. I'll get some pictures and post them up here.
  13. Still available.
  14. Hi guys, Ive been looking around for a new amp and I think I've found a good'un. Details are: Hartke HA3500 Head Hartke 210TP Cab Hartke 115TP Cab And the guy is after £500 for the lot. Is this a fair price? Should I put in an offer for less? Should I infact steer completely clear of this kit anyway because it's crap? (I hope not... ) Thanks.
  15. I did get very lucky with this thing. It was second hand yet it still had the plastic films on the scratchplate Paid £90 for it! No problems, and it's really good at holding tuning. I'll tune it and come back 24 hours later and it'll still be in tune!
  16. I bought my first bass about this time last year off of eBay. Title simply read 'Shine Warrior'. I had no other info on it and I've been using all this time without really knowing what it was. However it is the nicest bass I've ever used, it has a truly great feel and I doubt I'd sell it for £1000. Anyway, after a long night browsing I finally found out what it actually is. Tadaaa: [url="http://www.saein.co.kr/2007/bass/web845.php#"]http://www.saein.co.kr/2007/bass/web845.php#[/url] It's a Shine Extreme Series WEB845 (Sexy eh?) I think it looks great and I'd definately recommend one. However I have one question left. As you can see from the picture, there are 4 control knobs. I know one is the master volume. However I'm not sure what the other three do, I know two are EQs but I'm not sure which they are. As for the last one, tone control maybe? Any ideas?
  17. I was browsing around to try and find some more info and found a few places saying the cab was 800W RMS but I'm not sure. Regardless of that I'd still take the head+cab.
  18. If you can get it posted or are happy to get it to me in Surrey. Then I'll take both the Head and the Cab for your asking price. (plus petrol/courier fees providing it's not too much)
  19. Would you consider selling and if so how much for?
  20. Indeed they are 10"s! My fault on the typo, sorry.
  21. Best stick it on eBay and let nature take it's course then
  22. Bought brand new in early 2009. Perfect for a beginner etc. Has controls for Volume, 3-Band EQ and Compressor. It also has a headphones output. Only after £40ono. Will post. Pictures uploading now.
  23. Picture now uploaded. Amp still available.
  24. Ok, I'll talk to you in PM.
  25. Would you consider posting? Providing what I've got up for sale at the moment gets sold then I'll be up for this.
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