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Everything posted by ivansc

  1. But my LORD that bass is out of tune, or Phil is flubbing a lot.....
  2. Sorry but that sounds like recycled Bruce Hornsby to me. Soul????
  3. For me most of the difference is in the playability. Sounds are all very similar if we are talking USA but the neck on an original 62 Vs my reissue is huge even though the reissue is supposed to be identical. But the reissue still has that grunt.
  4. Born on D Day, injecting diabetic with high BP and cholesterol, had a pulmonary embolism and fighting arthritis in hands shoulders and hips. Just joined a second hand because my main gig is slowly winding down. On my third house renovation in France. It really is all in the mind...
  5. I for one would like to know what art of this is actually Chuck doing it & how long ago it was recorded. Sounds like a cutting room floor sweep-up job to me.
  6. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1490218790' post='3263420'] Personal taste and all that but for me the only way mustang sally ever sounds good is when I am not in the room. [/quote] I think the Commitments fillum saw that one off forever. Shame, as the original is a great song with a super groove. IF you can get past the Commitments murdering of it and approach it as what it is, it`s actually fun to play.
  7. I will see if I can persuade my wife, the lovely Mrs. Terrible, to unlimber her box brownie....
  8. Damn! Played there regularly in the seventies.... Cant believe it is still a venue! I should get out more.
  9. You live in some rural backwater where internet still arrives via two paper cups and a piece of string? I saw it first on farcebook and then on here. You MUST be a bass player.... (snigger)
  10. Had a look at a Bassix? I just got one. Very interesting take on the whole invisible tuner/string retainer idea.
  11. Other news: The drummer from my 60s band texted me yesterday to say that he and his wife were on their way to see Yes.... or at last 3 ex members. Cant wit to hear him gush about how great it was.
  12. They must have had more members over the years than we BETWEEN US have had hot dinners. Even I got roped in on a very temporary basis on guitar at a tiny festival in a very muddy field in Huntingdonshire. A pal was the actual guitarist at the time and persuaded me to "have a go" So long ago I cant even remember the chaps name but do remember I did NOT cover myself with glory....
  13. Take a look at the tension on those strings you are either twanging or holding down. Who needs free weights?
  14. dand666 PMd you
  15. I used D'Addario half rounds on MY 62 USA reissue & recently had a rather nifty set of nylon covered strings given to me on here. Thump for days, huge mellow tone. I will find out what brand they are... FWIW on my original real 62 P bass that I bought used in 1963 I used the original Rotop (became rotosound) Ks. Chrome or nickel wound flats. I have a recording of me playing it from 1963 on a scratchy old 7" EP and it STILL cut through like crazy.
  16. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1489533686' post='3257797'] ok lots here, youre welcome [url="https://www.lemonrock.com/ads.php?wanted"]https://www.lemonroc.../ads.php?wanted[/url] [/quote] The vast majority of them aren't functions bands. Best bet to break into that market is to go talk to some of the agents (proper ones, not a drummer who uses an agency to get work for his own band and his mates) and just talk to them to see what the opportunities are likely to be locally. But Blue as usual is right. A very hard field to break into if you have no previous form. Just one aspect of this sort of work is weddings, but it is the corporate shows that generally pay best. But of course that is where the competition is fiercest too. Bear in mind that at the higher end of corporate work you would be competing with existing name acts, not just yer function band innit types. Saw MacBusted at a relatively small function last yer. I doubt if they work for free....
  17. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1489680707' post='3258945'] Interesting. In the back pages there's a Wardour Street shop selling a secondhand Precision for £85 which would be £1415.80 in today's money*. [size=2](*[url="http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/education/Pages/resources/inflationtools/calculator/default.aspx"]Source: BoE Inflation calculator[/url]).[/size] [/quote] A brand new one with no case cost 80 guineas in 1962. For the younger readers, that's 80 pounds and 80 shillings.... 20 shillings to a pound. Answers on a pound note to me at 1 Ammoanleigh Avenue...
  18. Also listen to the PIANO on Chucks stuff and more importantly on ANY of Fats Domino's records. We all assume it was guitar-led music but so much of the feel actually stems from the piano parts. An absolutely classic example of this is Teenage Wedding. Check it out. OOPS SORRY! Just noticed someone earlier had commented on the piano led nature of a lot of the early stuff.
  19. I have a fishman rare earth in my martin acoustic & it certainly does need the little belt-clipped preamp I got at the same time.
  20. I use whichever duracell commercial battery I can get cheapest & see no difference between them. Currently on a box of 10 of the orange and black industrial ones - red and black pros before that. And at about 80p each, why not?
  21. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1489615590' post='3258460'] When was this? Fender owned Guild from 1995 to 2015 [/quote] I assumed they still did own them - who has guild these days? Some Chinese conglomerate? Sad....
  22. STEP ONE Find someone who is will *and able* to go out and harangue publicans, pub entertainments secretaries, etc, relentlessly till they get enough gigs to be worth starting a band in the first place! This is without exception the main reason why most new band startups flounder, assuming at least a minimal level of musical competence by the players.. P.S. Much to my amazement, I got asked to join a band last night at a semi-jam session. They have gigs, too! Not bad at 73 in June, eh?
  23. Worth reminding yourself that the punch from any bass instrument starts a lot higher up the frequency range than you think. For me, punch starts around 250 cycles which is probably well above where you have been getting feedback. Might be worth borrowing a multiband graphic EQ just to find out exactly where you are feeding back.
  24. All the early Hard Punchers Springies etc were to stock VINTAGE fender measurements. So long as you get an oldie sized bridge you will be fine. I was a tech at Cambridge Rock in 1980 when the first shipment of Tokais arrived. Picked the best of the Springy Sounds & still have it. Wish I had bought one of the 2 hard punchers at the time but at £80 each inc hard shell case I could't afford both.
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