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Everything posted by ivansc

  1. None of you LOOK particularly angry....
  2. ... so next thing fender will have guild sue them for adopting the "not quite SG" shapes of Guilds a while back.
  3. Absolutely - even if he did nick the odd melody & chord progression from others. Still love his "Not fade away" although not the mangled version the stones did....
  4. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1489342858' post='3256197'] ( For example , in 'Johnny B. Goode' so many people insist on playing the IV chord towards the end of each verse when it stays on the V etc.) Good luck, hope you enjoy the gig! [/quote] Your lips to my ears! I play bass in a 60s "washingtons axe" band - Paul Neon and th Saints. The last original Saint retired when I joined the band a few years back but YES getting the right feel isn't as easy as younger players think it is. Same went for my time working the country-western circuit. A humbling experience when you realise what is really going on on those "root fifth" songs you thought you knew all about, going in. O.P. Treat the music with a little consideration and respect and actually learn the feel, not just the notes, and I bet you will start to really enjoy it for what it is. It isnt that obvious till you and the drummer get it properly. Our current drummer is a pro level prog rocker from way back but really struggled to find the groove playing fours on the hihat!
  5. 3 chords. Tried "Raining in my heart" & a few of Holly's other ballads? As far as the bass lines are concerned, SO much of it was done on upright that it really IS difficult getting that me feel on a bass guitar. Lee Sklar is rather good at that.... A lot of that old stuff from the fifties is deceptively tricky to nail. Feel is everything & very few drummers are able to really connect to what is necessary. Took me a long time to convince my current drummer that fours on hi-hat are perfectly acceptable. (grin)
  6. Married into the "right" family, didnt he?
  7. Oops! Sorry - missed the earlier post entirely. Wondered how on earth you decided to put those two next to each other!
  8. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1489240139' post='3255400'] He was obviously popular but I never rated him, or the Ramones come to that. I think if you have heard one song by each of the aforementioned acts you pretty much know what they can do. [/quote] A little glib to bracket Buddy Holly and The Ramones in the same dismissive way. So whose songwriting DO you rate? Bearing in mind that Hollys entire output was generated in about 3 years?
  9. Being able to hack other peoples songs unheard is a learn-able skill. I worked in one of those vanity studios in Nashville occasionally & after a while you only have to hear the first line of ANY of them and you know 99% where the rest is going. So (grin) the answer is "get out thre and do it" But while you are learning you probably WILL piss off a lot of rather precious singer songwriters... The good 'uns will either tell you not to play "because this one's tricky" or put up with the odd clunker.
  10. I have always felt totally meh about UB40, but at least if the royalties ended up in the right hands they did SOME good. Well don Allie and co
  11. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1488879390' post='3252515'] Gave up on big venues many years ago because of awful sound mixes. Made an exception as we had waited years to see Dr. John and got tickets at Cambridge Corn Exchange. Lasted about half an hour and couldn't hear anything remotely acceptable so we walked out. I remember gigs at Wembley Arena where you could hear 10x better in the Gents than you could in the auditorium. [/quote] Was that the gig a while after Katrina had made most of the band homeless? I was there and had great sound all night. Including for Ladysmith who were also on the bill IIR. Must be th perennial corn exchange problem of "where you are sitting". I used to play there a lot in the sixties & seventies with some major acts and the sound was - er - variable depending on the experience of the band and their sound crew and the quality of their PA kit. Trick back then was to play across the room and not very loud. (grin)
  12. Can we see the back of the cab? It is ringing a slight bell here....
  13. [quote name='Acebassmusic' timestamp='1488844667' post='3252399']When the kick came in again it just overpowered all the low end......grrrr [/quote] This is the way 90% of all the rock gigs I have been to in the last 30 years have been mixed. "They wanna feel it in their chests/stomachs/etc" Idiots. The sad thing is that when you get an actual sound engineer on the desk, this doesnt happen. Just the self-proclaiomed "Sound men" apparently.
  14. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1488414233' post='3248829'] Anything by Jamiroquai.. [/quote] Jealous?
  15. [quote name='timhiggins' timestamp='1485654086' post='3225647'] Dont know if this has made it in yet but it gets my vote ...utter sh*te you can take it and ram at right up your jaxy ! [media]http://youtu.be/p47fEXGabaY[/media] [/quote] Aw c'mON how many tunes are there out there these days with a six string bass solo in 'em? Great band.....
  16. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1425030802' post='2703070'] learn to sing yourself, seriously, have lessons if need be, practice at home by recording yourself and singing through headphones, I improved my singing loads by just doing open mics, most of it is just confidence [/quote] THIS! I came back from many years in the USA to discover all my usual sources of work had dried up. One surviving agent suggested I learn to sing, get some backing tracks & be a singing guitarist till I found other work. Saved my bacon! I did of course end up back doing bass work as well but in the meantime the grocery bill and mortgage got paid PLUS I never had to worry about flouncing singers.
  17. Nitromors is likely to leave a residue in the wood that may lead to later eruptions in the finish. Have you tried wetting down the dents & letting them soak to see if you can swell the wood back out? I have done this with small surface dent and it worked OK.
  18. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1487878760' post='3243871'] Check out Bass Player Wanted in Milwaukee Rocks [url="http://www.milwaukeerocks.com/classifieds.asp?cat=1013"]http://www.milwaukee...ds.asp?cat=1013[/url] None of these opportunities would be a match for me. Blue [/quote] SEVEN piece gigging country band.... Wonder if the fee covers their bar tab?
  19. Sideways look at this: Does your tuner react to first harmonic on the 5th string? A solution and of course free. I have one of the reverb £2 ones and an old Boss TU 12P that works on a flat lithium battery. Battery lasts literally for years and that thing will tune anything.
  20. I'd still like a Palladeum, but not at silly money....
  21. The very earliest ones didn't have all the gold - they were in aluminium chassis with white panels. Sadly many of these early ones were converted to run on EL34s which doesn't give quite the same sound.... Kim Rew of Katrina and the Waves & the Soft Boys had a couple of these years ago. I did a fair bit of on-the-road fixemup on them at the time.
  22. Buy a Mondeo estate! Who needs folding anything?!
  23. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1488576471' post='3250303'] On the same page for a couple of quid more, I actually like the look of [url="http://www.homebase.co.uk/en/homebaseuk/megacart-aluminium-folding-hand-truck---70kg-393400"]this[/url]. [/quote] I finally gave up on the folding aluminium ones aft er the third one died on me. http://www.screwfix.com/p/standard-duty-hand-truck-150kg/6374P?kpid=6374P&cm_mmc=Google-_-Product%20Listing%20Ads-_-Sales%20Tracking-_-sales%20tracking%20url&gclid=CjwKEAiA6OnFBRDcgt7YmPKI33ESJACJoTJYy6_XkHbNoopmh0vSRxI-Hpge8h8pA9C7VTJMkBmBWhoC_t7w_wcB The current weapon of choice - I paid £24.95 on sale. Did 2 washing machines with it on my last trip to france.
  24. I used to use a 2x18" rig years ago. Still have the truss somewhere at he back of a wardrobe. Only every used an Ampeg rig once - in a big hall, so I did get the full trouser-flapping goodness of it all. I actually prefer playing just through a really good FOH with decent side fills. And then there is the weight issue....
  25. Me too, Phil! Until I realised that after all the Jazzes, Travis Beans, Rickenbackers etc., what I really missed was my first bass. A 1962 P Bass with a rosewood neck and the classic flat wide neck of that particular year. Feeling much better since I bought my USA 62 reissue with rosewood board last year.... Especially since I was given a set of tape wound flats by a kind basschatter! Can you say "thud"?
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