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Everything posted by ivansc

  1. Google "big noise from Winnetka" Nothing new under the sun. When I saw the title, bearing in mind the season, I envisaged a rather greasy thread....
  2. I have always adapted a fender thumbrest (by making it shallow enough) and fitted it between the two pickups on my mostly PJ instruments. This gives you an area around three inches wide to rest on. Currently have a USA 62 reissue P bass which doesnt have a Jazz pickup, so it also doesnt have the thumbrest. Took me a while to get used to being locked in one place but I have found my thumb wandering up onto the E string a little of late. I will try to post a photo of the PJ I still have - mod'ed that in 1983!
  3. And of course a HUGE Jamerson influence in those lyrical bass lines. Both great players and Chas has a great voice. Not Dissing Daves singing, but.... I honestly dont remember where I first heard of them but was a huge HH&F fan. Tony Coulter was an acquaintance in the States etc etc. Embarrassing moment when I told him I had covered Warming up the band & he thought I had released a version, rather than just playing it in my covers band! (big blushes) But Rockney just blew me away when I first heard it.
  4. Got a phone call Xmas eve lunchtime "You doing anything tonight?" So I became a member of the Surecan Playboys for a night! Huge fun. We played a pub in Cambridge for a tiny amount of money. Acoustic bass played by a very young skinny chap, acoustic guitar by another young skinny chap and me on acoustic guitar. We all sing, so it was swapping songs round all evening. "We persuaded the old peoples home to let him out for the night" was my introduction,,, But musically it was excellent, well received by a good crowd and was a big improvement on sitting at home watching TV. All three of us smiling, laughing & having a lot of fun throughout. Oh and they give a SCPB badge (button to the Yanks) to everyone after they finish the first song with the band! Unfortunately I left mine in my gig shirt and it is currently being tumble-dried! Hope it survives but cant be assed to stop the dryer and get it out. Lovely way to spend Xmas eve.
  5. Absolutely agree with the above sentiments. Earlier this year a very close friend died and left me one of his guitars. I already had the same guitar and much porefer mine over his, but would never ever sell his. You really do need to check verythoroughly with your Dad as to what his feelings would be if you sond the Clavinova.
  6. I seem to have accidentally bought a Mac Mini server! How on earth did that happen? Also I noticed today in my email that some chap is sending me a copy of logic Pro 9 ! Astounding - just what I wanted! Maybe there IS a Santa after all. Anyway - Happy Xmas and prosperous new year to you all down here in the low country.
  7. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1482357212' post='3199918'] I prefer Marta Altesa's bass playing [/quote] Sloppier in the video though... both have a pretty nice groove going though. The playings alright too!
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1482415099' post='3200343'] So how do you tell if a song is in C or A minor? And does it matter? [/quote] You will feel sadder if it is Am.
  9. Maude - what do you do for a volume control if you are by passing the preamp? Had thought of doing that on mine but do like being able to tweak volume and bass tone whilst playing.
  10. Nowhere to put your right thumb on an ATK and the pickup sounds weird to me. Had one for under a week before it returned to its wall hanger in the shop. Fro all the Ibanez that I have owned every one seemed to have construction issues. Bought and returned three of their electro-acoustics, every one of which had a massive drop in volume on the bottom E, for instance. One bass I bought new had a machine head crack (the body part) in the first month! Might have something to do with the low resale if my experiences have been shared by others.
  11. Hate to disagree but I have recordings of me on a travis bean, a 4001 stereo, a weird prototype epiphone and of course a precision and in one case a Jazz.. Some recorded direct, others through an assortment of amps. All sounds like me. I think what Blue SHOULD have said was that whilst basses may vary in tonal potential, the player will always put his mark on the sound. Not necessarily the tone as such, but very much what is played.
  12. Well it turned out to be an odd night. Lady bass player was lovely and started out using my upright - until it kept dying, changed the (very recently installed) battery and it still kept cutting out so she did the night on my regular bass. In the end a good time was had by all and we are now facebook friends and all that stuff. Oh and it turned out to be the cheap crap jack socket Stagg stick in their eubs, which I fixed temporarily but am replacing with the switchcraft stereo socket I just ordered!
  13. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1481901594' post='3196144'] Like this. But you do end up just remembering patterns, but then I'm too old for anything else. I'd probably still be on page 10 of Ed Friedland's (excellent) course if not for this! EDIT: This is from the Hal Leonard Motown bass book [/quote] So in order to get the rhythm from tab you also have to be able to read the rhythmic component of standard notation anyway! Or figure it out from listening to the record, presumably....
  14. Saw Bill Haley & the Comets the first time they came to the UK. Live. They were a great act and excellent musicians, just all looked SO old to me at the time. I was around twelve years old. I think. 1957? Been playing banjo and guitar in a jazz band in North London since 1954. I know that the band I saw had Rudi Pompilli on sax, Billy Williamson on steel guitar (hear him on "everybody razzle dazle along with frannie) and frannie beecher on guitar. Great rocking lineup and excellent showmen. Haley by that time came over as distinctly lack-lustre but the band mad up for it.
  15. Just about everything I have ever heard Chuck Rainey do. The man has it all.
  16. I have one of them that I use on my little Martin acoustic guitar. Excellent for guitar too, especially with the Rare earth pickup like wot I got.
  17. Getting used to it now but yes, I am looking at a change of strings and possibly a replacement nut, as the top G string slot is cut just a tad too deep. Have to say that until I lugged the stagg into my own amplifier, I was not that enamoured but since giving it some wellie in the LM3/ 2x10" Neo cab setup, I am very pleased indeed. And I am finally convincing my hands that they don't need to yank on the string like they were boat hawsers!
  18. Er what is the rubber innertube mod? I have bits of gaffer tape on the bridge, under the strings, which partially tapes the scratchy piezo sounds.... also stuck a large miracle fabric/foam duster between the strings and body to damp out resonance behind the bridge. As alternative to the bit of gardeners wire to stop end-pin rattle is a single layer of gaffer tape round the pin on the inside of the tube. Works a treat! But I am seriously considering upgrading the strings too.
  19. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1481824061' post='3195500'] A simple answer that has cured me of any Ric desire, I have long since hankered after one but couldn't justify the price for a bass I was unsure about so I picked up an old CMI copy, it's fantastic it has a big bow at the top of the neck, no matter what I do I can't get the electrics to work properly, it is dead uncomfortable to play when standing up, I am told by many it is a dead accurate copy of many older Ric's...basically it hangs on the wall looking nice but serving as a £400.00 reminder that I don't need a Ric [/quote] My REAL 4001 stereo was £400 brand new in the mid seventies....
  20. I have never "got on" with tab at all. on bass or guitar. By the time I have counted over to which string I am on and then counted frets, it is so much easier just to read the actual note and play it. But of course that is because I learnt to read music in secondary school and although I cant sight read any more I can still stumble around a chart and make notes in notation on baks of envelopes when necessary. I think the tab vs standard notation is always going to be a "first love, true love" thing. But I do wonder how people get the rhythmic structure of a song from tab.
  21. USA 1962 Precision 3 colour sunburst rosewood board. Just a few months old when I got it off the original owner Fixed this by buying a recent USA 62 reissue of the same bass a year ago. New one is not as nice as the memory of the original, but at least I could afford it and it IS a great playing and great sounding P Bass. One of the rare occasions when they actually got the reissues RIGHT. Rick 4001 stereo? I had one from new bought in 1973. Great bass apart from that sharp edged body peeled all the skin off my right forearm! I swapped it for a Travis Bean which in turn got sold to finance buying a Fender Rhodes piano which in turn got traded for a fretless P Bass... which.... yada yada....
  22. Katrina & the Waves. 50/50.
  23. Makes a difference if you are the TOUR support band rather than the "one night" support act in my experience. Probably because the PA guy knows he is going to see you every damn night of the tour.... cuts both ways, you still have to be nice!
  24. Anyone know if MU still offer "free Public Liability insurance with membership"?
  25. Heh - never heard of half those guys. Is this supposed to be just bass GUITAR, or can we put in upright players as welL?
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