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Everything posted by ivansc

  1. Should be picking it up tomorrow afternoon! I love when a plan comes together...
  2. No reply to my PM so far....
  3. Aha! Thought I had lost the thread. Give me a shout or a number and we will do it.
  4. is it an old one or a newer one? used one of these in the 80s
  5. Shame - I am sort of in the market for a 2x10 but don't need an amp.
  6. ivansc

    DIY cabs

    Well I bought the Bill F'M Jack 2x10 plans and... my nerve is giving out! I have sourced some 12mm void free birch ply loclly but am now wondering about a simpler design. Speakers I already have - a pair of 10" Celestion Neo 300 watt green labels, so does the team have any recommendations for something easy to build for a carpentry numpty with limited tools?
  7. Having been dragged back kicking and screaming into live gigs a year or so and progressed through homebrew cabinets bought on here and a Behringer bought on here, I am finally going for a new toy. Bought BF's 2x10 Jack plans, as I happen to have acquired a pair of the 300 watt Celestion Neos at a really silly price. And now the important part: I have just spent hours looking for a supplier of birch plywood and had pretty much given up when a guy in Basildon suggested Huntingdon Timber. They are literally five miles from my front door, have 12mm 8x4 in stock for £50 inclusive AND they do cuts cheaply! Progress reports as it happens..... Ivan-the-happy-bunny
  8. ivansc

    DIY cabs

    Hi, All - been a while, but at the tender age of 68 I appear to have gotten myself un-retired form bass playing! I bought a little Behringer 300 watt amp and matching 2x10 with horn cabinet from a member here a year or so back & it has been doing really well for most of the gigs I play. But I recently got involved with a band that plays larger venues and on closer inspection of the Behri I realised the cab was 8ohms and the amp only delivers the full 300 watts into 4 ohms. So.... I bought a pair of 10" Celestion neo 300 watt 8ohm drivers and set about swapping them out for the (much heavier) bugera drivers in the Behri cab. Idiot that I am, I had not checked and the diameter on which the Bugeras mount is about 10mm overal wider than the Clestions! Add to that the Behri cab has two 4 ohm speakers wired in series and PERMANENTLY wired to only two terminals on the PCB carrying the horn crossover. By this time I had pretty much decided it would be as easy to sell the Behringer cab and build a new cab for the neos! So on skimming this huge thread, I got the sense that the Celestions were not everyones favourite speaker, although I do have the version with the lower fundamental frequency of the available two types. Since I am stuck with them, any suggestions as to a lightweight relatively easy to build 2x10 cabinet plan? Apologies for repeating this if the question has already been asked a lot.
  9. Heh - I have the same problem with pretty much every Precision I have ever played, from my original 62 one to the one I have now. So once I get back to the UK tomorrow night I am first going to try lowering the EA pickup drastically to see if this helps, also move to ground round wound strings, which I seem to recall helped a lot on my last Precision. Also the current one has some sort of extra heavy duty bridge on it instead of the stock one so that might be worth exploring if all else fails....
  10. I graduated to the ground round wound after years of flats when I started playing a Rickenbacker 4001 in the seventies. Now that was a cool bass apart from being a bit of a one trick pony. And I never had the problem with it, or the Travis Bean I traded it for. In fact the Jazz bass I referred to earlier is just fine as well. Only seems to happen with Precisions with passive pickups. I am going to try the pickup height tweak when I get back to the UK Wednesday night and if that doesn`t do the trick I will be fitting some D`Addario half rounds. OH and I forgot to add this imbalance is the same all the way up the neck regardless, which is what has happened with me and Precisions before. Such a shame, I LOVE the Precision sounds. I am going to get it right.
  11. Wow great response, first lets dispense with the Stingray advice. Had one which I traded for the Precision, because there was nowhere to put my thumb that worked for me, also too much fart and not enough grunt for me. Next I think we might be onto something with the dropping the lower pickup right down and the upper one right up. Then all I would have to contend with is the clacking of strings as I bash them onto the pole pieces of the upper two strings! Seriously, on a friends Jazz bass that I use in his studio we wound up putting a couple of layers of gaffer tape over the pole pieces. Another reason the EMGs worked, I guess. NOT dead strings. NOT uneven string height. And as far as the EQ (treble cut knob, I presume?) is concerned yes it does stay pretty much off, another reason I am considering ground wound - I seem to recall they sound a lot less bright to begin with so I might be able to start playing with the treble cut somewhere other than fully off! Interesting there is only one other sufferer showed up on here so far... P.S. Forgot - the "other thread" was pretty much someone else with the same problem as me and the respondents were all suggesting flat wound strings or half rounds. I`m getting better responses here, so far! Well done guys.
  12. Beginning to wish I hadn`t asked - so embarrassed.
  13. (grin) You have no idea how hard I play!!!! Suspect that is a lot of the problem. But no matter how gently I try to play I have always had a problem with this, pick or fingers. My old work bass, which is a weird hybrid Explorer shaped body with a Jazz shaped neck and modified with one of the earliest sets of EMG P/Js doesn`t do this, but I do have the action set very high and a HUGE bow in the neck to accommodate my style. Oh, and 55-110 strings. I was just hoping I might be able to use a regular precision without having to resort to that sort of extreme setup again. Ah, well - I`ll give the ground round wounds a go ....
  14. Oh! my original `62 rosewood board Precision was a real pain in the butt in this respect. I bought it in late `62 used and wound up putting Rotop K`s flat wounds on it to sort the uneven string sound problem out. Maybe it is because I am a very hard player, but the top two on every Precision I have ever played have just wimped right out on me & I have had this discussion with many other Precision players over the years. In fact the USA equivalent of this forum right now has a discussion going on over exactly this. Their answer seems to be to fit a .40 -.95 set, but I suspect I would break them in two minutes flat. I had a deal going with Alembic years ago and got some .45 - 105s that worked pretty good, but I did break a lot of them too. Maybe I should just quit beating on my bass so hard...... next step looks like a set of D`Addario half rounds and some pickup wrangling to see if that helps.
  15. Yes we all know it, top two sound weedy compared to the bottom two. And after thirty odd years of`no Precision`, I now have a Mexican Rosewood board one. And my question is: In the intervening period, has anyone come up with a pickup, or a set of strings, or a bridge, or whatever that actually gets all four strings sounding even yet? I was about to pop for either an EMG active pickup (had a PJ set on my original work bass for years) or maybe Lollar or similar, but thought I would see what the accumulated wisdom on here says first. Thanks in advance for any thoughts you have, guys. Oh and no I dont want to put a carbon fiber neck on it or a graphite one!! (grin)
  16. Dang! Things move fast on here! Bump
  17. [quote name='JP Soundsystem' post='1346544' date='Aug 20 2011, 05:34 PM']I was tempted to list it as 'road worn'!! But alas, common sense prevailed.[/quote] Dern! If someone hurries up and buys my Hohner Jack and the Musicman case, I would tear your arm off for it, warts and all. I do have some ebay listings of microphones and compressors coming up, so who knows?
  18. [quote name='MB1' post='1346357' date='Aug 20 2011, 02:30 PM']MB1. ..."Are you LOCAL?" BUMP![/quote] Sadly, I am only local to where I live, in rural Peterboroughshire, which is about a 2 hour drive for you I think. Wife was working in Manchester until recently but sadly is now back in Peterborough, or she could have caried it for you to see. And for everyone elses benefit, I am only asking the pirce I am because there IS the paint damage on the underside. There is very little fret wear, straight neck and everything works exactly as it should, including those weird tuners.
  19. I have tacked this onto a thread in basses for sale, but was advised to put it here as well. I have an original maroon and black 30th anniversary model Stingray case for sale, one of only 783 made, apparently. So if you have the bass and no case, this could be your lucky day! It came to me with an OLP Stingray which I am about to swap with a MIM Precision, so I won`t be keeping the case either way. The only thing not in perfect condition is the bits of the two locks hidden by the catches. Someone locked the case and made off with the key. The owner then jimmied the locks to get into it again, but I have just received a replacement key from Strings and Things. Thanks, guys! The damage is purely cosmetic and not visible when the clasps are closed, plus of course the locks now work just fine. Anyone interested, PM me with your thoughts/offers/begging letters. Apparently I have to quote a price, so a wild stab in the dark at £50 collected, which is what a regular case would cost? Sorry about that! Ivan
  20. All 100% apart from some dings on the underside of the lower horn. I replaced the jack socket - always a weak point - with the proper one about six months ago. Looking for around £150. Going to be difficult to photograph because it is all black, but I`ll try later. No case, but I do have a scruffy old Marlin gig bag for it.
  21. RESURRECTION TIME! Not sure how I was going to post this, so I decided on adding to an OLD thread. I have one of the 783 Music Man Stingray 30th Anniversary cases, which currently contains my 2009 OLP (don`t ask!) and since I am about to trade the OLP for a MIM Precision, wondered if anyone on here needs this case? It is not in perfect condition, as prior to me the owner had lost the keys and chewed up the "hidden" parts of the two case locks a bit to get it open. Otherwise it is in good order and has the little gold badge etc inside. Oh and I just got hold of an original case key from the lovely folks at Strings and Things. I`ll just trade it on with the OLP if nobody is interested, which does seem a shame, as somewhere out there in the UK has to be a 30th Anniversary Stingray with no proper case. Ivan
  22. Anyone know if Overwater still use John Drake`s bridges?
  23. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1330660' date='Aug 7 2011, 10:01 AM']ive got to agree.. i really dont get this..its all in the fingers..? if Victor played a stingray hes not going to sound like Victor on a Foderaw.. yeah he may play the same licks, but the tone will be different..[/quote] You have far to go on the road to enlightenment, grasshopper.... Back in 1962 I bought a rosewood neck fender precision. Later I bought a Ricky 4001 Later I swapped it for a Travis Bean Later I bought a maple neck Fender Precision Later I was given an Epiphone prototype bass with active PJs I recently played a gig using a borrowed hohner jack bass. A lady who is NOT a musician but who has known me for a long time turned up having heard me from the street & claimed she knew it was me because of the tone I got. And that`s before we even think about amplifiers, speakers, string types and gauges, etc. The point is, I have recordings of me playing most if not all of these instruments that span from 1962 to a few weeks ago and I sound exactly the same on all of them. The single most important factor in what tone any good player I have ever heard gets is how the fingers produce the notes.
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