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Everything posted by ivansc

  1. I hadnt realised just how expensive the IOW ferry had got since |I used to gig there in the late nineties!!! When I first did it the organisers of the various Country Music and Re-enactment festivals we did would pay for the band van, provide accomodation and basic food & drink! That stopped about 1997/8 iir. Feel for you trying to do gigs on the mainland.
  2. I am officially now the only one over 70 in my neck of the woods who remembers anythign (music wise) and I have also been elected "bloke who stands in for dead band members at reunion gigs". Latest one is a charity do next January on Syd Barrett`s birthday. Wonder if anyone else will remember to show up? Sadly I dont know how many of us will be left to attend that were contemporaries of Syd and knew him.
  3. My original 62 Precision came with flats and a foam strip factory fitted to the inside of the rear cover. If I remember rightly it looked like neoprene but I am not sure when that was invented! EDIT: Been suggested that Leo & Co used to nip across the street to the nearby Sears & Roebuck and buy rolls of their weather stripping! Could be an old wives tale though...
  4. creepy....
  5. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1503829541' post='3361060'] That's quite chilling to read. Using Mildred Lewis Rutherford as a credible source? This is a person who stated that African Americans were far happier under slavery than free. That That the Ku Klux Klan were the "very flower of Southern manhood" [/quote] "[font=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif][size=4]Mildred Lewis Rutherford (1852-1928) was for many years the historian for the United Daughters Of The Confederacy (UDC). In her book Truths Of History she stated that there were more slaveholders in the Union Army (315,000) than the Confederate Army (200,000). Statistics and estimates also show that about 300,000 blacks supported the Confederacy versus about 200,000 for the Union. Clearly the war would have been fought along different lines if it had been fought over slavery. " was all I quoted. [/size][/font] [font=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif][size=4]I had never heard of her before seeing that article. [/size][/font] [font=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif][size=4]In that, she is reported as saying the slaves were better fed and better cared for than the factory workers in the North. I doubt if either group were exactly happy about their lot in life, but then life in general was a deal harsher in the 1800s than nowadays. [/size][/font] [font=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif][size=4]Read up on some of the stuff that was gong down among the under-privileged (including slaves) in Britain at the time.[/size][/font] [font=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif][size=4]And now I really AM baling out.[/size][/font]
  6. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1503826677' post='3361041'] OK. What is your source for this? [/quote] I lived and worked (as a musician) in Nashville from 1980 to 1991. My brother lived and worked in Nashville from 1965. He and his family finally moved from Nashville to Florida, where they still live to this day
  7. Aw... you had to go and spoil it! I'm bowing out of this one - getting bit too serious for me. Sorry if I offended anyone's sensibilities. SO sorry, but ya cant fight coincidence. A old friend of mine from Tennessee posted this on her facebook timeline today. Presumably because of all the fuss over civil war statuary etc. [url="http://theferalirishman.blogspot.co.uk/2017/08/just-so-we-are-clear.html?spref=fb&m=1"]http://theferalirish...ml?spref=fb&m=1[/url]
  8. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1503571701' post='3359246'] The "Lost Cause of the Confederacy". There have been a lot of revisionist attempts to deny that slavery was the root cause of the Civil War... it relies entirely on avoiding the actual speeches given by Confederate leaders and professional historians utterly reject it. [/font][/color] That notion, however often repeated, is false. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Historians write the history books. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Edit: Here's a nice little blog article about this concept in relation to the Civil War... [/font][/color][url="https://pastexplore.wordpress.com/2016/02/15/bad-historical-thinking-history-is-written-by-the-victors/"]https://pastexplore....by-the-victors/[/url] [/quote] You are missing the point entirely. For the South yes it was all about slavery, but if you scratch beneath the surface of all that Northern rhetoric, there was a lot more than just a righteous humanitarian desire to emancipate the poor, downtrodden slaves. We ARE talking about politicians and mega-industrialists here. Leopards do not change their spots. And that article you cite is pretty lame if you actually read it fully. Whoever the author is, HE is saying that Southern revisionists have attempted to rewrite the southern cause as being about secession rather than keeping slavery, which could well be right but has nothing to do with my take on the North's motivation..
  9. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1503569292' post='3359213'] It doesn't depend on anything. Old Glory is a nick-name for the flag of the United States of America. [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Glory"]https://en.wikipedia.../wiki/Old_Glory[/url] [/quote] You wont find many "dyed in the wool" Southerners referring to the stars and bars as Old Glory, believe me.
  10. [quote name='Shaggy' timestamp='1503610519' post='3359748'] 4. Dave Gilmour (Pink Floyd) was a former pupil at my school, and I once found a book with his name signed in! .....which I wish I'd kept... . As were most of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah band. [/quote] Cambridge High School for Boys or the Perse? Which Bonzos? I thought Bubs went to Netherhall. (well he was big enough to count as most of the BDDDB)
  11. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1503652336' post='3359915'] Oh, and I can confidently claim to be first in UK to have played fretless BG. [/quote] because..............?
  12. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1503608061' post='3359706'] Nice! I think the first ever production 5 was the Yamaha BB5000 in 1985? So yea I expect there weren't too many about! [/quote] Fender made a five WAAAAY before that. Also a six. Both in the 60s.
  13. Try playing G A Bb B | C D Eb E | Over G and C then work in an A run instead of the D for the five chord. Slightly different take on a 12 bar and gives a really nice unresolved feel that DOES resolve eventually. I may see if I can record it and post along with some other slightly different takes on walking bass. So much of it revolves around knowing what alternate voicings and indeed chord structures work.
  14. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' timestamp='1503439085' post='3358344'] If I could play like that I'd do nothing but solo! [/quote]...but you wouldnt get many gigs playing just like that, would you? Always amused me that Stanley Clark had to have a bass player in his band.
  15. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1503566302' post='3359162'] The stars would be upside down, so yes... doubt there would be any symbolism to doing that. Edit: (talking about the battle flag, as discussed in this thread... the national flags have other cues that would make hanging them upside down unlikely) [/quote] Oops I should have said wrong way ROUND. Probably astill not obvious to spot any discrepancies I suppose.
  16. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1503560938' post='3359086'] The KKK use the confederate flag. It [i]was [/i]entirely about slavery. [/quote] re: KKK so do a bunch of other non-racist associations. Just because spme abhorrent slime use it, doesnt make the flag itself abhorrent slime. (see what was swaid earlier about the union jack and the neo fascists in the UK) Officially it might have been all about slavery, but then you have to dig a little deeper into the history books to get a clearer picture of what was going on back then. Prior to the war there were many indications of the attempts by the North to take over control of Southern prime assets to help keep costs down to the Northern industrial machine. I lived in the South for a dozen years, very close to Andy Jacksons home & surrounded by Civil War sites. You get a very diufferent perspective on the war when you hear the losers side as well. The winners write the history books.
  17. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1503551126' post='3359045'] Old Glory is not the Confederate flag. [/quote] Depends where you come from North or South, but I take your point. Never thought to ask while I lived in Tennessee, but I wonder if you can hang the Confederate States flag the wrong way up, like the Union Jack?
  18. I recently bought my first ever Mac specifically to run Logic 9 for a friend. Still on mavericks, everything works great and I am about to buy a Focusrite liquid mix 32 which will work just fine on Mavericks but not on later OS updates. If it aint broke why fix it? Your existing setup isnt going to stop working unless you do the OSX update. Of course you could always switch to Reaper (my main recording software on PC and Mac for a very long time after Sonar went all weird at 2.8.5) which is totally OS-gnostic.
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1503342543' post='3357458'] That flag is not cool to me. You can read about history. You wouldn't catch me within 20 feet of that merch booth. Blue [/quote] (grin) But then you IS a Damyankee, ain't you? Couldn't resist....
  20. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1503312959' post='3357042'] Is it time to lose the flag ? ta Les [/quote] The Confederate Flag or Old Glory is more a symbol of "hold onto your Confederate money, boys, the South's gon' rise agin!" than much to do with white supremacists. I understand they are more into the classic Nazi swastika flags. And you also have to bear in mind that there is a huge difference in the symbolism of it in the North as opposed to the South. Throughout the vast majority of the South there are very few overtly racist organisations and even fewer that show their asses in public these days. A huge amount of noise has been made about the moronic actions of a tiny tiny minority of Southerners. But as with most thing American it gets distorted via the UK and European media in general. For instance, it is pretty obvious from earlier comments here that just about everyone outside the States (and an awful lot of Northerners) think the Civil War was entirely about slavery. Take a look at the distribution of raw materials and the distribution of industrialisation in the US before the war and think about it. And also bear in mind how many slave owners lived north of the Mason Dixon line at the time. back to the subject in hand: Sadly this means you should probably listen to your agent, especially if it is going to cost you work. Me? I used to use a really big Jack Daniels flag onstage when I worked the UK country scene.
  21. bought a pedal steel through years ago - customs chap said |"whats in the box" "Just my old guitar" says I. "Openi it up" says he. "Blimey what on earth is it? Looks more like a knitting machine" (brief heasdscratch) "OK off you go then, sir.." That was back in the early seventies. I think I would be declaring something on it, maybe not full price, but better sazfe than sorry. Check out what the customs import limit is - used to be $400 per item.
  22. [quote name='julietgreen' timestamp='1503419178' post='3358087'] It's the practical bit of putting it into a musical context at the rate the changes happen, that I'm still cack-handed with. Making slow progress... [/quote] I really recommend that you sit and listen to a LOT of early jazz and standards, and especially old electric blues. Arthur Crudups old rockabilly/blues stuff uses some great walking bass lines. Once your ear gets attuned to the changes in most typical jazz/standards pieces, it will all fall into place. Plenty of basic 3 chord and 4 chord stuff out there to cut your teeth on
  23. On my telecaster copy (Wingfield Wall of Sound) through stringing was the final link in the chain. Bought it for £80 brand new because the neck profile was superb and it didnt sound bad acoustically. A friend gave me a set of custom shop reissue pickups and I remade the neck pocket for a better fit, but there was still something missing. A 3 block thru hole bridge did the trick. Sounds like a very decent tele for a total outlay of £150 including the (used) pillar drill! However my 62 reissue P Bass is not set up for thru hole and I don't plan on drilling it! Seriously, I rang around pretty much every luthier in my area (cambridgeshire) and none of them had a pillar drill with a wide enough throat to do the holes for thru stringing, so if anyone local wants to borrow it for a quick drill, PM me.
  24. You can borrow my sliding radius pillar drill to do it if you ask nicely! Already done my Telecaster and a P Bass belonging to a pal. Both turned out well and it's MUCH easier than doing it by (wobbly) hand Oh and on my old Mexican P it already had the thru string holes in the bridge so you may get lucky. Have you had a really thorough check to make sure the holes arent already there? If not just about everyone makes aftermarket bridges in either vintage or modern hole spacing.
  25. Seriously wondering why on earth he bothered playing that on a bass. Big Box Jazzer material if I ever heard it. Some people seem to go out of their way to be "different" for no apparent reason. P.S. Sorry but today is my official Grumpy Old Git day. Normal moaning will be resumed tomorrow.
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