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Pop tart

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Everything posted by Pop tart

  1. This is all awesome, thanks for the replies guys I'll look into what you said, thanks!
  2. [quote name='Musky' post='539910' date='Jul 13 2009, 11:50 PM']Some good advice here. +1 for working out some of the more difficult stuff from bands you like. If you can't get your head around some of it try using Best Practice - [url="http://www.xs4all.nl/~mp2004/bp"]http://www.xs4all.nl/~mp2004/bp[/url] Slow the songs down enough to work out what they're playing, then play along at a speed you're comfortable with. When you've nailed that start speeding things up. And no skipping the tricky bits! [/quote] That looks awesome, just what I need, thanks a lot!
  3. [quote name='Buzz' post='539845' date='Jul 13 2009, 10:49 PM']Hmmm, what're you feelings on classical music? Transposing stuff from other instruments to bass is a good work out for your reading skills as well You could always branch into metal and rock, for starters Iron Maiden and Metallica have good songs and quite a few awesome basslines. As for improv, sing a bassline that fits with the song, then play what you sing. Easy to say, suprisingly difficult to do.[/quote] Thanks I've just had a look at some classical tabs and, from what I could find, they seem quite interesting to play so I'll give them a go. I'll also look into iron maiden and metallica, thanks for the idea.
  4. [quote name='Protium' post='539827' date='Jul 13 2009, 09:36 PM']Try to learn the more difficult songs by those artists Open mic/jam nights/a band?! - playing with other musicians teaches you a lot IMO For improv, make up your own basslines to "easy" songs. For example a lot of Blink 182 is mainly straight root notes - try building more interesting lines to them[/quote] Thanks for the reply. I'm going to university in september so was hoping on finding a band to join then, I was just a bit worried I'm not good enough, which is why I wanted to find stuff to play over the summer to get better. That's a good idea with blink, but do you know where I can learn a bit about improvising, like a good website or anything that shows you some ideas? because I really am bad at it Or is it just a case of keep trying and eventually something will sound good?
  5. Hi, sorry...I've no idea if this is the right place for this or not, if not please tell me and I'll try get it moved. :blush: Basically I've been playing for about 2 years but aren't getting much better, mostly because I'm teaching myself and I've run out of stuff to learn. I can play a bit of (easier) rancid, (easier) RHCP, blink 182, green day, offspring, muse, rage against the machine, dead kennedys, the smiths, just stuff at that kind of level. I love playing this stuff but a lot of it isn't pushing me and I think it's why I'm not getting any better. So I was just wondering can anyone recommend me stuff to play that isn't well hard but is fun, maybe a bit fast, not too difficult but enough that it's pushing me to get better. I go through my music collection but most of it has really easy bass and I'm not too good at improvisation. I would really really appreciate any help you can offer me. Thanks. Again, I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this.
  6. Hi I was just about to create a thread on picks vs fingers. I was wondering what experienced people would say is better (I know I'm kind of opening a can of worms here... ) I've had a few people comment on my using a pick, so was wondering whether it's worth learning to play with fingers instead, I keep trying but mess it up, how is it you're meant to do it? Thanks. Sorry to kind of thread hijack. I'll post somewhere else if this isn't meant to be here.
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