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E sharp

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About E sharp

  • Birthday 19/06/1969

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  1. Are the Lightning Boy transformer pedals still available? If they are, I'll take all three if they're still here. Thanks
  2. For some reason, I’m only getting two pictures through, so I’ll supply more if anyone wants them
  3. Up for sale is an absolutely pristine HD410. I bought this from Binky last year, and it’s been great. I have used this either on it’s own, or used my 212’s - depending on what took my fancy. I’m now pretty much using a 212 and 112 for all three bands, so this cab is not going out much now. I have no cover for this, but there’s not a mark on it. The casters (front two are lockable), were on it when I got it. Too heavy to ship, so will be a collection or meet up half way jobbie probably. As per my HD212 that’s up for sale, I’m after some NV cabs, that I’d be happy to swap with (with cash my way). Thanks Paul
  4. Reduced now £350 picked up. Thanks
  5. Just messaged him. I was wrong about him being online today - it says last online as 22 hrs ago
  6. I'll message him now, to see if he responds
  7. He's in Peterborough, or thereabouts
  8. I messaged him on FB a few days ago, as he's getting rid of loads of gear again. He's been on FB today- well was showing as online anyway
  9. Sold last week. Please lock
  10. Not trying to detail this thread, but I've been in contact with Bassworks about their 5 string version of that model. Just trying to get a free weekend when I can drive to Hinckley to try one. Paul
  11. Tonight's rig. Seem set on this of late- though I've said this before
  12. Essex Amps have it, and have said that the op amps are fried. The trouble is, like a lot of these boutique amp makers, they've scrubbed the information off of them, so you've no idea what to replace them with. I've contacted them on FB, and Email - no reply. Essex Amps have had no reply from them either. So all the promo they do with high end studios and players using their stuff, is all BS, if they refuse to support the people that actually buy their kit, and use it weekly. There you go, lesson learned. It's destined for the electrical section of my local tip, when I get around to picking it up.
  13. If I were to use Mend it Mark, then I'd probably send him my Sonic Farm pre amp that no one's able to fix- that's worth far more money. I'll have to do some digging around
  14. I've had a Elf for a year or two now, primarily as an emergency back up- plugging in at a gig just to check it's working, then back in my leads bag, and cracking on with my main amp. At a rehearsal last night, I took it along rather than my combo, and used it with a 112 cab. Sound was good for about 2 minutes, then a mass of distortion. Kept having to turn on and off, to give me a sound through a song, then the same- all night. Just had it out now, and tried various cabs, speaker leads, guitar leads, and different basses, and it's the same. I presume these little class D amps are basically a write off if they go wrong? - ie too expensive to fix, compared to just buying another one?
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