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E sharp

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Everything posted by E sharp

  1. Saw this up for sale - though can't remember where . Thought this was great , and even more so with that picture . Awesome bass there Bob
  2. Top buy this . Lasted longer than I thought . Always fancied one of these , but as usual , no money at the time
  3. That is a tasty Passion 3 , I agree . Sorry to hear about your job Dave . And your series II is lovely mate - tried it at the last but one East Anglian bash , and spent most of the day gravitating back to it for a noodle . When I get around to selling some gear , I'm gonna have to get me a nice Passion II
  4. The boss has spoken - told ya , all you need in one post
  5. I know a bit , but I'm not even going to try - Ped's your man for this . He knows all the subtle differences in the different 'marks' , ie Passion 1 , Passion 11 , Passion 111 . There are also differences within those 'marks' aswell . Give it a day or two , and all will be revealed , or maybe try and PM him . Paul .
  6. I know you weren't looking for answers as such , but this is it [url="http://www.status-graphite.com/"]http://www.status-graphite.com/[/url]
  7. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VIGIER-ARPEGE-111-FIVE-STRING-CUSTOM-HAND-BUILT-BASS-GUITAR-/230834477005?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item35bece97cd"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VIGIER-ARPEGE-111-FIVE-STRING-CUSTOM-HAND-BUILT-BASS-GUITAR-/230834477005?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item35bece97cd[/url] Very nice and all , but some just have a vastly over inflated idea of what these are worth - lovely though .
  8. Dreadful . Bike rally with supplied PA , but unfortuanately came with 2 sound men that had no idea - and I mean NO idea . Worst rally ever .
  9. [quote name='far0n' timestamp='1343343085' post='1749411'] Mark King is a financial slag of sorts, who will frankly play anything if you're paying him enough. He's never sounded so bleedin rubbish as he does now. [/quote]Don't quite agree with that , but I see where you're coming from . I've sort of lost count of the amount of gear that bloke has endorsed in just the last few years . As much as he's a monster player , and comes across as a really nice guy , this constant endorsment switching is becoming endemic - doesn't anyone seem to stay with a brand for more than 10 years ? (before anyone posts , I there's a few who do)
  10. Just read this here , just can't believe it - was he ill ? Anyone know . Always seemed such a lovely guy . RIP
  11. I'm not a jazzer , but Pat Metheny for me Knofler BB King David Sanborn - also (gonna getted slated for this) Steve Normans sax work with Spandeau - just recognisable tone Gary Moore
  12. Never did a season , but did a few years ago . The Birdies Song , is one of my abiding memories . That and coppin' off with a Blue coat
  13. Also good to see Dave Bronze still about - playing with Tom Jones .
  14. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1337902180' post='1667371'] This one you'll have to prise from my rigomorticed hands I reckon! It's is rather epic! [/quote]Ha ha . There's no stopping you mate . You said the same about the last 610 you had (Epifani) , yet still sold it to me You've had some gear over the years Bet it sounds awesome .
  15. Played a big bike rally a couple of days ago . Do it every year and we had the whole night this year . Sheds loads of gear all through the genny , though lights seperate . 3rd song in and the power goes , everyone running around checking everything . Soundman (and best mate) comes up and asks is I have a spare 13 amp fuse - that was the culprit . Honestly , it took 10 minutes to find , and as per usual it's the Bass player with his spares who sorts out everyone else . Lost count over the years when I've helped guitarists out with spare strings , batteries etc . Bloody good job us Bassist carry spares , though I never thought a PA crew wouldn't have any spare 13 amp fuses . Drummer kept in going with "we will rock you" , just to stop the crowd getting antsy .
  16. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1338725418' post='1678454'] A mess? No tune? Whatever it was it certainly wasn't a mess without a tune, it has a very clear arrangement and it's very tuneful. I suppose it's down to what you're used to hearing. [/quote]We're all different mate , as seen here by the differing views of her performance . Some of you love it , and some of us really can't see what the fuss is about . I suspect I'd probably like her sideman work more (if she's done any) , 'cause this seems to be the case with me . Like I've got albums with Marcus Miller on , that I like - playing wise and tune wise . I've also got some of his solo work , and I consider it pure dross - just tuneless . I just love listening to these guys , and gals , in sidemen roles , backing up great established artists . It's just when they go off and do their own , mainly instumental , albums , it just loses me somewhat . I know I may be in the minority , and I'm not playing devils advocate here , it's just we all 'hear' this stuff differently .
  17. Coming late to the party here , but I caught her 1st song on the iplayer , and couldn't even bring myself to watch it to the end . Probably gonna be slated here , but it just sounded a mess . Great playing but no tune . Someone on here mentioned about great players don't always make great music , and by what I saw , I'd agree . Perhaps if I listened to some of here albums , I may have a different view , but on the strength of the programme alone , I won't be bothering .
  18. Hi guys Got a big rally gig tomorrow , and thinking about bringing along all of my cabs . Just cause I only get the chance once a year , and want to hear what it all sounds like . Gonna bring a 5.3 ohm 610 , 4 ohm 410 and 8 ohm 210 . Borrowing a power amp , and slaving out of my amp . Am I right in thinking that if I hook up the 5.3 ohm 610 and 8 ohm 210 together , that'll make 4 ohms ? Then the 4 ohm 410 can be run off of the other side of the amp . Overkill I know - he he , but just fancy a monster rig for the first time , as it's rare I get any room on stage , and I'm gonna have bags of it tomorrow . Think I'm correct with the ohmage , but just thought I'd ask . Paul
  19. Chequered on is a Home Brew , I think .
  20. If this doesn't go through , I'll come and pick it up . If ROBBIE deal falls through , then I'm local and I'll pick up whenever you want . Not treading on ROBBIE's toes here , I know I'm 2nd in line .
  21. Bought an OC2 from Ryan . All smooth . Good communication , well packaged - top bloke .
  22. Deleted - already a thread
  23. PM sent yesterday mate . Sorry , just had a look and sent it to the wrong person - numpty that I am . Sending it now to you hehe
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