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E sharp

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Everything posted by E sharp

  1. [quote name='Linus27' post='882968' date='Jul 1 2010, 01:42 PM']What about the Ashdown Little Giant 500. Dirt cheap and does what it says on the tin.[/quote] Another quality avatar change . Going through a brunette stage are we ? Excellent taste sir
  2. [quote name='chris_b' post='872817' date='Jun 20 2010, 05:57 PM']Your tastes might be different, but I'd choose Aguilar before Hartke and Ampeg and Eden before SWR or Orange.[/quote] I agree , don't limit yourself . I've got an Epifani 410ul , and it's great , but I also have an Eden 410xlt permanantly stored in the practice unit , and it's punch city . The Eden's are not now flavour of the month - though they were , but everytime I play through it , I'm reminded why I spent a grand on it . They are heavy , for a 410 , but I'd say that they are one the few 410 benchmark cabs . And 2nd hand ,you can pick em up for around £400 .
  3. [quote name='fuzzylogic' post='865241' date='Jun 12 2010, 02:52 PM']thanks. sound was absolutely fantastic.didn't think i would exceed the amps cabability, but thought at 750 watts into an epifani cab at rated at 1000 watts 4ohms i wouldn't need to even turn up to half.[/quote] I have the same Epi 410 , and also a 610 , and was thinking about the DB750 with these cabs , but this pairing doesn't get much favour over on Talkbass . Do you get enough of a 'chest kick' sound out of this pairing , or is it pillowy .
  4. [quote name='MOSCOWBASS' post='865286' date='Jun 12 2010, 03:45 PM']Most amps are like this these days, my 90's 200 watt Trace Elliot was really loud at under half volume, but there probably wasn't much gain left in it. My EA amps...iamp800 and iamp Micro don't start to work till they are over half volume. I was worried when I first got the iamp800 because of this characteristic. I use a Tecamp Puma 1000 into an Epi Ul410 and it runs about 10 o'clock with a loud big band. You will probably find 750 gets much louder at about 2 o'clock on the master.[/quote] I had the same with my old AH300 MK6 - massive volume at first , and then probably nothing else more . I've said something on here similar before about amps . I think it's a gimmick frankly . Go to buy it in the shop , and it's a "look how loud it is sir , and it's only on 2" . My telly and hifi volumes go up in a proper way , and this is how it should be . I know that EA set their gain and volume like this , as does my Eden (how it sounds to me) , and probably , as described do Aguilar . Guitar amps are far worse for this nonsense - the guitarist I play with has a Cornford that he can't get much beyond 3 , making any volume adjustment very tricky due to the fact that simply brushing past the gain will turn it right down . I have no idea why any manufacturer would design an amp like this . Seems like the OP has nothing to worry about , just an amp working as it should .
  5. I've used the same graphite necked bass for every gig bar one since 1993 . It's a stingray with a retrofit Modulus Quantam neck . I just love graphite - no truss rod (I've never ever touched one , nor do I intend to) . It sounds different to every other wooden necked Stingray I've ever played . Though other things can make a differnce to tone . Early graphite necks could warp , as graphite has a memory . Steve Smith , who used to work with Bernie Goodfellow , fretted the Stingray for me (it was originally a fretless Modulus neck) , and told me that molecular memory was the reason why a few early carbon necks warped . I have a Jazz with a Graphite neck (but wooden fingerboard) , that has a minor warp in it . Rob Green made the best of it he could , but the cost of a proper fix , would be the cost of a new bass , so it's now gathering dust . But it is usable up to a point , and sounds more wooden than graphite , and this may more to do with the fingerboard wood , as opposed to a full carbon jobbie . I think bass players are more ' cutting edge ' than guitarists , as the graphite trend (albeit quite small) shows . I doubt if Rob sells many of his excellent guitars on his web page . They can sound different , and to my ear far more flexible . If I kept mine in a case again , rather than the gigbag , I doubt if I'd ever have to tune it ever again , bar string changes . I'm suprised that no one has mentioned the Viger Excess models and the like , as they all now have wooden necks , graphite rods , and no trussrods (Vigier state the trussrods can affect the tone - as Ped stated) . This may be a good halfway house for many . Everyone should try one , as it is not really an issue with the cost anymore (if high end is your poison) , as the excellent value Status Smartbasses showed - a graphite necked bass with actives for around £600 . Like alot of things (ie 6 string , light cabs , micro heads , valve amps) , once bitten , you're unlikely to deviate much , just ask Rich aka OTPJ .
  6. I'm just suprised that no-one has yet gone for the G string joke .
  7. Bit of a punt this , but I've got an Epifani 410ul 4ohm-series 1 , and an Eden 410xlt 4ohm . I'll swap both for the Flea .
  8. E sharp

    Bass Fuzz

    Apologies if this has already been done . After a Bass Fuzz in the near future . I'm currently using a G5 for a couple of Muse songs , but would like something a bit smaller . I was thinking , a fuzz might do the trick to cover the synthy type sounds . I've done a search on Talkbass , and the ZVEX Mastotron seems to tick all the boxes . They seem to have a choice of loads of pedals over the pond , with The Wooly Mammoth getting good reviews , unless you use active basses , which I do . The Mastotron has good reviews , and is small , which is a good thing . Anyone had any dealings with them ? Or any other pedals of the ilk ?
  9. I'd be interested in your Streamline Joking aside , I think many go through this once in a while . I've got a set of golf clubs in the garage , don't know when I'll fancy a round again (5 yrs and counting) , but I'll keep 'em just in case . You may find if you sell up , you'll regret it - you could try "downsizing" , then your options are still open .
  10. "Rhythm stick" for me too . Tried to learn it once , and , well it's the left and right in perfect 16th sync - bitchin line . I can play other things a lot faster , but it was a bugger , and I've never gone back to it - should do really . "Ain't no stoppin" , I had no problems with , but "Keep the faith" - main riff - Bon Jovi , piece of piss riff , always felt uneasy with Funny old world ain't it .
  11. [quote name='jakesbass' post='804638' date='Apr 13 2010, 10:24 AM']I definitely would like to hear from Jeff here.[/quote] I'll second that . I don't agree with everything he says , don't much go a lot on his music , but he says it as he means it (like AJ) , and I like that . Also , he seems , how shall we say this , a more 'robust' person and fight his corner , and isn't likely to flounce off like the other pro's that came on .
  12. [quote name='jakesbass' post='804847' date='Apr 13 2010, 01:30 PM']Fascinating stuff this, I'll post a link on the Alembic site as many of the guys over there will be interested in this as it is quite significant in the early Alembic sense.[/quote] Perhaps they can shine a light on what each knob does . I'm no expert , but I'll have a punt on the sounds each knob produces . Knob #1 - wooly sound VOLUME Knob #2 - wooly sound HIGH PASS FILTER Knob #3 - wooly sound PARALLEL TAP Knob #4 - wooly sound SERIES TAP Knob #5 - wooly sound PICKUP BALANCE - really wooly(neck) or slightly wooly(bridge) I can't be bothered with any more
  13. Can you get them to go below D ? I might be wrong , but I read somewhere that Will Lee used one that went to a C . Is it my memory , or can you go lower than D (or get one that goes lower) ?
  14. [quote name='dood' post='801827' date='Apr 10 2010, 02:47 PM']Excellent, I now own a Hartke HX410. Very happy![/quote] What's this ? Something else ? I thought I was restless with gear What you running with it ?
  15. [quote name='dood' post='801859' date='Apr 10 2010, 03:24 PM']Because I don't know how to stop this G.A.S affliction that makes me sell stuff ridiculously! Let's take a look at the evidence: 1x Ampeg SVT 2 Pro 2x Hartke cabs 2 x Ampeg SVPs 1x Ampeg BSP 2x Tech Soundsystem cabinets 1x Powersoft power amplifier 2x Tobias basses 1x Epifani UL 610 1x F1 1x TC GForce 1x BDDI 1x M80 (yeah I bought another) 1 x Multicomp (yup - bought the new version) 1x Warwick Quadruplet 1x Status Fretless 6 and there's plenty more I am ashamed to say! The F1 was defintely a favourite and should have been a keeper - it's so small, it wouldn't have gotten in the way if it stayed as a back up![/quote] And long may it continue mate I now have a splendid cab because of this list Just a petty you never had the Powersoft at the same time Most inconsiderate , I'd say . How's the new gear panning out ? Drop us a line .
  16. [quote name='Bigwan' post='784360' date='Mar 24 2010, 08:51 AM']It would seem that some time after Bernie and Lowden 'parted ways' a job lot of remainder parts were sold uncompleted as kits and assembled outside the Goodfellow process. Be careful out there.[/quote] A guy called Steve Smith from Southend fretted a Modulus neck for me around '91/92 , and he had shedloads of Goodfellow parts . Turns out that he worked with Bernie well before the Lowden time . His massive shed/workshop was rammed with bodies and necks , and I now wish that I'd have taken him up on his offer , and bought a cheap Goodfellow - made up of my chosen parts . I don't know if he's still around (has 'disappeared/moved a few times ) , or even still with us at all (not the healthiest looking guy) . Maybe his collection got sold off job lot , who knows ?
  17. [quote name='The Burpster' post='781565' date='Mar 21 2010, 12:13 PM']No excuse for it in my eyes with all the tech thats available - Makes then look very amatuerish too! [/quote] I agree . I use a graphite necked Stingray , and it only is out of tune sometimes now , because it's kept in a gigbag . When it was in a hard case , it was never out - ever . The guys in our band do this , and it's a pisstake , if you ask me . They bunch all the De-tune numbers together (their ones mind) to limit it , but they still do it . But...how is it that I can de-tune my E string on a few songs (either to D or C) without a tuner , (and quietly knealt down by my speaker to boot) , infinately quicker than that pair with their fancy floor tuners . And I'm done before they've swallowed the mouthful of lager that's been swigged between the last smash and the start of the next song . It can't be the kit , I think it's just guitarists - plain and simple .
  18. I've got one of these (S1), and a S1 610 ul also , and they're the best cabs I've ever played through . Good luck with the sale . Have a bump on me
  19. Does anyone make one with a graphite neck ?
  20. [quote name='thodrik' post='759192' date='Feb 27 2010, 03:35 PM']I have no problem with bands/bassists I know and trust using my cabs and even my head at a push. But there are unfortuantely so many bassists that are so clueless about gain and the issues of clipping that handing them a valve preamp is about as safe as handing them a shotgun...[/quote] This sadly is not just "local bassists" I once did a bike festival , and the night after I played , my mate played and supported a ' name ' bassist , and a couple of others . My mate has the same Eden head as me , and the pro turned up , and proceeded to turn up the gain to such an extent that the amp was clipping madly . My mate ran on stage , turned the gain to half , and turned up the master , to give him the volume increase he was after . I mean this guy could have either damaged the amp , speakers , or both . I guess numerous world tours , writing for mags , having articles about you , account for zilch when you don't understand the very basics of an amp . So even if you think the person using your gear knows what they're doing , no knows how to be careful like you do .
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' date='Feb 27 2010, 03:39 PM' post='759198'] At that price you're not just paying for a great looking/sounding/playing instrument, you buying into that particular luthier's total creative vision. Spot on
  22. [quote name='Rich' post='759475' date='Feb 27 2010, 10:06 PM']Shuker = one-man operation in a small Derbyshire workshop. Sei = two-man operation in a basement in North London. Fodera = two-man operation in NYC workshop. Jon Shuker built me a bass to the design I wanted, from the woods I selected, with a neck profile I dictated, with the electronics and pickups and hardware I chose and the finshed I desired. How, exactly, is that not a 'custom' build?[/quote] I probably , didn't come accross how I intended , so I apologise . What I was trying to say , is that high end bass builders are custom , but to a degree . The SEI interview in BGM is a case in point . Martin said that he is open to any ideas , but it has to be a SEI (not a problem) . But if you were to say for example , "I want the LIVE AID guitar , with the Africa body , but in a Bass format" , he might not be too willing , as he will customise , but in general , has his set out shapes . I wasn't meaning to demean any high end builder , as I've been to The Gallery , and bought one , and also been to Status twice - owned 2 and had work done on another . The original thread opener , was about - Custom or High end . And to get a true custom (which might include options and shapes that aren't available with any of the above) , then a small one man operation is probably your only option . I'm thinking of someone like Martin Booth , who although builds primarily guitars , is open to a one of special - although you may pay alot for it .
  23. [quote name='henry norton' post='756552' date='Feb 24 2010, 10:04 PM']Thing is, with most 'custom' basses you are getting a variation based on a luthier's already proven design. You can usually try out something similar then specify certain woods, pickups etc. to suit what you want (or what you [i]think[/i] you want). It's quite rare a luthier will make something totally unique for you.[/quote] I think , that you're describing the 'high end' quoted , and not the custom option . All of the high end makers quoted , will customise to a degree , but normally within parameters . I wouldn't call Shuker , Status , Fodera , Ritter , Sei , or any of them 'custom builders' , cause they're not . IMO , a custom buider , is a one man operation , in a shed or garage . All of the 'big boys' , will not build what you want . I mean , someone on the Statii forum , said that Rob wouldn't move a front pick up back a bit , on a new build Jazz , what's all that about . I suppose nothing wrong with that on the face of it (this is the model , this is what you get) . But not exactly a custom ethos . As stated , a high end maker , will build a fabulous bass - just have to decide which one . A custom build may be a bit more of a gamble , and you have to be sure what you want . I know I don't fully , and I suspect most people don't. Best of luck - you won't regret it (hopefully )
  24. [quote name='Higgie' post='757263' date='Feb 25 2010, 04:37 PM']Where can this price be found? [/quote] [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_details.cfm?ID=182&type=Bass%20Cabinet"]http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_deta...=Bass%20Cabinet[/url]
  25. I played one in The Gallery , a few years back , and it was alright . This ties in with the Gus thread , with regard to pricing . If you want it , desire it , and have the funds , you're probably going to order one . And why not ? Personally , I can't see how much better they can be against our top builders in Britain . I mean there surely must be some sort of quality ceiling here , that once reached , no bass is better crafted - just preference . I'm saving for a Status Stealth , and that's not cheap . The recent price increase has definatly made me think twice . But over on the Statii pages , everyone thinks there're good value , and they are , just bloody dear . There's obviously the kudos of the name tag with Fodera , Sadowsky et al , and also the pricing difference when they cross over the pond . British goods over there are also really pricey . Most here think that they're over priced (and they are). But then again isn't everything .
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