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E sharp

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Everything posted by E sharp

  1. I do too. I’ve got one big buy left after shedding all my stuff to have a nice active 5 and a nice passive 5 (P type). So don’t need another P5, but this looks lovely.
  2. Long sold . I genuinely thought I'd marked this as sold - got lost with a cull of gear being sold all at once .
  3. I thought you were maybe thinking of selling your one, as you’ve now got the Noble. I think you’d alluded to something like that a while ago. I suspect it’s too hard to let go- not that I blame you
  4. Probably a bit unfair, as I didn’t hate it as such, but the Handbox WB100 - their all value 120 watt jobbie. Did loads of research, and was in contact with the owner a fair bit too. Now playing Northern Soul, so I thought that it would be ideal, but it wasn’t. My little Eden WT400 blew it away. People talk about ‘valve watts’, but I couldn’t get enough volume out of it at all. My Eden head, was also considerably warmer sounding too- which was a major surprise. I realise that I had far more tone shaping on the Eden, but I wasn’t bothered about that, and I found it easy to get a nice tone, but it had no oompf at all. Guy I sold it to really likes it, so it may just be me maybe expecting it to be something it was never going to be.
  5. If I didn’t already have an Eden 410, and two Berg 212’s, I’d have this, as I’m in Norfolk. This should fly out I reckon
  6. I agree, that Z3 is stunning. Prices of the Canadian Dingwalls have unfortunately gone through the wall in the last year. Awesome bass
  7. That looks an awful lot of bass for the money. These appear to get loads of love over on Talkbass
  8. There’s a 410 for sale on here
  9. Oh my. One of these was my first gigging combo, from around 16, to 20. This is like a look down memory lane
  10. Scubaduba on TB is the one who’s sort of taken over I think. His reviews are equally as good
  11. He’s stopped reviewing now I believe
  12. How important is this venue to you- gig wise? When you say ‘their issues’, that’s exactly that- it’s their issues. What is the back story here? You mention a ‘client’ ? I’ve been involved in bending over backwards to accommodate a gig, and I’ve also had enough times of telling them to get stuffed- not worth it. Most on here will have done both. I suppose we’d need more information on the back story to give a proper opinion really.
  13. Only the Burninator left now . Here's a little clip from the previous owner I think - the guy who commissioned Max to build it .
  14. That’s pretty much the list that I’d of come up with. With the possible addition of an Aria SB1000
  15. Didn’t Ampeg make one that was a beastly weight?
  16. Thanks for that. I did give a thought about Marshall, but wasn’t really sure or not. I’ll drop them an E Mail Thanks
  17. I’ve dropped of my Eden Navigator pre amp for repair to one of the amp techs recommended in the thread for Amp Techs in East Anglia, and I’m not sure he knows what to do. Had to chase up after a week, and no communication after a week (now two weeks), and he said he’s trying to source a schematic for it. I don’t suppose anyone on here has a schematic, or a PDF of one etc. Thanks
  18. E sharp

    Diamond pedals

    I have their original larger bass one, and it’s a great tone enhancer type of compressor. A sort of always on affair.
  19. E sharp

    Diamond pedals

    Just saw on Talkbass this morning, that Diamond have shut up shop
  20. No, I wasn’t even mentioning you, not that would. I just had loads of receipts, loads of messages, loads of bank transfers, and names on Basschat, that often don’t marry up with the person’s real name. So kept trying to make sense of it. It’s a possibility that there’s been one of the £40 pedals that’s not been paid for- but I don’t honestly know. Thankfully I’ve almost sold everything that I don’t use, so should never confuse myself again with selling stuff he he
  21. I wasn’t sure- sorry mate. I’d sold that many pedals in a short space of time, and had loads of Post Office receipts, that I’d lost track. Just must’ve accidentally deleted our messages, as I was trying to tie up the messages on here, to the PO receipts. Got myself in a right pickle
  22. Only the Burninator and Micro Energizer left now - all else sold . Cannot find the messages for the E Filter - think someone has it , and not yet paid . Live and learn I suppose
  23. I watch loads of Rick, as and when I can. I never ever tire of him in the slightest
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