@Hellzero I do apologise if my responses here have riled you. That certainly wasn’t my intention, and I’m not looking to cast doubt or shade on your knowledge and experience. I also wasn’t trying to suggest that Andy Baxter, The Gallery, etc., are the absolute, unrefutable authorities on vintage Fender, or to deny the possibility that they might sometimes (perhaps conveniently) fail to mention non-original or altered aspects of some instruments they sell.
My interest and confusion is more around unusual examples, like the supposed ’61 VVT I linked, where the assertion is that the year can’t be correct based on the setup. Yet, from my perspective (which I feel is relatively experienced), there’s nothing that seems to suggest it’s incorrect. It’s also one of a handful of examples I’ve come across with the same setup.
I’m also aware of the idea that certain features are said not to have appeared until ’62, but where is the definitive proof of this? For instance, is there a photo of the first invoice for decals with numbers and three-hole control plates dated 1st January 1962?
As mentioned, I’d genuinely like to hear your thoughts on the example I linked (linked again below), and from your experience, understand what aspects you see as red flags. Respectfully, I’m not trying to refute your experience or act like an authority here, I’m honestly just trying to build on my own knowledge.