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Everything posted by LukewarmWater

  1. Bit of a copy and paste job from my comment in another thread but: The bass and treble are regular boost/cut, but the mid control has 3 positions: position 1 is off, position 2 is a mid-cut and position 3 is either a mid-boost (how I use it) or a different mid-cut. I *think* that this model bass pre-dates the NE1 EQ box so that's why the controls are a little different. When you take the control plate off what you'll find are 4 little plastic wheels attached to the circuit board. They are in 2 pairs and control the mid-cut amount and mid-frequency for position 2, the other pair are for the mid-boost/cut and mid-frequency for position 3. Someone in a guitar shop once told me that the idea behind it was that you can set 2 favourite tones (e.g. a scoop for slap and a boost for rockier stuff) and then flick easily between them. I must admit that I mainly play rock/metal stuff on mine so I tend to leave it on position 3 with the max mid-boost in an attempt to cut through against cranked Marshalls and Boogies.
  2. The presets are for the mid control which has 3 positions: position 1 is off, position 2 is a mid-cut and position 3 is either a mid-boost (how I use it) or a different mid-cut. I *think* the controls are based on the active circuits found on the very early TRB models, but I might be wrong about that. When you do take the control plate off what you'll find are 4 little plastic wheels attached to the circuit board. They are in 2 pairs and control the mid-cut amount and mid-frequency for position 2, the other pair are for the mid-boost/cut and mid-frequency for position 3. Someone in a guitar shop once told me that the idea behind it was that you can set 2 favourite tones (e.g. a scoop for slap and a boost for rockier stuff) and then flick easily between them. I must admit that I mainly play rock/metal stuff on mine so I tend to leave it on position 3 with the max mid-boost in an attempt to cut through against cranked Marshalls and Boogies.
  3. I'm also no Warwick expert but I can say that my Fortress One is a mid-90s German 4-string and has a PJ configuration for the pups. Passive with vol, blend and 2 tone knobs, a wenge neck and (I think) maple body. I'm not the original owner but the electronics don't obviously look like they've been replaced or have had a battery taken out to convert to passive.
  4. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1379002866' post='2207640'] I thought the distortion on the rick was the bad pickups and the string rattling on the neck? [/quote] You know, after listening on headphones rather than crappy computer speakers I think you're very likely right about that.
  5. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1378939701' post='2206944'] Ooh that is pretty handy, although it doesn't make it sound easier to do But clearly the tone is different to spirit of radio, which I was playing earlier (as I am supposed to be playing it next week) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx8jLE3qVqA [/quote] There's a no-guitar version of The Analog Kid that the same bloke has put up which is quite good for comparing the Rick tone with the jazz tone on Digital Man. To my (cloth) ears some of the difference is down to the extra gain/distortion he seems to be using with the Rick. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tigBmZN4LnU
  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1378934577' post='2206843'] Ahh sh*t, it's not playing for me [/quote] I just tried it on my phone and it wasn't working there, but it worked earlier on my PC. Strange ... Youtube has been a bit flaky for me today forcing me to do things like work instead of watching videos about bass looping and other such vital things.
  7. There's an isolated bass and drums (with a little bonus vocal and bass synth bleed) here for those that want a really good listen to Geddy's tone on Digital Man: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28gcZQiQvds
  8. The Andertons website currently says they'll set you back £1067 for the solid colours and £1121 for 3TS (a bit more for the fretless and another bit for the lefties). So not cheap but not a huge price hike over the 2011 versions. Whether they're worth the money is probably an exercise best left to the reader
  9. Sold to a very nice man
  10. [quote name='randymussel' post='1368612' date='Sep 10 2011, 03:02 PM']Had another go.[/quote] Got it this time And replied.
  11. [quote name='randymussel' post='1367449' date='Sep 9 2011, 11:28 AM']PMd[/quote] I think something must have gone a little awry with the PM system as I didn't get this. Could you possibly resend it? Cheers.
  12. Bump. Feel free to make me an offer Not particularly looking for trades but I might be tempted by a small cab (1x12, 2x10 etc).
  13. [quote name='andydye' post='1359523' date='Sep 2 2011, 09:25 AM']Thanks for the additional jack socket warning and good comment about the replacement preamp! Did you go for internal switch or push pull pot for the mid frequency?[/quote] I went for a push-pull pot on the mid-knob to switch between the mid frequencies. It seemed better to be able to do so without taking the cover for the electronics cavity off, but I find I very rarely change the mid centre point frequency when playing so I don't think an internal switch would actually be too bad in practice. I also added a push-pull to the volume knob for the active/passive switch. The new EQ did make a difference but not a huge one, it's possibly something to think about but definitely not a "must".
  14. Up for sale is my SWR Workingmans 15 combo. 160W, 200W with an extension cab. I bought it new at the end of 2004 and while it's done a decent number of practices and a few gigs it has had a relatively easy life. In fact it has spent the last 4 years almost totally inactive taking up space in various rooms, a fact not lost upon my wife The rubber on the handle has cracked at one side (see picture) and the felt covering came away very slightly in the port below the speaker and was duct-taped back down. Apart from that it's in pretty good condition. I'm looking for £150 collected or meet-up. I'm in Hersham, Surry near M25 J10 and the A3 and would be happy to drive for a bit (say up to an hour) to meet a buyer / deliver it. Any questions, higher res or different pictures required then just let me know. Cheers, Mark [attachment=88493:front_cr...d_scaled.jpg] [attachment=88494:Controls_Scaled.JPG] [attachment=88495:Handle_Scaled.JPG] [attachment=88496:With_Bass_Cropped.JPG]
  15. I bought mine new in 1999 for £750 (I think, it was certainly about that). I have to agree with the comment about the thunderous B string and that it's worth getting the jack socket replaced as I had mine die just before a gig. The neck also seems to me to be pretty comfy for a 6 string, it's not as narrow as an Ibanez SR neck but it is thin front-to-back and just seems to fit nicely in the hand. I replaced the pickups with Bartolini quad coil soapbars and the EQ with an Aguilar OBP-3, and while I've kept the Aguilar I've gone back to the stock pickups. The barts were nice and definitely more refined, but I actually prefer the more agressive rock tone of the stock pups. The only real downside is the weight, these things are built like a tank and weigh almost as much
  16. Another 77 here. We've already had 77 P basses from Mr Vader, but a nice 77 jazz along these lines wouldn't go amiss: Or perhaps one of these: I think I need to get saving my pennies first though
  17. I wonder if this is my old bass? I had one that looks just like this that I sold on eBay about 6 years ago back when I lived in Bristol. Either way these are nice basses, you can get quite a range of tones by blending the lightwave pickups with the piezos as well as using the EQ. Mine was quite light as well, certainly the lightest bass I've owned. Rather regret selling it actually ...
  18. Another Seymour Duncan SPB-3 user here. I replaced the MEC P pickup in my passive Warwick with one: as a heavy rock pickup I think it works pretty well but it's definitely not the best for growl (the original had more growl albeit less bass, treble and output).
  19. Back when I used to live in Bristol I remember talking to Eltham Jones about this, and sure enough he's got a bit on his website: [url="http://www.edgeguitarservices.co.uk/rout_serv/nut_geom.htm"]http://www.edgeguitarservices.co.uk/rout_serv/nut_geom.htm[/url] I can't offer any critique of his explanation since the physics I did was in a completely unrelated field (and long enough ago) to be useless here
  20. First Bass Owned: Ibanez Blazer 'Go To' Bass : Yamaha BBNE5 'Your' Bass : Warwick Fortress One 4 string (w/ Seymour Duncans) At home I spend 90% of my time playing my VMJ fretless (with flats) though.
  21. [quote name='captain black' post='753130' date='Feb 21 2010, 07:25 PM']Wonder if anyone else who owns one has any clips?[/quote] It's a Sterling rather than a Stingray, but this gives an idea of what the piezo sounds like and how it blends with the magnetic pickup. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rNKuYuex1I&feature=PlayList&p=D687F9EE7BC81D06&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=26"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rNKuYuex1I...PL&index=26[/url]
  22. [quote name='geilerbass' post='594728' date='Sep 10 2009, 01:35 PM']While he's not particularly tall, he's got pretty big hands. His first signature Yamaha bass had a fairly wide neck and while I think the RBXJM2 was narrower, it still wasn't as streamlined as an Ibanez neck. The new EBMM Bongo Bass 6-stringer that he uses now, from what I've been reliably told, also has a reasonably wide neck.[/quote] I've just taken a ruler to the neck of my RBX6JM(1) and it's a touch under 50mm wide at the nut and 16.5mm string spacing at the bridge. Not sure how that compares to the RBX6JM2. The neck is fairly thin/shallow, and from memory is thinner and a good deal narrower than the TRB6II I used to own. Not as slinky as the neck on your Ibanez from the brief go I had on it before that gig in Streatham though.
  23. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='548463' date='Jul 23 2009, 12:20 AM']Thats one of my alltime fave movie quotes, `luke warm water' - classic! ..do a good show yeh?![/quote] Must ... resist ... urge ... to quote Tap. It's OK; I'm a professional, I'll rise above it. Damn ... By the way, 65 basses: awesome. A true inspiration in my aim to merely get into double figures!
  24. [quote name='Shockwave' post='547476' date='Jul 22 2009, 12:33 PM']Metal Scene? Worse then before tbh, Venues are closing down, promoters are getting thin on the ice, no one is coming out to watch bands. Apart from the reasonably big bands (Amputated and co) we dont have much anymore! Gareths just fine, hes tamed down the drums for this band www.myspace.com/rowofashes1 (I am not on that demo but we are recording an Ep in the next month!) We'll be playing Antixmas, Sachas booked us up to do it this year. Bass collection, just one at the moment Pedulla Pentabuzz 5 string fretless, i have discovered the joys of being 100% fretless Your playing on the first IOC was actually some influence going into fretless full time. (As well as the guy from Quo Vadis) Guitar collection? Dont speak of it, i started writing for ROA a few months ago and decided to buy a guitar and amp, I now have a half stack and 4 guitars, i need to get rid of them! Why does this always happen, i am a bass player and have 4 guitars Anyway, i hope things are good with you and Kachana! [/quote] I'm pretty sure I've seen Row of Ashes (at the Junction I think), back when Rich was in the band. Kachana were supposed to be playing as well but singer Tom got a fantastically-poorly timed chest infection and we had to pull out. From what I remember it's pretty good stuff, although I was slightly the worse for wear by that point The Myspace stuff sounds promising; are you planning on recording anything soon? Interesting to hear about going 100% fretless. Glad the IOC stuff was a touch of an influence, although I sincerely hope you weren't influenced by some of the more ... "jazz" ... moments of intonation on there Is it DiGiorgio on the Quo Vadis CD? The man is a damn fine fretless metal bassist. I could really do with getting back into the fretless stuff more these days, it's so much fun to play but it doesn't suit the new Kachana stuff as well. Doesn't stop me GASing big time for a new 4 string fretless though. Speaking of which how's the Pedulla? I've always wanted to try one out, if a 4 string buzz ever comes up for sale on here then I might have to chance my arm and just get one. Kachana is still going along fine. We've just recorded a new CD; my next task is to make the MySpace page look less awful and put up some of the new tracks. We've settled down into the classic/power metal style a bit more these days, no need to hide our Manowar influences any more [Sorry it took so long to reply by the way, I was on my honeymoon and so logging on to basschat was probably not advisable!]
  25. [quote name='Shockwave' post='546727' date='Jul 21 2009, 04:59 PM']Hey Sheildy, long time no speak! How did you know i was Shockwave? Currently i am in a band with Gareth from Amputated [/quote] Hi guys and thanks for welcomes. Went to your Myspace link Zoe, nice to hear someone with similar names on the influences list and that plays that well; got some groove going on there Good to hear from you again Rob. I saw some link or other from a post and happened to click on a profile link, saw the name Asomodai and some long neglected neurons fired into action The amazing deductive powers of a C++ programmer I guess How's the Bristol metal scene these days? What sort of stuff are you doing in your new band? Is Gareth still pounding out those impressive kick drum beats? And, more importantly, how's the bass and <whisper>guitar</whisper> collection these days? Cheers, Shieldy
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