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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. Heya, Thanks for all the good advice guys , seems pretty reasonable. I guess I'll hold off then (unless a stupidly cheap Hartke LH500 comes up, love those things and would keep it anyway!) .Also anyone know a decent and reasonably priced place I can get a flight case for it? It's currently in an enclosure built by matamp and I'd like to keep it there rather than racking it.
  2. Heya, I'll be heading out on tour this August (11 dates I think, will be driving around in a van etc), and I'll be taking my Mesa 400+ out with me since (fair enough) the headliners only want to supply a cab for the bassists. Currently the head is being serviced so it will be in good nick before heading out, but I was just wondering if it's worth picking up a cheap, preferably second hand head should it decide to pack up and die mid tour? I'm going to flightcase it and treat it as carefully as possible, but since this is my first time on the road I'm not entirely sure what I should be preparing for. Anyone with any advice would be greatly appreciated . Thanks, Ash
  3. [quote name='JayPH' timestamp='1335303153' post='1629135'] Did he give you any idea how long to rest it for? [/quote] I know this isn't something you'll want to hear necessarily but a guitarist friend of mine damaged the tendons in his left pinky when he dislocated it. It's absolutely knackered for the time being, and has been told to expect 3 months off playing guitar at least. Tendons are a nasty thing to bugger - had my arm forceably hyperextended and did a few tendons in my right arm and it's taken months (with physio) to get it back to normal. I know it's absolutely balls but a decent length rest now, while crap, might avoid this becoming chronic.
  4. I owned an evo II, didn't really get on with it that well but there we go, a lot of people love them. Honestly though, why move on if you're happy? To this day I regret moving on my mesa big block. As for Ashdown, you might bring out a certain level of abject hate for them in this thread, so don't be surprised by it... many feel they're "wooly". I'm very meh towards them, also some attribute the wooliness to the Ashdown cabs so it might sound great through your orange cab. Try before you buy I guess!
  5. I can't personally find much different in tone between the two, but feel wise I definitely prefer maple over anything else. Feels more slick. That said, it could all be in my head. I have basses I love with both,
  6. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1334615546' post='1618768'] Ah yes, it can be confusing! They are the same thing; p became v and j became t last year, to reduce the risk of Fender taking issue with them. VM is a Precision and MM pickup, TM is a Jazz and MM pickup, TT is two jazz pickups, etc, etc. When you get a Sandberg in your hands, you'll know why some of us love them so much! They're fairly simple basses, but they're so well made, and just feel and sound awesome. [/quote] Ah right. Was getting confused! Thanks for that. Definitely in the market for one will post gratuitous photos if/when I get one . If i were to order a particular combination from the factory ( through a dealer) anyone have any ideas what their lead time is? Want to take this on tour in August.
  7. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1334610078' post='1618622'] The neck is slimmer than a Fender P, but maybe a little fuller than a jazz. The MM bridge pickup basically works like a Jazz bridge pickup on steroids. Better output and fullness (more balanced with the neck pup), but still a nice burpy bridge sound. When you blend with the P, it sounds more like a Stingray, and obviously the p sounds like ...... well, a precision! The two band glock is great, and the fact you've got the passive tone control makes it a versatile beast with a monster sound. All Sandbergs are just awesome! [/quote] Sounds perfect! Quick question though, what's the differenc between a PM and a VM?
  8. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1334607049' post='1618543'] Bass Direct haven't sold them for a while, and I think a fellow BCer purchased that sunburst PM at the weekend....... PMT have the best stocks in the UK, although GuitarGuitar have a few too. It's far cheaper to buy from Germany at the moment, I think Session Music are about the cheapest. It's worth seeing if there's any BCers near you that have them, I'm sure you could have a try. They really are superb basses, I cannot praise them highly enough! They are good value new for such a quality, handbuilt bass, and they're just silly value for money used. Since I bought my first one last year, I've sold everything else and bought more, because nothing else hits the spot for me now! I'm going to sell two of mine to help fund a custom Sandberg build, so let me know if you're interested..... [/quote] If it's a p bass body with a P/MM PU combo colour me interested! . ANd session music is ridiculously cheap. Wondering how fast their turnover is... the VM-5 they have in stock is cheap but (however vain this sounds) isn't the right colour/fingerboard wood for me. Might hold off and watch their website. That said, PMT have always done me really good deals on Meinl so hopefully that extends to all German brands . Looking for a maple necked, preferably white or natural VM-5. The one in this video is just gorgeous: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRHKMHbnhpA&feature=player_embedded I've heard really great things about them, I hear they're just huge sounding? How do they cut? Anyone know the string spacing on a 5er? Cheers Ash
  9. That is freaking gorgeous! Congrats . I too was unaware of the u box. Some interesting stuff on there, how are ishibashi? Every time I've imported something I've got clobbered on taxes.
  10. Absolutely hankering after a California VM-5!
  11. [quote name='thodrik' timestamp='1334524561' post='1617291'] This is actually what I have done in the past. Also I have found that additional cabs can be very effective as study desks and coffee tables when not gigging. [/quote] Too true, my 410 makes a great laptop stand at eye height when wanting to snuggle in bed and watch DVDs!
  12. If you ever want to move the aggy on they'll be interest here . But in trying to help, maybe another cab would be a good idea, or a gramma pad. THey're supposed to be decent. I put a cab on an old hard case for a while, that seemed to work quite well. Cheap too if you have one lying about
  13. Wrong forum, sorry, please close.
  14. By the way thank you for all your responses so far .
  15. ALso found an X2 XDT1 & XDR1, will that fit the bill? It's reasonably priced.
  16. Hmm, I think I'm leaning towards a stageclix, to those using a stageclix, where's the best price I can get one? I'm tempted by the line 6 simply because they're easier to pick up second hand. Also to people who own both the line 6 and the stageclix, how to they cope when out of line of sight/with an active bass? Thanks Ash
  17. Heya, Apologies if this is the wrong forum. I've had a couple of wireless systems without much success - my X2 was pretty poor build quality and died reasonably quickly, and my Ashdown freebass or whatever it's called is absolute balls - so I was wondering if anyone could recommend a wireless because frankly, there are loads out there and the majority of the reviews are from guitarists. I'm willing to pay for quality, however I'd prefer to keep it under £350. Needs to be able to handle an active bass and in a perfect world would be rack-mountable too . Also, it needs to be reasonably robust cos it's going on tour. Thanks for any help! Ash
  18. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1333974611' post='1608932'] There is a difference and it isn't power issues either. I think the DB750 is the slightly more desirable but they also amaended some things on the 751 which were considered a good thing. Will have to check out TB to see what they were as they escape me atm. IIRC, voltage was one issue as most originated from the States as opposed to being imported by a distributor so you could get ones running 110V..and therefore needling a transformer box. and I don't think Aguilar had switched voltage options on them...as they weren't a exported model. If you get a fully modded 240v model 750, then that is the big problem sorted and there are a few about. I think Aguilar also altered the tone stage and people tended to prefer the 750..??? [/quote] Fair enough, thanks for the information . I've heard the 750 can be slightly noisy? Any truth to that?
  19. Heya, I've been playing bass for around 10 years now (god that's a long time now I think about it) and anyhoo, effects are something I've never really used that much. I remember playing around with a bass pod pro (the old rackmount one) a while back in a store, and quite enjoyed playing with it, however I never went through with buying one because at that time bass -> amp -> sound was all I needed. So, with that little preamble, sorry for the absolute ignorance that's going to follow... So basically, I kind of have a few questions: I was wondering what the advantages of one was? Both generally and over using a load of pedals. Indeed, would there be an argument for both in a rig? Where in the line would you put it? I tend to go bass -> compressor -> amp input, would it go before or after the compressor (or indeed would it act as one?) or in the FX loop? Sorry for my lack of knowledge on the subject, this kind of a line I'd like to investigate - I'm getting more opportunities to play more diverse types of music (it's been mostly rock and jazz up to this point) and really I'd just like an excuse to play with my tones a bit and have some interesting stuff going on! Also, I'm beginning to play bigger venues, so I was wondering if there would be any inherent advantages if I got one. Thanks for any help
  20. Heya, Just wondering what the differences between the two are? Any consensus over which (if either) is better? Thanks! Ash
  21. What's the scale on these? 35"?
  22. Heya, I have an electric drum kit that's a few years old. Made by Yamaha. Would that be of interest in a trade? I'll get some more info and pm you if you're interested? Thanks, ash
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