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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. and also a further +1 for buying off the second hand section here. You'll get more for your cash and also have the guidance of people here to make sure you're not ripped off or anything
  2. I was going to chip in a bit more but you're in good hands I'd really recommend going to a shop, because from the looks of it you're looking at either a Squire Jazz or Squire Precision bass at the moment, and they feel very different to play, to the point of it being slightly uncomfortable for some. So it might be a good idea to actually hold and play one just to get a feel for them. Anyhoo your earlier questions: [b]"About the 20W amp and the 50W amp, what's the difference in the sound if there is any?"[/b] Probably very little with what you're looking at, though take two similar specification amps by different brands and they can sound mighty different. Again, another argument for going to a store and trying before buying "In terms of budget let's say the max is 250£ and as for style, more alternative rock. Jazz is not my style. Should I avoid the jazz bass then?" No reason to, it's just a name, they are used absolutely everywhere for everything. Further on from the previously posted things about the difference between a precision and a jazz bass, the wiki articles might be helpful to you . [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Jazz_Bass"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Jazz_Bass[/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_Bass"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_Bass[/url] Are there any online stores that you recommend? GAK are usually decent, though again I'd recommend going to a store. Whereabouts are you based? I'm sure one of us wouldn't mind taking you down to a store sometime and helping you out, cos these questions are usually easier to answer in person and it's then better because you can ask whatever occurs to you at the time I'll leave the Pick up question to someone more knowledgeable , however in my experience I've found jazz's to be capable of more mellow and versatile tones that the precision however, the precision tone is so brilliant some argue you don't need to change it anyways, if just works well everywhere. It's just down to taste at the end of the day.
  3. [quote name='HartkeUK' post='694593' date='Dec 27 2009, 11:27 PM']If only you had asked me before xmas I could have sorted a present out for you. But it is all over now! Have a great new year anyway. Gareth[/quote] Humbug! haha, thanks anyways, have a great year too
  4. mmm the LH 500 and 1000 are lovely pieces of kit, cabs are nice too Any chance of some freebies fellas?
  5. IIRC isn't this also a problem with ampegs? Practically every sound guy I've worked with hates em lol.
  6. As someone who likes to stick with tens I'm just throwing this out there... while on paper and with the science a 410 paired with a 410 is the way to go, surely it's [i]percieved[/i] tone that's the issue here? I do get confused by this sometimes, the common consensus seems to be to not mix speaker sizes, yet some of the biggest names and my favourite bassists do it (Nathan Watts springs to mind) and generate an incredible tone.
  7. I lol'd.
  8. [quote name='lojo' post='691666' date='Dec 22 2009, 05:11 PM']Yes, could be, do you have an ampeg amp on offer?[/quote] Ah balls, only a cab. Oh well, good luck with the sale!
  9. I saw it about a month after I started playing bass, and stuck with it since . I self taught but after watching videos on it more recently people seem to go for the index - middle - ring order of picking? Does everyone here do that? I always always always without fail do the opposite, and find it much easier. As for why I do it, I dunno, it feels more natural. It's so ingrained into how I play I will automatically just start with my ring finger now. Anyhoo, players who use it - Troy Sanders from Mastodon definitely throws a third in for faster passages. I also believe the Unearth bassist uses three, as does the Black Dahlia Murder bassist. Alex Webster (legend!) of Cannibal Corpse fame does as well I think. Also Dream Theater's John Myung too.
  10. [quote name='silddx' post='691585' date='Dec 22 2009, 03:28 PM']Hello Ash, Might you be interested in a Warwick Corvette $$ in black high polish?[/quote] Thanks for the offer but no thank you good luck with your sale
  11. Can't speak highly enough of these basses, brilliant
  12. [quote name='Bigwan' post='691393' date='Dec 22 2009, 12:06 PM']Confused... Is this still for sale? If so how much?[/quote] Heya, sorry should have been more clear. This is not for sale anymore - the bass I was going to fund by selling this has gone. As a result I'm now only looking for trades . Thanks! Ash
  13. Oh yes sorry one mod - the fretboard was restoned last year.
  14. Hello, Thought I'd give an update - the bass this was going to be replaced with has gone. Therefore I'm holding on for the time being. Thanks for interest, might ressurect this for a straight sale if something catches my eye . I'm still open to trade offers. Will post pics in morning! Ash x
  15. Are you interested in Ampeg gear?
  16. even though I'm not a big fan of rosewood boards, aesthetically that's the best p bass colour/pickguard/fretboard combo you can get. Absolutely lovely
  17. *grabs popcorn* Shockwave?
  18. Make one yourself?
  19. I always thought one of these would be great for a warm up:
  20. tbh i think it sounds best with the stock pick up and EMG pre: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D45OMeDlALA&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D45OMeDlALA...feature=related[/url]
  21. These are actually really sexy basses, I like them alot.
  22. [quote name='Lylodile' post='689661' date='Dec 20 2009, 12:21 PM']Maybe that was just the one you tried? The action of my fleabass is spot on, i've never noticed any fret issues and I love the sound. And the looks are of course down to taste.[/quote] You're fighting a losing battle here mate never played one so can't comment on anything, but are you planning any mods to it? There are some videos knocking around here of a frenchman playing one with an EMG preamp (I think) in it and it sounds awesome . I'm sure someone will link it.
  23. and furthermore I love my 400+ too
  24. mine's also available... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=67815&hl=ampeg"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=67815&hl=ampeg[/url]
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