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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. Heya, Thanks for all the help, emailed ampeg and Dino says just flicking the switch is all that's required Ta! Ash
  2. Coolies, ta!
  3. Heya, I've finally found what I'm looking for in terms of a pre amp but I just need to satisfy myself of one thing before I go ahead and buy it. It's located in the US but it has a 115V-230V switch on the back of it. If I buy this, in order to run it off UK mains do I only have to flick the switch, or is there more of a mod involved? Thanks for any help Ash
  4. In a word, no. As has been said before good music hasn't died, it's just lower prices and the internet have made mediocre music more accessible. Search among the rubble.
  5. We seem to have been falling into more arguments as of late As for this discussion... (something for Mrs. T ) And to the OP I am seriously bummed about the fact I missed an SVT6 on ebay today so there we go. If it sings for you, keep it
  6. Still paying off the MTD mate, though trust me that hunk o' wood makes me wet
  7. Jesus that is gorgeous
  8. Bump for an awesome power amp but can someone PLEASE part with a 400+?!?
  9. I've never done a music tour but I have done sports tours... [quote name='chris_b' post='460593' date='Apr 12 2009, 02:56 PM']Immodium[/quote] +10000000000 Take lots of it. Loads. Sell a dog/kid/liver/grandma if you need to fund more. [quote name='SteveK' post='460620' date='Apr 12 2009, 03:54 PM']Don't know any musicians who make "physical preparations" for a tour[/quote] I know the guitarist from Sick of it All, frontman from Dillinger etc all try and bulk up a bit before heading onto the road. Also maybe try and firm up your calluses even further cos they're gonna take a bigger beating than normal. I remember reading an interview with Chris W. from Muse and he said something along those lines. Either way, good luck! I'd love to go on tour with my band someday
  10. [quote name='silddx' post='460946' date='Apr 13 2009, 01:51 AM'][b]What [/b]made you the bassist you are today?[/quote] Mom, sister and bass tutor giving me their love of Motown, metal and jazz respectively, and me being obsessive enough to practice. [quote name='silddx' post='460946' date='Apr 13 2009, 01:51 AM'][b]Who [/b]do you think had the biggest influences on how you play now?[/quote] Fieldy from KoRn made me want to play bass so that's probably a good start and my tutor also had a large influence. Also as I play using three fingers I should probably credit the guy from a band called Hondo Maclean. They were supporting Sikth and it was only the second time I'd ever seen a bassist play live (first time up close ) and it just absolutely blew my mind that you could use three fingers to play bass. I'd only been playing for about two months and the idea had never even occured to me! Used three since that day [quote name='silddx' post='460946' date='Apr 13 2009, 01:51 AM'][b]Where [/b]do you think you want to go from here?[/quote] Learn to solo better and how to tap properly instead of my bastardised and messy way! [quote name='silddx' post='460946' date='Apr 13 2009, 01:51 AM'][b]Why [/b]do you think you want to go there?[/quote] It'll improve my bass playing and it's where I want to improve. [quote name='silddx' post='460946' date='Apr 13 2009, 01:51 AM'][b]Do you believe[/b] you have a "personality" on the bass?[/quote] I think everyone does. I'm not sure what it is though. I always seem to lie pretty high in the mix so that might come into it. I like to put on a show [quote name='silddx' post='460946' date='Apr 13 2009, 01:51 AM'][b]Specialist question:[/b] [i][b]What [/b]is it you love about that 1971 P-Bass?[/i] [/quote] The fact it'll be lighter than my '78
  11. [quote name='budget bassist' post='456928' date='Apr 7 2009, 10:48 PM']looking cool, though i prefer black pickguards myself [/quote] Depends on the fretboard wood IMO...if it was maple like mine then definitely but I love a bit of tort with rosewood. Classic
  12. [quote name='escholl' post='456941' date='Apr 7 2009, 11:04 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=10285&view=findpost&p=397427"]already done[/url] [/quote] AWESOMENESS!
  13. That's freaking awesome Do the cab too! If it's an 810 it will make my year
  14. Theeeere we go...pretty pretty pretty
  15. Aaa! Where are the pics?!
  16. [quote name='Spoombung' post='446668' date='Mar 26 2009, 10:54 PM']How are you getting on with your MTD, Ash? It looked immaculate in the pics.[/quote] It's laaaably jubbly thanks . Taking her out for her 4th gig today! Bless.
  17. This more or less represents one of my few dreams that I'd like to achieve somewhere down the line. This is absolutely brilliant! Can't wait to hear some tunes
  18. I've been watching this with interest, it's looking lovely , woods are looking good too. Can't wait to see more!
  19. I've started to see these used a bit more and I'm liking what I've heard so far...so! Does anyone here own one? How do they perform and is it the kind of kit that will make me want to trade in my Mesa? I've heard they're one trick ponies and lack headroom but on the other hand people seem to swear by them... they look damn good though
  20. Sorry to derail slightly but I'm extremely excited about the 810! I've seen a couple of orange users playing through an 810 ampeg so it will be interesting to see if they make a the switch. Either way it will be a purdy piece of kit . Back destroying mind, but pretty
  21. [quote name='Rich' post='435952' date='Mar 16 2009, 12:05 PM']What's so "dickish" about not wanting to get your stuff busted?[/quote] Missed the point slightly, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just there's a good way of saying "no" that doesn't leave a bad taste in the mouth.
  22. [quote name='alexclaber' post='413874' date='Feb 19 2009, 08:01 AM']It's as aurally enjoyable as a herd of tone-deaf and nervous cats attempting to simultaneously break the land speed record and establish a new record for largest feline chorus singing Handel's Messiah.[/quote] Now to me that sounds pretty damn cool...
  23. I'm sure it's not intentional but it seems some of you might be coming over a bit dickish over amp sharing at gigs tbh. Most of the places we play are small and cramped and it's just unneeded hassle having to change around the rigs for every band, not to mention it takes up time when you could be playing. As long as it's made clear that the settings stay the same, absolutely no drinks come near it and the active/passive input is correct then for me it's not an issue if someone uses my rig. In the end I'm at the gig as well, and the liklihood of someone blowing it through negligence when it's just effectively plug and play is exceptionally low. Also if something does go wrong when it's just plug and play, chances are it was going to happen with you playing later that night anyway. There are ways to say "no" to sharing at gigs and it kind of seems that might not be happening. Appearing standoffish and unwilling to be a team player at a gig is not going to earn you friends, and ultimately it might end up costing you shows. It reminds me alot of a gig a did a while ago (http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=17342&hl=imperial+vipers) with an "up and coming" band, their bassist acted like a dick and brushed us off and it just created a bad atmosphere. If he'd just taken thirty seconds to come over, say "hi" and tell me he wasn't comfortable with sharing then fine, it would have been a completely different situation. On a separate note when I started out gigging when I was around 11 it always made the experience that much greater being able to play through someone else's much more expensive rig. There is nothing like playing with an Ampeg fullstack behind you when you're only used to a tiny 10W peavey combo at home!
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