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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. [quote name='Josh' post='374153' date='Jan 8 2009, 03:46 PM']Ok that's just stupid fast.[/quote] I know! Still, not complaining And thanks for the info Toasted - blasted Joel an email before posting but just wanted to hear what you guys had to say Hasn't replied yet! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!
  2. subscribed!
  3. Haha, and meh, sh*t happens. I've worked and saved for this so I'm happy either way . May I ask what luverly bass you've got swinging your way? Also very cheekily do you still have your DB750 around? What's that bad boy like? And mcgraham - No problems at all buddy but I'll PM once it's in the UK - I have a feeling the taxman is going to want a significant amount of my money The real question is though, do I have it delivered straight here from the US, or since I'm in America next month do I get it delivered to where I'm staying and take it home with me? I did this with my Geddy and avoided tax that way. Either way it's going in an aircraft hold so what's the best option? (still chasing photos)
  4. Slightly shocked and very happy to say it's been completed I'm paying the final balance now! My baby shall be with me soooon... and so will pics
  5. Just some drum stuff, also I've had interest in my Pbass so could be good!
  6. Baaaack on track... Sorry to hear this, I like the stooges, saw em a while ago . RIP
  7. Heya, Just gauging to see if there's any interest out there so: Axis AL-2 double pedal - double longboards, very respected pedals in the metal scene. Used by Chris Adler and Tim Yeung amongst others. Top of the range and in fantastic condition - £290 inc. P+P Pics available on request Ta! Ash
  8. Hmm...putting some stuff up on t'bay. I'll let you know how it goes
  9. Heya, What string spacing is this beaut?
  10. If I hadn't just put down a deposit on an MTD... Any trades you'd be willing to consider + cash?
  11. Hmm "450" a reference to wattage?
  12. Got linked this: [url="http://www.rebelhead450.com/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=unitedkingdom1&utm_campaign=rebelhead450"]http://www.rebelhead450.com/?utm_source=fa...gn=rebelhead450[/url] Any ideas? I think I saw a picture of Shavo Odadjian there so maybe an Ashdown product that maybe is one of those doo hickies that alter the pitch of your bass to be perfectly in tune? Who knows...
  13. Bump for an amazing bass
  14. Same as alot here, I sometimes use but generally will just browse. I spend much more time here. The only time I will actively post is to ask questions about MTD's or things where more members will have one than here (x2 etc)
  15. [quote name='tauzero' post='360757' date='Dec 22 2008, 10:21 AM']And a shop feels no pain.[/quote] And a shop never criiiies
  16. The active/passive switch usually covers this for me, but a quick master vol tweak or volume on the bass tweak seems to sort it. Luckily my current settings seem to bring out the tone I want from all the basses I use live so I guess I'm lucky in that respect. Other than that all I can suggest is maybe using pedals or multi FX to try and fill the void (as previously suggested). Or if you can afford it maybe get a splitter and run the signal into a different amp that's set up accordingly? Actually you don't really need a splitter at all for that but there you go.
  17. Heya, I'll be honest while I've noticed some players using warwicks I can't really say they've been in the majority. I've been to lots of metal gigs this year along with Download Fest and there seems to be a pretty even spread of Fenders, MMs, Ibanezes, Warwicks etc with the odd boutique bass thrown in, as I think would be expected in any genre really. I would venture to suggest some of the more influential bass players in metal use warwicks and since they get more coverage Metal is more readily associated with them. Who knows?
  18. blaaaady 'ell
  19. Bump for an awesome bass - I had one as my first five string and I can't think of a better introduction to the 5er world
  20. Josh?! What are you doing?!
  21. Looking absolutely awesome mate
  22. After originally being told it would take a year, Joel sent me an email saying he might be able to deliver around NAMM time!
  23. [quote name='Toasted' post='350981' date='Dec 10 2008, 04:28 PM']Sweet - I hope you like the bass Tell us more about the basscentral hard sell? It sounds hilarious.[/quote] Thanks man , and as for the hard sell it was all in the extremely over eager OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!1!!!!1!one111!!!!! vein. And also they gave me a more expensive quote and then tried to sell me existing stock that wasn't what I was looking for. Oh well, I've dealt with them before and they are lovely guys, just slightly too full on sometimes. An extract from an email: "Just talked with Mike T as a matter of fact. He tells me we could have this exact Bass for you [b][u] IN 3-4 MONTHS!!! NORMAL WAIT IS 12 MONTHS !!!! SALE PRICE $**** PLUS $295 SHIPPING VIA FED EX INSURED SHIPPING!!!![/u][/b]" and yes, it was in bold and italics.
  24. While I was in Boston some guy was trying out amps in a Guitar Center with his 635...I started up a chat with him and got a little fiddle there
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