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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. Or dudes, should i say
  2. 'Ta dude
  3. Very interested also, PM'd
  4. Not surprised TBH, they're being sold in SamAsh now...'twas only a matter of time.
  5. Not my cuppa tea tbh
  6. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HUDSON-PBS-6-NOP-6-STRING-BASS-SPALT-BASS-NEW_W0QQitemZ250220600375QQihZ015QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HUDSON-PBS-6-NOP-6-S...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] I've been looking for a (cheapish) six and being a complete sucker for spalted maple I came across this little number...any experiences with this bass? Thanks, Ash
  7. I thought the same, though when I took it to my local amp tech he told me I'd have to change out the transformer? I have to say I was surprised... Thoughts? Should I take it to a different guy and see what he says?
  8. Heya, Just got a Mesa BB750 from the US and am looking to buy a transformer so I can use it. Will this little guy fulfill my needs? [url="http://www.netpcdirect.co.uk/stepdown-800-watt.php"]http://www.netpcdirect.co.uk/stepdown-800-watt.php[/url] Cheers Ash
  9. If you're still in need there's one at my local store, so when I'm back in the country I can do a reccie if you need?
  10. Someone a while ago had one of the nicest Sei's up for sale here... original body shape, headed, LEDs, flamed maple...anyone know if/where it went?
  11. Thanks!
  12. Howdy hey, Placing an order for my new cabs tomorrow ( ), and these little chappies come with speakOn connectors. My head can do speakOn connections, though what's the advantage of using these? Secondly, say i have a 2 ohm amp, if i put two 4 ohm cabs into it via speakOns will I still be able to put more cabs in via the jacks, or do they all run off the same bit? I'm know the probable answer is that I can run just the two, but you gotta ask Cheers, Ash
  13. +1 on basscentral, ordered stuff from them a number of times and they've always been as helpful as can be You can't go wrong with them.
  14. Pre ebay bump
  15. Ah! Why do you taunt me? It's beautiful!
  16. Made me chuckle [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LUMP-OF-FIREWOOD-MASQUERADING-AS-A-BASS-GUITAR-BODY_W0QQitemZ230219008428QQihZ013QQcategoryZ42455QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LUMP-OF-FIREWOOD-MAS...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  17. how about in comparison to an ampeg?
  18. Thanks!
  19. SOLD, thanks for looking
  20. Have to chip in here - the mesa prices over here are ridiculous, it's just better to pick up a used one from the US and just replace the transformer...don't know what that says about their pricing policy but hey. Maybe prices over here are due to the fact there's only one distributer? Maybe if another opened up there might be more competition and so lower prices? I don't really know.
  21. Hey there, I'm looking to play around with my rig at the mo, and I've more or less decided that I'd like a 4x10 coupled with either another 4x10 or a 2x12. Unfortunately, no store near me stocks 2x12's, so how do they compare with 4x10's? Also, would a better combo be the 4x10 + 2x12 or just 2 4x10s? Thanks, Ash
  22. and likewise , replied and texted.
  23. Heya, Didn't manage to shift it as a whole so I've got two cabs up for sale. SVT 15E and 410HE, both American made and both sound awesome. They bare some battle scars (they've done their fair share of gigging) but they are still in very good condition. Both are 8ohms, and if any more info is needed I'd be happy to answer it Judging from ebay prices I'm looking for around £500 for the pair, or half of that for each. These'll need to be picked up or a meet point will need to be arranged - posting these would cost alot! Thanks again, and once more do ask any questions or queries you might have Cheers, Ash PS I'm selling an SVT head at [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12365"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12365[/url] as well
  24. Hi there, Due to failing to sell my whole rig on ebay I'm now splitting it American made SVT3-Pro, very good condition, been serviced by an amp tech in the last six months. Delivers the kind of tone only an ampeg can produce, it's an SVT, you know the score Since these are fluctuating quite a bit in price at the mo on the 'bay I'm going to say I'm looking for £450, and that includes a rack for it (2U). Due to my innate distrust of all couriers I'd prefer not to send, though it can be arranged (I live near Oxford if anyone's interested) Thanks again, please don't hesitate to contact me , I'm also selling two cabs as well if anyone's interested (both american ampeg SVT's also) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12368&st=0#entry129674"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...t=0#entry129674[/url] Cheers, Ash
  25. Do they exist?!
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