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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. If you're interested I recorded a kind of paramore-y/punk/rock kind of thing for one of my old bands using my sandberg VM5 if you're interested in tone. Pretty basic line wise, but in the verses (or just skip to 1:03 in the song) the bass is pretty prominent. http://soundcloud.com/disclosureofficial/letting-go-disclosure Was recorded through both channels on a Mesa 400+ with a sansamp GT2 on one of them, into an Ampeg 810 and mic'd. Hope that's of some help . Personally I love these basses, think they're awesome.
  2. Gorgeous! Couldn't believe how much my sandberg blew my other basses out the water. Phenomenal instruments, and it looks amazing!
  3. Just personally, from side by siding my Mesa with an Aguilar DB750, they're completely different beasts. I realise this isn't exactly like for like but I found while it was a lovely amp, it just didn't have the same warmth as the all tube head. That said, loads of people who I used to see use ampeg habitually seem to have made the shift to aguilar, so what would I know?
  4. Good lord that's clean! Gorgeous looking rig, good luck with the sale
  5. Oh my days, gorgeous.
  6. Hmm, well I absolutely love my 400+, that paired with my matamp or my old ampeg 810 was literal tonal perfection (for me of course) , in terms of similar sounding amps... well I've heard the fractal axe FX with a decent power amp is almost indistinguishable from the real thing however being the stupid price it is I've never gotten near one. Unfortunately I don't think a hybrid will ever come close. I've had some hybrids that have produced phenomenal tone and presence (the Mesa BB750 being my favourite), but there's something about the valves that gives it something extra yknow? That said though, one of the guys I toured with was going with a carbine and that was a lovely bit of kit so definitely worth a look Cheers, Ash
  7. This is the best amp ever made (in my opinion, of course!) . Seriously, at this price too, you couldn't be disappointed with this!
  8. Just going to throw my 2 cents in here - I was severely underwhelmed by the DB cabs, and was really disappointed to be. Love their look! If you've found you're liking the bergs why not just get some smaller bergs to make things more portable?
  9. Remember reading some article where he said he hated using effects pedals and liked a simple p bass -> amp -> cab sound. Hope that's of help
  10. Bump for price drop and pictures later today
  11. BUMP for price drop
  12. Powered pedal board with 12 power sources. Info can be found here: [url="http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/PB1000.aspx"]http://www.behringer...cts/PB1000.aspx[/url] In brilliant condition (only a few weeks old). Was bought for touring and now since the tour is over it's surplus to requirement. Bought new for about £80 so looking for [s]£55[/s] £50 posted. Thanks! Ash Will post photos later
  13. Heya Recently bought this for tour and didn't really use it. Ended up sitting safe and sound in my pedal board so as a result, it's in new condition. Considering new they go for about £160-£170 mark, I was looking for [s]£130[/s] £125. This is considering the fact of its age and amount of use. That price includes postage. Please don't hesitate to ask questions Ash PS I'll have photos up later
  14. I feel I've missed something epic.
  15. Kind of have issues with his whole AIDS denialism thing. And by kind of have issues I mean I do have issues. Massive ones. Anyways, anyone got a photo? Wouldn't mind seeing one.
  16. Sorted myself out, if anyone's interested they're indented on the back of the neck. Was low light, couldn't see initially!
  17. £2200 for a stingray?! Jesus Christ. They're not that good. The best bass I've ever played is my Sandberg and despite having a load of upgrades that was around the £1300 mark. Much better value elsewhere. Jeez.
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1343901850' post='1756964'] Few retubes worth for cheap here: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/50x-5881-Marshall-Valves-VLVE-00083-26-08-5881-6L6WGC-STR-/320956830344?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item4aba849288"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4aba849288[/url] [/quote] Amazing, thank you
  19. Don't particularly want to take the neck off but want to inventory all my stuff should (god forbid) any of it ever get stolen. Just wondering if I'm having a dumb day and am missing it in somewhere blindingly obvious. Can't see it anywhere! Thanks! Ash
  20. Heya, Looking to move my EC-1000 on. Was just wondering if anyone knew its worth second hand? I was thinking of pitching around £650 (that's what I've seen others advertised for) but I was just wondering. Thanks, Ash
  21. Played around with a 2 and 4 and owned a 3. Wouldn't touch anything other than the 2. 2 is a great amp, but the other two really don't do it for me, particularly the SVT 3. I had an American made one. Never got a tone I truly loved and always felt it was underpowered. That said, loads of people absolutely love them so if you can get hands on with them and have a play that's probably the best. With Ampeg's market saturation it shouldn't be too difficult to find some in stores . On a slightly different note as a Mesa 400+ owner I really would consider holding out on one of these popping up, it honestly is the best thing I've ever heard and was certainly worth the wait . Weighs a freaking tonne and I dread the day that I need to retube it but worth it non the less . Also heard good things about the orange head (the AD200? think that's it) , however never heard one or been hands on with one. May be worth looking at if you want to go all valve. Happy hunting! Ash
  22. These are lovely basses. Sometimes wonder where mine ended up...
  23. Well, looks like the Matamp isn't happening for the time being .
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