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Everything posted by ashevans09

  1. Just saying... I love my Matamp 4x10. It's sealed, it sounds absolutely amazing and I get MY sound from it alongside it cutting through the mix nicely. Would only ever get another one and make it an 810, think they sound great . I've been with 10" speakers for years now and haven't heard anything better. That said I've never been hands on with 12 inch speakers and my rig. Who cares though, I like my sound . Find 15's a bit boomy for my tastes.
  2. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1343345212' post='1749441'] Gotta be best calling them. [/quote] Good shout, I'll do that later today
  3. Thinking of finally adding the second 4x10 to my rig . Thanks!
  4. Heya, I'll post photos later. In good nick, works perfectly £30 + shipping fair? Thanks, Ash
  5. Just out of interest/for a bit of a laugh, anyone got some examples of some really stupid cabs? I'm talking things like 8x15s and things like that. It's a sunday and I'm bored
  6. [quote name='snazz' timestamp='1342710826' post='1739787'] Does anyone know of a link where you can pick and choose what you do and don't want on their basses? I don't like painted headstocks and they charge quite a bit extra for it. I love peal inlays, but I don't like active basses, it's just not something I like or have had use for in the past. Sandberg California TM4 SBLB sounds nice, I'd like it in white and passive. Any clues? [/quote] I found german stores were really helpful when I ordered mine. Thomann and Station Music (who I eventually bought from) were really good . Ash
  7. Not really a crash but I smashed my back window with a cab once. Loaded up, slammed the boot shut... the cab wasn't even scratched. Amazing.
  8. I guess this has already been answered a million times in this thread but hey I'm not above shamelessly bumping my post count I'd say it's all contextual really, depends what sounds best for the song. On my band's EP I switched between the two and they both worked great for the songs. Love that P bass + pick growl
  9. Great little cab, used to stack one of these vertically with an orange TB500 for small gigs and it sounded immense .
  10. This is the one bass I really really want to get to finish off my collection. Oh well, pipe dream for the time being!
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1341319580' post='1716903'] IME good construction always trumps just adding another inch or two to the scale length. [/quote] I'd agree to this to an extent. I've owned some higher end 5ers in both 34 and 35 inch scale (Pedulla, Spector, MTD + Sandberg) and tried out a number of 34s in shops and honestly, the extra inch does make a lot of difference. I think if you had a similar quality 34 and 35 next to each other, the 35 would win out every time. Then again, all personal preference and all that. I just feel more comfortable on 35" scale basses.
  12. Cracking bloke, thank you
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1339517202' post='1689731'] The Ampeg 810 is an infinite baffle, doesn't have a port. That emphasises the mids in a way the ported cabs don't. They pump out more low frequencies. Since you are probably not going to drive to gigs with the cab hanging out of the back of the car I'd look at the Ampeg 610 that's in the FS section. Ampeg seem to get their "house sound" pretty consistent across their products so even 2 Ampeg 410's would sound pretty good. Barefaced is threatening to come up with an 810 killer, in Neo with the same tone as the original Ampeg. I'd like to hear one of those. [/quote] That sounds beastly! Would love to have a look at that! And yep that's the reason I had my Matamp non-ported prefer the tone. Was thinking of adding a second non ported matamp. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1339517379' post='1689738'] Hmmm, not had an 810, though played through a few, and thought they were great. What I have had is a couple of setups comprising 410 & 210, and these have been very good - the extra cab both adding depth, and importantly, height. My fave one of these setups was Ampeg. So a 610 will be good, and if you can manage it on your own, a good option, however if you like the Matamp 410, another would give you the setup required for gigs, and the convenience of a single 410 for rehearsals. [/quote] Of course there's always the option of a Matamp 610... . But thanks for your input. Leaning towards getting a second 410 tbh. Really love the look of 810s though.
  14. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1339404199' post='1687819'] More and more people on site every year [/quote] And there's the issue. I've been to the majority of the Downloads (04,05,06,07,08 and 10), and it's increased in size far too quickly and far beyond what the grounds can reasonably hold. The new arena layout isn't congruent to moving people about. In 2010 it took about 20-30 minutes to move from one stage to the other and that was simply due to volumes of people traffic (the weather was really good!). It's expanded too quickly and the whole feel of the festival has really suffered as a result. Furthermore, getting in and out is a nightmare - the route we were sent out of the ground back to the motorway added at least an hour to our journey (I was with friends), and the parking organisation could have been better managed by a 4 year old. I moved my money over to Sonisphere - granted not as big a line up (though that said the big 4 last year was amazing) - and it was much better organised and much more people friendly. The staff knew what they were doing and seemed better prepared. They also were charging much more reasonable fees for food, services etc. With Sonisphere gone I'm really losing patience with Download. The lineups are great but there's just too many people, too much queuing, too much hassle to go and have a good time. In fact, I'm losing patience with festivals full stop. All that said though, it will always sell out so the organisers have no reason to stop what they're doing unfortunately All started going downhill when they took the tarp away from the main stage...
  15. Can +1 on the Epifani front. Had 2 UL2 410's and they were boss
  16. I had an American SVT-3 and it was noisy as hell. Only experience I've had really. Maybe it's just a duff one?
  17. Any interest in just selling the head?
  18. Heya, What it says on the tin really. For a while now my gigging rig has been my Matamp 410 with my Mesa, and I love it. However, with some equipment shares I've ended up playing my head through a load of 810s, namely the Ampeg ones and I've got to say, it sounds amazing. Nothing feels or sounds like 8 ten inch speakers blasting out behind you! Bit of a problem though - I can't really transport an 810 around in my little Fiat panda! There's not enough length between the back of the driver's seat and the boot. That said, I reckon I could get two 410s side by side. So! Basically, would there be any discernible difference in sound if I just got another matamp? Or would a 610 be a decent compromise? Thanks for any input Ash
  19. These are absolutely awesome basses! Steal at that price
  20. That 810 is a steal. Wish I hadn't given mine away... Just didn't have the room
  21. Complete aside but am I the only one who finds the term "won" on eBay a bit weird? "congrats! You won item x on eBay" ... No I didn't. I bought it. See where I'm getting at? Sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread. Hope the bass is a stone cold killer
  22. Honestly, I prefer my clean valve tone over any hybrid or SS clean tone I've heard. Just my 2 cents. I don't think anything I've heard sounds better than my mesa.
  23. What it says on the tin really, which of the two protects better? My Mesa is currently in an enclosure made by matamp, but for transport I was wondering if it would do better in a shock mount rack or a flight case for the head and enclosure? Thanks! Ash
  24. PMs responded. On hold.
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