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Everything posted by longtimefred

  1. thanks pal. should be alright as its gone today so should be back next week. If i dont need to pay for new output transformers or anything nasty.
  2. or just use my v4! when its back from the menders i can drop it off whenever you need it mate. save you some pennies.
  3. im gonna win the lottery this week so i will give you a call on thursday
  4. if batman had a bass rig it would be yours mate. thats how cool it is i;d love have a go of that! lol
  5. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1351341585' post='1850302'] Ok, so here's the 'big' rig. Tend to only use the 2x15 indoors and 2x18 outdoors but one day I'll just take the bloody lot and sod the back row!![attachment=122135:DSCN0171.JPG] [/quote] that is the coolest looking rig i have ever seen. im so jealous. proper back to the future moment plugging into that beast.
  6. i have only used a few bits, one was the Bugera 8x10 for recording with and it sounded great but wieghed more than my house!! not a patch on an ampeg or my old trace but much better than expected. Also i had to run through a little 300w 15" combo that looked like a rip off of a Hartke amp. Sounded good enough for a little combo but sounded killer when i ran the sansamp through it. not a clue on reliability as i have only used them not owned them.
  7. sorry sir, my mistake. i shall make sure i am totally correct in my postings in future.
  8. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1351257250' post='1849342'] Ha, if you want the sound of a 400w valve amp, the 400+ isn't the way, since it isn't 400w. [/quote] blimey, i shall make sure i am 100% scientifically, geekily, technologically up to date with every amp spec going next time i say something even though i didnt even mention the 400+ i'll get reading straight away......
  9. im on the side of the fence that if you want the tone of a 400 watt all valve amp, you gotta have a 400 watt all valve amp. i have tried many an amp and to me, nothing sounds like it. that weight you talk of can only be made by lots of tubes and lots of big heavy output transformers. anything else you will be compromising on something. I used to have the Marshall VBA400 and i had to compromise as i couldnt afford to re valve the bugger more than once so i went for a 200 watt all valve. (slightly less beef but half the re valving cost) A sound that good is worth carrying! in my experience, NOTHING can replicate the valve weight sound without some compromise. Its just a matter of if you want to.
  10. get an 8x10 lol
  11. lovely looking thing this one! Not seen that finish before apart from on their site. Looks great. Your review was spot on to what i think of mine. RE the MM pup question that seems to get asked a lot. Yes these are far too back to replicate the Stingray tone when solo'd but if you use the pup blend from the bridge and just add a little of the P pup then you really start hitting MM territory. I run my pre amp flat with a little bottom end taken off but if you added a little top end you would instantly get that MM zing as well as the punch. I used to have a old Ray5 and its very close indeed if you get the nobs right! close enough for all the people who dont care in the audience to not notice a difference and probably the rest of the band as well! glad you are enjoying it!
  12. cracking amps these! i had the 4x8 version and it was awesome. mega loud for such a small amp and a great pre amp to boot.
  13. remember, they didnt call it the little bastard for nothing . The little polite at high volumes doesnt really sell it lol!
  14. firstly mate i would gig your Ashdown before blowing your mind with valve configurations etc etc. Also, if you love the tone of it when cranked, (makes a big difference than at home) and if its just shy of loud enough, i would look at a cab setup that works more efficiently to project your sound. personally i think messing around with valve configs and changes kinds takes away the original perception of what the amp is designed to sound like. Just my opionion like!
  15. [quote name='sshorepunk' timestamp='1349712928' post='1829488'] Yes, it is for sure, but I decided to go a different route, 6x10 and maybe it wasnt such a good idea for a number of reasons! Tony [/quote] why not try going back to a Matamp 4x10?
  16. Dude! i swapped from an SVT 410HLF to the Matamp cab i had off you and the Matamp is miles better in every deptartment.
  17. [sup]i thought you had to add a price as a valuation on a trade deal now? [/sup]
  18. remember dudes, it may be our place to find out history and stuff that has happened to this so its clear for a potential buyer to see but its not our place to take the piss or say his price is too high. things like that should be done over PM so he doesnt get a public flogging. is this not the usual procedure?
  19. wish i could take one off you mate but im skint! i love these cabs.
  20. yeah they proper helped me out in the past when i had my Stingray that needed a few bits n bobs. canna fault em!
  21. Just letting you all know that Strings and Things are sending me out a replacement pack and i am going to send my ones back to them for analysis. Lets hope this pack were just duff. Cant fault them for customer service as i told them i couldnt afford to have my bass with no strings so they are sending them out before they get the old ones back! Cant argue at that!
  22. Tony is a great guy to deal with. Gear in top condition as well. id love this mate but got no cash. Swap ya back your 4x10
  23. they would come at me with pitchforks n torches wouldnt they
  24. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1347635945' post='1803431'] This isn't you is it?:http://basschat.co.uk/topic/186774-the-hardest-working-bass-in-rock/ [/quote] my word! that is ++++AWESOME+++++ haha i think i would be the biggest hypocryt going if that were me and i was complaining about my strings thats some good effort right there. makes my shiny 'berg look unused. DIG IN SON!
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