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Everything posted by longtimefred

  1. lol i saw this thread on the list and though i would come on and recommend the Glock pre. I'm glad you went for it! Great bits of kit.
  2. ahh go on then. Sandberg California PM4. Matt Blackburst, matched headstock, Harry Haussel Pickups. Its mah baby! I want a 5 string version next.
  3. very nice, very clean!
  4. Cheers for buying my cable mate. pleasure doing business with you dude. love your band as well!
  5. another cheap 8x10 to note is the Behringer one. I have used one on a few occasions whilst recording and its dead good for the price! couldnt fault it. theyd do weigh a metric f**kton though but go for around £150 / £200 second hand i think. But yeah personally i would go 6x10, and probably that warwick one n all. I toured for a long time with a Trace 8x10 and as stonking loud and rock n roll it was, it totally buggered my back and after a while i just got titsed off with it and got rid. a 6x10 is a good compromise over a longer period of time. But everyone should own an 8x10 at some point
  6. ahh i was kinda wrong. oh well. That is one amp seriously made out of girders, spartans, hulk hogan, and all kind of things that are just baddass. Dont get that with a micro class d amp
  7. personally i wouldnt go lower than what the amp says it can handle. you could potentially run 2 x 8 ohm cabs on both sides if im right. Or 1 x 4 ohm in the low pass and 2 x 8ohm in the high pass or the other way round. I would just run 2 x 4 ohm 8x10 cabs in full range stereo, that would kick ass. forgive me if im wrong.
  8. do it! dont worry about the size of the stuff. I can fit my whole rig in the boot of my car. All valve and none of this little tiny lightweight crap! you know it makes sense.
  9. Funny you should mention this. I had my scratchplate impregnated with John Entwhistle's DNA and since then it truly has made me a better player and strangely want to buy bass guitars made out of many many bits of different basses. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1330863048' post='1563865'] I'm truly shocked by some of the posts in this thread. All this silly talk of 'boutique' plectra, and not a word about pickguards! What on Earth is the point of having a high-end pick if you're going to use it with a bog-standard plastic pickguard? I thought it was common knowledge that for optimum tone and sustain, a platinum-plated titanium pickguard is the only way to go? Or am I wrong? Eh? Eh? [/quote]
  10. I just got hold of an Orange Terror Pick. its almost as good as the original AD2mm pick but they have managed to get the same tone and grit but in a 1mm thick shell. I'm trying to decide what bass and amp to use with this, can any of you tell me what's best?
  11. always worth a punt. I very very nearly gave up my V4 for a hybrid and use that with a sansamp to bring back the valve grunt and save lugging the big bugger around! I'm so glad I didn't! I used the V4 in the recording studio one weekend before getting shot of it and changed my mind, for me there is nothing like an all valve amp, they just kick ass. I chose to man up and keep on carrying the beast as its worth it for the sound I want. the hybrid mesa amps are amazing ain't they so I doubt you would miss much going back to something like the big block.
  12. WOW!! looks fresh that does. Sure you didnt find it in a shipping box as new somewhere? Never seen one as clean as that. Sorry this aint an offer but a bump will have to do. Bargain this is! Quality bit of kit.
  13. i have a few old sandbags knocking around, got a few holes in them but if you pick them up the right way non falls out. You interested?
  14. yeah! he toured the black album using alembics and spectors along with some other bits n bobs. the sadowsky's came on the load period.
  15. Metallica's black album was also mainly recorded using a Spector as well. I know loads of rock n metal players that use these. I have had 5 myself. This is one stunning looking bass. Hope it goes for you dude.
  16. thanks dude, I just wish I could have a second one but I know it would hardly get used. yeah the gt200 would look good sitting on top but I'm more than happy with the v4. its the best amp I have ever played through. it just sings. maybe one day.... Lol.
  17. right, just had a check see. A rough weight is between 28-30kg. i couldnt obviously fit the whole thing on and see the readout so i had to support it. Pretty darn light for a 4x10 that is!!
  18. i'll chuck it on some scales and let you guys know. its pretty darn light I think for a 4x10 caus of the neo drivers. I can 1 hand lift it but as its a cube shape its a bit of a pain. but much easier to lug around compared to my 410hlf and it sounds better!! will
  19. mine would be my holoflash Spector Rex. was the coolest looking bass on the planet! Didnt sound no where on the money like what i needed but maybe i could have fixed that. Doh!! + they seem to go for quite a bit now.
  20. pic as requested in all its glory! Well kind of, as much as it can be sitting in the living room!!!
  21. yeah I'm using the v4, I haven't tested it til it sounded like it couldn't take any more but sounds like it will be happy with whatever I can throw at it! id imagine the gt200 would be awesome as they are kinda paired together arnt they. I like my sound pretty aggressive and this box seems perfect for it. I will get a pic up shortly as I'm on my mobile and cant upload pics on here.
  22. After picking up my new (to me) Matamp 4x10 "Green" badged cab loaded with the Neo speakers they use (1200w handling!!!) i got round to giving it a kicking last night for the first time. It was awesome!!! great little cab which is nice n light, portable and fits in my car with the parcel shelf down i couldnt ask for more from a cab this size. It puts out so much air it baffles me. Going from an Ampeg 410HLF with unlimited bottom end, i wasnt expecting this to be anything similar but this pumps out all the bottom i need + more. I can really dial in that Faith no More style clanky sound now which just sounds ultra cool! I can recommend these to anyone and i wish i had the money to get another to stick on top. So so glad i didnt go down the lightweight mini amp/cab route. If you want a big sound, get big gear! Cracking bit of kit.
  23. someone got the bargain of their lives today! about bloody time too!!
  24. the americans all live in the land of the free......except on TB! We shall have no arguing here, unless we are wrong, then we shall delete you!
  25. when i ordered my 'Berg i opted for Haussel pickups rather than the Delano's so i can get more of a vintage sound. I have not tried a deluxe Jazz so couldnt pass comment but my PM4 oozes quality and sounds better than any Fender i have played or owned. Would love to buy another one but i have no money
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