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Posts posted by longtimefred

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='1276970' date='Jun 21 2011, 12:56 PM']:)

    Of course, it's the same for her as it is for you at the Twat & Buttplug.

    Have you never had some sh*t happen to you or another band member on stage? Have you always given a perfect performance?[/quote]

    I would love to do a gig at a venue called the Twat and Buttplug!!

    absolute genius! couldnt take the thread seriously after pi**ng myself laughing at that name :)

    nice one :lol: made my day!

  2. i used to have a Euro5LX with EMG soapbars and Tonepump preamp and it was amazing!!

    It was so precise it was untrue and sounded just incredible. Thinking about it now i keep thinking to myself i wish i hadn't have sold it. Like Leschirons said, you need to keep the hardware clean it it doesn't stay shiny for long, and mine was a natural finish maple one and i started to get a dark patch where my right arm was rubbing against it so they do need a clean if its not a lacquered finish.

    I didnt get on with the Tone Pump that well but back then i didnt really know how to use proper active electronics and just turned everything up, which you seriously don't need to do on one of these.

    I cant recommend one enough to you mate, it was a joy to play and sounded as close to a proper USA Spector you could get without paying silly silly money!

    Sh*t i want my old one back now!!

    Get one bought, 4 or 5 string, it wont fail to impress.


  3. I think I would consider selling if I found something I could buy straight away to replace it. Like I say I can't get hold of any cash as I am poor. I think the going rate for these is around £400. I shall have a look round and if there is anything going for around that or if someone can point me towards something that would do what I Want then we could be in business.

  4. This is now sold!

    ack up for grabs and really need to shift this fast as i got a deal that may fall through on a cab that could get sold before i get the cash together so please BUY IT!! its a bargin!!

    Yo Yo!

    Up for sale is my USA Ampeg SVT Classic 410HLF.

    You should all know the reputation these monsters have, its gotta be one of the best 1 cabinet solution going and goes really LOW!

    The Cab is in good condition but a few tears on the tolex (typical Ampeg) that i have aryldited back onto the cab.

    here is a link to the Ampeg site [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/classic/svt410hlf/index.html"]HERE[/url]

    As far as i know these usually go for around £400 but i want a quick sale so £350 it is.

    I am in Stoke on Trent and will meet up within a reasonable distance if required.

    I shall also consider a trade of cabs worth £100 like a Trace 1153 or 4808 cab or a mini Ashdown 4x8 + cash my way of £225.

    I know im a bit tight with that but i need to buy a V type 4808 combo which is costing me £300 and i dont have any cash to spare.

    Or any other compact little 15" cabs worth around £100 i would look at as well.

    i can get next day secured palletized delivery to you for £35 at your cost if needed. Make me an offer!!!!


    this one is where the glue has failed on the tolex from dragging it out the car, shall glue this back down before selling as its untidy.

    the fixed rip in the tolex

    dont worry, i have the dial for the HF, i took it off so it didnt get nudged as i have it off all the time.

  5. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1259726' date='Jun 7 2011, 02:34 PM']I understand that and I know I ring GK's bells a lot. It depends on the circumstances of the endorsement though. I bought my first GK stack normally and turned down other endorsement offers because I was happy using the gear that I already had. After that I approached GK and got an endorsement from them.

    I understand some people probably get the first endorsement they can then sing from the hilltops about how brilliant the gear is without much thought, but I expect there's probably more people that have endorsements from specific brands because they want to use that gear, not just because it's the first thing they were offered. The fact that someone has an endorsement from a brand should be a recommendation in it's self because it's saying "I like this brand enough to associate me and my band's names with it".[/quote]

    Couldn't have put it better! When I first received my bass from sandberg I didn't have an endorsement from them and I shouted very loud about how awsome it was, as do most people who hav bought one. The endorsement came after that.

    I searched long and hard to find the right bass for me and this was it, did everything and more of what I needed, and for them to recognise me as an artist is brilliant!

    Totally agree about the nuggets that will grab anything that is free or cheap and shout about how it's the best thing in the world. They are just wrong and silly.

  6. [quote name='dc2009' post='1259557' date='Jun 7 2011, 12:21 PM']Congrats, what a great brand to get an endorsement with. So out of interest, how do you go about getting one of these, how big do you need to be etc? There are plenty of bands I've never heard of that get endorsements, yours being one of them (though I did just go have a look on your website and I guess I have now), so how big do you need to be for them not to scoff in your face and not even reply to you. Are you guys signed and doing headline european tours, with record sales in the tens of thousands, or not at that stage - just curious :)?[/quote]

    Very good questions...

    When i first contacted them they sent a copy of my e mail to Synergy Distribution who sort Sandbergs out in the UK to deal with as they always work through the distro companies. They quite liked what i did and sorted me out with a good deal on a bass, and once they had some good feedback from the guys at Synergy they seemed to start listening.

    In my case, LBD (my band) have got quite a good following, our record sales are starting to pick up, our gigs tend to be busy, our YouTube channel is getting thousands of hits and we are generally getting busy with releasing new singles and videos through an indie label which go to iTunes, Amazon, Play HMV etc etc. Our songs appear on covermount magazine CD's over Europe, So you can say we are working as hard as we can do without major support. Shows are a little scarse at the moment but we have some work going on in the pipes to hook up with some booking agencies to get us some proper gigs as they wont touch you until they know you have something that sells, which is hopefully what we have achieved by doing what i have just said.

    I wish we were doing headline European tours and selling thousands of records, but we are not quite at that stage yet, i guess they liked what we played and how hard we are working at being successful and were happy to put their name with mine.

    I think if i had asked them and i was doing a band that had only a few gigs under our belts and done a little demo EP with no release and no large amounts of public exposure they probably would have told me to f**k off :)

    Funny though, years and years ago when i was in a band more like this, i approached Morley pedals and they were more than happy to offer me a deal for trade price on any of their gear and my name in their catalogue, so i guess the acceptance rules change from company to company.

    I guess if you dont ask you dont get and i have always been cheeky enough to ask! lol

  7. Yo yo!

    Just wanted to share my news with the bass brothers and sisters. I recently scored a deal with Sandberg Guitars and they have sorted me out with a bass i totally love and they have put me up on their website as an artist and endorser of the brand!

    Well chuffed with this as look who else is on the same page, some real pro players.


    Anyhow, just wanted to share that with ya!

    next stop....Tech 21 for that sansamp i want :)

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