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Everything posted by longtimefred

  1. they look rather damn sweet! just wish they would get rid of the slidy things and one thing i have never known what the hell it does.... sub harmonics?? whats that all about? they look a little cluttered with stuff for valve amps, most i know try to stay away from millions of dials. how come they need 6 x 6550's for 200w, seems a little odd. Again, like the look of the Little Bastard! great lookin bit of kit, and i think they are trying to teach people that middle is more important on this amp than bottom end, as its the first nob on the left!
  2. if only they were going to do a black or a burst one...if only... i just think the colours are a little miami vice pastel colours for my liking and not too sure about the white pups, but they still look amazing. Nice to see the birdeye necks again, they should have never stopped making them without them.
  3. that will be a pre amp valve, cant imagine a duff one of them stopping the amp from working. sure it would just sound pants if that was gone.
  4. Dudes! For the last god knows how long my rig has always looked a little battered and scabby with my old Trace 8x10 and didnt really deserve showing in the porn forum, but after getting me newest part of the setup, my Yankee Ampeg SVT 410HLF i think it looks rather damn sweet. so here it is!! and just to let you know, it sounds INCREDIBLE!!
  5. Hey mate, I used to have the VBA400 and used it for over 2 years and i loved it. Its got a proper huge sound and really packs a punch. Stands up to any Ampeg or Mesa in my opinion. Only reason i got rid is because i got offered a straight swap for my now Trace V4. Have a look at the tubes in it and make sure they aint glowing blue too much and that they dont need replacing soon as its quite a hefty bill when you have to as it has 8 x 6550's in it. Have only heard the VBC412 once and that sounded great also. Really works well with the big amp. Defo worth a swap if you want big! i payed just over a grand for my amp brand new, and that was just the head!
  6. Greetings fellow bass dudes! have fun and enjoy your stay.
  7. Extreme are cool, only ever did one good album though, Pornograffiti! if your after a cool band, check out VOLBEAT
  8. winged C Svetty's are fantastic valves. I have just put 4 of the 6550's in m V4 and it sounds incredible! cant recommend them enough.
  9. might get a faster sale if you look at splitting the cabs up. I have played through one of the 15" cabs before, it was awsome, really really good punchy sound. Hope you get a sale, these are great cabs.
  10. I absolutely love my old MM Ray5. i have had a Fender Jazz and a few Spector basses including the Euro5XL model alongside the MM and they didnt come close to how i want my sound. High gain, aggressive when i need it, the mids and top end to cut above 2 loud ass guitar players, and a massive bottom end to fatten up the whole sound of my band. I personally do not like the newer models of any MM against the pre 1990's models. They just dont seem to sound as good. I too can see how the massive bottom end can get lost with some speaker cabs as its so big but i have had a David Eden 2x12xlt and now the Ampeg SVTHLF so i have never really needed to add any bottom end, in fact i tend to take it away! i would wait until you find a mint older model than spend a huge amount on a shiny new one. Or at least try the older ones. They are made of win
  11. If your wanting to just hear a bit more at head height, just get a crate or something strong to put the cab on top of.
  12. I play heavy rock music most of the time and cant really play much else. Most of the music i listen to is rock orientated in some way so mostly follows the same style of bass playing (apart from Primus!!!) My style of playing and what i like basslines to do is make the songs chug along like a train following the drums and backing up the guitars and from time to time a little bit of flair when it can be heard and when the songs need it. (call me old fashioned) Im not really one for the bass being the main sound in the music and not too bothered about solo'ing over everything and trying to be a lead instrument. I know in Jazz and funk that this can be the case but even then i only like it when the bass is just bubbling away in the background keeping the roots of the song together. I find showboating bassists boring and dont really inspire me to rock out no matter how widdly they are and how many different techniques they can use in 20 seconds of playing, i just wanna rock out! lol. I understand that there are a lot of players out there who make the more flamboyant fret thrashing style the main thing in the music and i can appreciate that, i get the impression there are now 2 types of bassist, the chuggers and the flashy lead style ones. Maybe we need a prefix like rhythm and lead guitarists do. Rhythm and lead bass? and then there are the guys that play the stick bass.... where would you put them?
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='649597' date='Nov 9 2009, 12:28 PM']A while ago I played through Ashdown ABM900 feeding Ampeg 8x10 and Ampeg 8x8 and slaved up to Markbass LMII feeding Ampeg 4x10 and also DI through 2.5kW PA. This in a pub in Hastings called [i]The Carlisle[/i] - some of you may know it - there were no complaints about volume. [/quote] Holy christ on a bike that sounds like fun. Gonna get me a gig there!
  14. congrats matey, what a cool missus! Well my girly knows my dream bass is a Pre Ernie Ball MM so lets hope she follows suite eh! We can all dream. (edited for spelling)
  15. I dont have a second amp but i remember plaing a gig with my old Marshall VBA400 with my old Trace 8x10, a trace 4x10 and a trace 1x18 all rigged up together. MY LORD!!! It crushed all the people in the first 5 rows!
  16. love it mate!! best looking warwick i seen! i love beaten up abused bases keep it like that! proper relic'ing lol
  17. Lovin the skull sofa throw! fancy a trade? lol
  18. i think the OP and a few others have different idea's of what "backline" entitles. My band have done more shows than i can count where backline has been shared between bands. Most of these done with contracts drawn up etc etc as a lot have been abroad, and everytime and everywhere we have been, backline has always been "cabs n drum shells". I think i would be having rather strong words with anyone who decided to just go and plug into my amp. that kind of thing really gets me wound up and its just damn rude. So to the OP - Haul your own gear, just in case. If you had come up to me saying "can i use yours? i didnt want to lug my stuff up the stairs" i would be marching you back down to get it! and if it doubt, just ask someone from the band who's equipment it belongs to, do NOT just assume its cool.
  19. Damn you Pete!! thought i would get to see you in action then oh and i managed to get a trade on the Eden cab, got a Yankee Ampeg SVT410HLF for it winner!
  20. ah man i was after one of these a few months ago. If i still had 2 basses i would have snapped this up. Awsome bit of kit. Get it bought...
  21. sorry but...... it would be good if girls came with a 'horn control' that would rule. Back on topic, lovely looking cab, hope it sells for ya.
  22. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='632923' date='Oct 21 2009, 09:19 PM']They run for a surprisingly long time on a 0.5 ohm load, before they trip. Ig you disconnect the trip and bridge it, it runs for a surprisingly long time before the power transformer melts. They are built tough.[/quote] Sounds like you had fun with it! hehe
  23. the Sessionbass amp was my first proper amp, and i loved it. Eq on it was really easy to dial in i remember. i remember i thought i had made it as a proper bassist when i bought my first rig, it was that and a 1 x 15" black widow cab. I was the muts nuts! haha. Good times.
  24. dont really have much experience with Warwick cabs, are they any good compared to something like an Eden or Yank Ampeg etc etc
  25. [quote name='N64Lover' post='632745' date='Oct 21 2009, 08:03 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64138"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64138[/url] [/quote] you want my Eden cab nice n light, proper clear warm sounding amazing bit of kit! you know it makes sense!!!
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