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Everything posted by longtimefred

  1. that big dirty valve head looks like its worth a go!!! I for one have never gotten my kind of sound out of a crashdown, im just too set in valve heads. hence why i want a go of that one thats been posted. I have heard plenty of bands using all ranges of the things and the only time i have really heard them sounding toss is when the bassist cant afford to put a decent bass into it. sh1t in - sh1t out in my opinion, no matter what fancy amplifier you may use. hope that makes sense
  2. good luck with the sale mate. I had one of these for a long while, absolutely incredible amps!! stunning tone and more horsepower than a chevvy truck!!! Only got rid of mine to get my rare as hell Trace head. I do miss the power of the big marshall.. Bargain n all, i paid over a grand for just the head...
  3. i have an 89 MIJ Jazz and its amazing. Just as good as a yank one of similar age. in fact thats it on the left
  4. now open to offers!! really gotta get rid of this now. Going on tour abroad soon and need the extra cash.. Giz an pffer and get a bargain im begging ya!!!
  5. now open to offers!! really gotta get rid of this now. Going on tour abroad soon and need the extra cash.. Giz an pffer and get a bargain im begging ya!!!
  6. yeah it breaks my heart to sell it but my little Eden cab just seems to make my band sound better and takes 1 less car to move all the bloody stuff around! lol. Its such a hard time for people to buy stuff, i understand that, i saw one of these originals go for £600 just over a year ago, and now i cant even get half that!!! damn poverty!
  7. no mate, had to relist its still on there now.
  8. Also now thinking i would trade for a decent 4x10. drop me a line with any interesting swap offers!!
  9. have dropped the price to 350 for this now, really need the cash
  10. might know where there is a stonking Marshall VBA400 going soonish. i used to have one of these and it was incredible. they crank up dead well and have ssssoooooo much horse power its untrue. Costs a buck or 2 to replace tubes when they start going though, all 8 6550's!! ARGH hence why i sold mine....
  11. im not sure what colour its classed as, i never seen one like it. Just looks like varnished wood! lol. The guys in the band call it the sideboard bass!! I will get some more photos up asap ok.
  12. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250480371774&_trkparms=tab%3DSelling#ht_500wt_1032"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...g#ht_500wt_1032[/url] link to the thing on fleabay.
  13. got some more photos today, as you can see the one photo where the wheel has pushed the wood through the cab. This will be fixed using a sheet of steel covering the whole of the back angled panel at the bottom with the wheels drilled and bolted through that.
  14. would take 400 for it.. edit - shall be getting some better pictures today
  15. anyone gonna make me an offer before this goes on the dreaded ebay?
  16. here is a pic, not the greatest but better than none til i can get some proper shots of it...
  17. Yup, im gonna take the fall and bad feelings and sell up my amazing Trace Elliot 8x10. THis was the cab that was designed to take the power of the mighty V8 amplifier Trace made and it has served me so well for a good few years with my V4 on top. This cab has had a proper touring and gigging life so has a few vinyl scars over it but the speakers are spot on and are all original (even got trace elliot printed on the cone covers) and has the gorgeous metal plate Trace Elliot badge on the removable grill (which i got offered £50 for just the badge!!). The one thing that i need to fix is the wheels. It landed funny after being wheeled down some stairs and has pushed some of the wood through. Easily fixed with a sheet of checker plate metal across the bottom where the wheels go. I have been totally honest about the condition of it and will take some pictures next time i am at the rehearsal studio. THis is a proper good old 8x10 and these things are getting as rare as gold dust, well worth a purchase if you are a Trace collector!!! PM me for offers. Photos to come ASAP EDIT - or will maybe swap for a David Eden 2x12 as i want 2 of these things!!!
  18. [quote name='Geoff' post='547393' date='Jul 22 2009, 10:47 AM']Looks like im going to have to try the Eden and Aguilar cabs by the sounds of it! Im going to London on friday so i'll see what I can find. Longtimefred, do your tunes on your myspace have the Eden on the recording?[/quote] Yes mate, all the ones are using that. "The Next" was recorded with the 2x12 and my Trace V4 and my MM Stingray 5. The rest of em were using the same cab, but with Peavey Max pre amp, peavey power amp, Pro Co Rat Pedal and a mexican Fender Jazz. I was down London not long ago, im sure The Gallery on Denmark St may have had one as i think they are the only Eden stockists around, but i could be wrong. They are pricey for a 2x12 but worth every penny! If you want i got an unmixed version of some of our newest tunes with the full HUGE sound of it before it all got cleaned up if you want i could send you a copy for a bit more info on it. I soooo want another one, im just greedy Will
  19. Dude!!! I have just downsized from my Trace 8x10 to a David Eden 2x12. Never looked back.... The way it changed the sound of me and the whole band was amazing, it instantly made the bass warmer, more like thunder and made the guitars cut through more rather than battling against the angry mid range of the 8x10. Dont worry about not being heard, i play in an aggressive metal band and thought it would never work, thats why it stayed at home for over a year. I recorded with it and then tried it in a live situation and the difference was amazing. If you can find one, try it... they are amazing. Im trying to find a second one.
  20. Hi there, i have a Peavey Max pre amp that i do not use any more and need to get rid of it. Here are a few links to it [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Bass+Amp/product/Peavey/Max+Preamp/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...Max+Preamp/10/1[/url] [url="http://guitargeek.com/gearview/386/"]http://guitargeek.com/gearview/386/[/url] I want £120 or near enough.... Also I have an Original Trace Elliot 1084H 8x10 that was made to take the beating of the mighty Trace V8 amplifier. This is a stonking cabinet and i also feel its time to part with it for something new. I want to get a David Eden 2x12 cab so if anyone fancies a swap then let me know. Or any offers would be considered. This cab has been toured around Europe with me for a good few years so aint in prestine condition!! Thanks
  21. Greetings!! I have started to have problems with my left wrist (wearing my bass too low for too long) and im gutted that i have to get rid of the 5 string stingray i have and swap for a 4 string I am looking for a straight swap for a 4 string stingray of around the same age (dont like the new ones) or possibly a Fender Jazz of around the same age. Here is a pic to show ya the beast. It has been gigged a hell of a lot and has done some milage, and has had a refret. Its an amazing sounding bass and plays stunning as well. I really dont wanna get rid of it but needs must. Sorry for the ugly git in the photo, but its the best one of my bass i could find at short notice, (hope you like the Trace Elliot V4 in the backgound ) I am in Staffordshire and would want to meet up to arrange this if any takers [attachment=29350:stingray.jpg]
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