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Everything posted by longtimefred

  1. [quote name='doomed' timestamp='1468269623' post='3089787'] Can't see you being disappointed, I love my OB1. Played with a band whose bassist had 2 Zilla 2x10s in the same style as yours a couple of months ago and he sounded good so 2 more speakers will only add to that. [/quote] That will be me then haha! yeah Zilla make great cabs and service is ace. I'm putting mine up for sale soon as i just moved up to an 8x10.
  2. i may be wrong but dont the Hexavalve's only run at 4 or 2 ohms? If thats right you wont be able to use your 8 ohm cab without destroying the amp
  3. Do it, you will not regret it.
  4. I used a V4 mk2 for about 7 years and can honestly say the only amp that stands up to it is its replacement which is the Ampeg SVT 2. Love the V4, nice simple fender style pre amp that you don't need to use much of as it's natural tone is just massive and the compressor is ace. Overdrive channel is as nasty as you want. I do miss that amp but with lots of Heavy touring going on, it doesn't deserve to be toured and battered. Always remember, good tone is worth carrying!
  5. Great video, Reminds me of why I love darkglass.
  6. pretty sure this is gone. I spoke to the guy last month and he said it had gone.
  7. £500 for an SVT 2? thats mental cheap! someone is going to get a bargain for the best amp ever made! if i hadnt have bought one last month, id have had yours
  8. Maybe the svt 3 pro would be a bit more suitable if you thinking it's too much. They are both solid state amps so can be used at quieter volumes. Ampeg do a range of lightweight smaller cheaper amps called the portaflex but if it's a proper ampeg you are after, get an svt. You will have lots of fun!
  9. depends on if you want one or not mate. if you want one, then get it! there is no wrong answer if you want it haha, it will work perfectly well with one cab. Plus if you do get to go gigging with it, then you can tear peoples faces off with the power of it .
  10. pretty sure that black one was mine for a bit. Cracking bass guitar, sounds awesome and kept up pace with my Sandberg when i had it as a spare. Cannot fault these at all. Bargain!
  11. Also I highly recommend Paul at Zilla Cabinets for re tolexing (not even a real word). his work is amazing.
  12. yes mate!! i used to have one and also used one 2 nights ago. Love these amps,
  13. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1453395248' post='2959141'] They claim this will match older amps. I also like the fact we have a company saying that class d doesn't match older tech (till now apparently). From Darkglass Since bassists adopted them, class D amplifiers were seen as convenient version of much bigger and heavier, yet better sounding, amps. Most musicians were happy with compromising sound and power by saving money, weight and space. So a year ago we set ourselves up to end these compromises. We wanted the best sounding amplifier period: louder, more versatile and articulate. It just happens to be one of the lightest, most compact and elegantly designed bass amplifiers out there. Fully designed and built in Finland. We present you the Microtubes 700." [/quote] i will be sure wanting to test one out as i run the B7K as my main pre amp directly into a 650w Crest Audio power amp. If this little box can out perform that beast then i will be the first to eat my hat and buy one and say i was wrong. I doubt i am wrong as the technology that class D amps uses to harvest and release the power, in my view will never be able to compete with the big lumps of iron in the old class A amps. it just doesn't seem possible. its an odd one for me as i bought the TC Blacksmith and i was running that at 924w RMS excluding all the TC bullshit that says its 1600w @ 2 ohms. yes it was loud and it sounded good, but there was no authority, that "heft" everyone speaks about that they lack. Same when i have used a Genz streamliner 900. So for DG to say they wanted a 700w Class D amp to be louder doesn't really give me confidence that there will be any significant weight behind the volume that class D lacks because i know they can be loud, just not in the right way. hope that makes sense, does in my mind. I want to be open minded about this as i love DG stuff, we shall see...
  14. its class D, so no. I need my amps to have actual power and heft.
  15. can someone buy this please as its making me feel ill towards my new rig i just bought. its the dream right there!
  16. i love this amp. its got so much depth and meat to it. needs a good home. Matt is a true gent and keeps his gear in perfect condition. Plus he makes a mean brew!
  17. i just had the big version off Kev. Its amazing. if i turn it off i sound terrible haha. Such great bits of kit.
  18. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1397594767' post='2425578'] Unfortunately most blokes in the UK have no muscles and whinge continuously so have to have class D amps that are lighter than but sound worse than tea bags. We're the second most obese nation on earth and need nano technology to help us overcome our denial. Good to see our Southern Hemisphere cousins loving and embracing the valvey goodness, even if it is American-made. I'm a proud owner of a Mesa 400+ and have a Brit 4 x KT88 monster on the way and I had the transformers made extra heavy not to sound better but to upset weaklings and sanctimonious w£&@ers :-) [/quote] Amen brother.
  19. Yes mate!!! If you want power, there is NO alternative. Keep it heavy and keep a cracking tone. Light amps suck.
  20. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1440859244' post='2854388'] I didn't think Mark was getting any in?? He doesn't usually stock made to order effects pedals? [/quote] Mate ignore me I'm getting confused. Forgot that this was a thread about the new cali. Got side tracked onto the Darkglass! Lol
  21. Just been to Bass Direct to pick up my new Sandberg, Mark said they dont have them in yet.
  22. I have gone for the Cali over the darkglass. I think they are 2 total different animals. The darkglass is totally transparent and from what little I heard from that YouTube demo, sounds like it does an awesome job. For me I love the tone and vibe a compressor with its own unique characteristics can give.
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