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Everything posted by longtimefred

  1. damn you so much! i want those cabs like a lot but have no cash or no orange cabs to give you!!! damn you Quimby. lol.
  2. i currently sit firmly in the middle of all this. Currently using a TC Electronic Blacksmith (Class D but 1600 watts of it), into a Matamp 4x10 and an SWR Goliath 3 Jr both loaded with Neo speakers. So you can say i am using big old school boxes with a shed load of power, but its all nice and light. Great for touring, sounds killer and with all TC's gizmo's and compression working its magic alongside my Darkglass B7K - i do not miss dragging my valve amp around monster sounds.
  3. Really really nice amp this is, i have played through it a few times and it surprises me every time. My vocabulary is not as good as Mr VtypeV4 but i know its dead good! Give it a go dude! He makes a pretty decent brew as well
  4. i have just bought one of these and it has the Eminence Deltalites in it and it sounds great to me. I love this little cab and it weighs nothing! I use it alongside a Matamp 4x10 and it just sounds killer. The only thing i have got to do is get some deeper rubber spacers for it as the outer rim of the speaker (not sure of the correct name) rests rather snuggly against the grill and it makes a nasty noise at high volume. luckily there is around 5-8mm to play with so will pack a few more spacers between the grill and the cab to move it away from the speakers.
  5. ahh thanks for re valving it and cleaning it up. I have changed my mind and will just have it back now mate yeah! lol.
  6. best amp ever this! it was just breaking my heart touring around it was starting to get bumped and bruised being lugged in and out of venues all the time. Not what i wanted to see happen to it so i let it go back to its owner for safe keeping.
  7. hey bud, say you decided to split, could you let me know what you would want for the cab? thanks. (hoping its far too much money for me to consider!)
  8. thought i'd put a cheeky update about the Blacksmith. God damn this thing just keeps getting better. So the next set of cabs i used on the tour was a Gallien Krueger RBH 4x10 and 15 stack, jesus at not even a quarter of the power available we were shaking buildings apart!! absolutely love this amp so far. The only time i have not been settled was using my own cab (Matamp 4x10) at rehearsals. Now i have gotten a bit more used to how this thing responds to my playing, hopefully the next time i plug her in to the Matamp it should be ok. If not I'm searching for a new cab setup lol! Simply if anyone is after a pro touring amp that weighs nothing. GET ONE!
  9. The V4 has gone back to VtypeV4 as we are the only people that have owned it from new. Sorry dude, that amp is only ever going to belong to either one of us First impression of the TC is - HOLY SH*T its loud!! and I'm running at 8ohms. (a mere 525w lol) Its going to take some getting used to and adjusting i think. This thing plays and feels so so different to the V4 i have been using for around 7 years. I have a couple of dodgy frequencies i need to find and EQ out and get it sitting right in the mix, but yeah its awesome. The pedal board really helps and the tuner is dead good on it. It only takes one nudge of the EQ to make it sound totally different so there is a lot to play with. Think i need another cab to sit the mix a little higher by my face! i have been touring with a Gallian Krueger rig with 15" and 4x10 and it just rocks! Gigging it tonight and tomorrow, so will let you know how it goes
  10. i know its wimpy isn't it might have to get 2 before TC raise the price lol
  11. yeah ignore the 1600w thing, thats rubbish lol. It puts out 924w at 4 ohms. Still pretty beasty. Im putting it through a Matamp 4x10 which has a 1200w handling and its running in 8 ohms at 500 odd watts so nah its cool. I will get a video or something done when i can pair it up with the full rig on wednesday. Its gonna be filthy!!!
  12. [attachment=183895:IMAG0223.jpg] oh crap sorry lol
  13. Hi guys, just wanted to share the good news and fun times spending a shed load of cash on a new head! I recently burnt out a few tubes on my Trace Elliot V4 on tour mid set and decided enough was enough karting this old beast of a head around abusing it, its not what it is designed to do. So i went hunting for a proper bombproof stinkingly loud amp that can withstand the brute of touring with a Heavy Metal band all the time. The TC just seemed to tick all the boxes for me so i went down to see Mark at Bass Direct today after putting one on hold and plugged in and nearly blew his windows out, holy crap this thing is loud and sounds awesome!! Just 10 mins giving it a bit of a pasting was enough to know its the right one. They really seem to have nailed the feel of a valve amp with this as it doesn't sound or react like a typical clean class D amp. The multi band compressor just seems to rock! Got it home and got the pedal attached to my pedalboard along with the Darkglass B7K and Line 6 G30 and got the Blacksmith loaded into the rack case ready for the last 6 legs of the tour. Cant wait to get it in the studio next week to get some proper sounds up and see what it can do. Fun times ahead i think. Will
  14. Ah crap just realised the date on the original thread, numpty!!!!
  15. I think it's the cab being honest. I got rid of my hlf for that exact reason. I couldn't get any decent mid range out of the thing (typical ampeg), sounded great on its own but got lost with the band, and yes I was playing metal as well. Those hlf cabs have got massive arse end but nowt in the middle. I also was using a trace amp, be it the V4 valve amp not an smx. As soon as I bought my matamp 4x10 everything was fixed 😃
  16. This is a belter of a bass! I know Daveo very well and he certainly looks after his gear. Get it bought!
  17. Yummy. Looks well worth the wait. Regards strings ... I found the DR DDT's give a beasty rock sound. Best I heard on my sandberg anyway.
  18. Sandberg California VM series. i have one and its a beast!!! I had mine fitted at the factory with Haussel pickups for a more aggressive tone than the Delano's that come as stock. [url="http://www.sandberg-guitars.de/basscat-overview/calv-series/calvm"]http://www.sandberg-guitars.de/basscat-overview/calv-series/calvm[/url] The MM tends to act more of a Jazz pup on steroids rather than sounding MM, its a little closer to the bridge. Cant say i have seen a bass with this configuration with the bridge pup actually in the MM sweet spot.
  19. Yum yum. I'd say I would buy it but I don't need to as I have a V4 These are the best amps of all time ever!!! Good luck.
  20. cant wait for this. I keep an eye on the ones being built on FB and i am close to thinking one of these is next on the purchase list. Borrowing one for a few days might just seal it cant wait!!!
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