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Everything posted by Simon.

  1. Going slightly O/T here, but has anyone ever used the Guitar-Auctions site Howie linked to? I just had a quick look at the catalogue for the next auction (10th Dec), and while there's not much bass content but, going but the estimate prices, there appears to be some very good deals to be had on some of the acoustics and Fender Japan electric guitars.
  2. Welcome back Pete! Tough to hear about what has happened to you, but very glad to learn that you are back and on the mend.
  3. I am both Flabbered and, indeed, Gasted! Thanks very much! I suspect this might keep me busy for a while...
  4. Hi there - just wanted to say thanks for the Pump It Up transcription. Kept me busy for a little while & really enjoyed giving it a bash! Don't meant to be cheeky, but if you are happy to take requests, I've looked all over for a sheet of John Paul Jones' excellent work on Dusty Springfield's [i]Ain't No Sun Since You've Been Gone[/i]. It's a great line, but my ear just isn't good enough to keep up...
  5. I've got an Allparts neck and Schaller tuners on my Bitsa/pimped-up MIJ Jazz. The neck is the rosewood version of yours, and like you I thought it was a little bit thicker than I would have liked, based on the one I had on my Fender Japan 75 RI. As Chris MacIntyre was doing some routing on the body for me, I got him to very slightly re-profile the neck as well. It's very nicely finished and lovely to play now, but would have been very playable as it was. Interested to see how the Rio Grande's sound!
  6. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1442445152' post='2867098'] Mev Taylors was a cracking shop when it was on Morrison St, turned to crap when they moved in with Sound Control. Rikki's was usually over-priced, one of them with about 20 guitars all the same apart from colour. [/quote] Agree with you about Mev Taylor's and the subsequent drop-off in quality. Was it Mev's that used to be on Morrison Street at Haymarket? I remember it being an awesome place back in my youth, but possibly that's just the foggy effects of distant memory. I also recall being scared witless as a naive 14-year old in Bostons. What happened in the end? I didn't know Rikki's was still going. Although indeed usually over-priced, I distinctly remember my mate getting an Epiphone Les Paul from them which was stunning piece of work. We did blind tests with another friends Gibson LP, and no-one could tell the difference. It was a thing of beauty.
  7. Rather than start a separate, as it's production related, has anyone been listening to the new Vintage Trouble album, 1 Hopeful Road? I love the band and the debut album is simply brilliant, IMO, but this one....? Good, but a bit 'meh' in places. I don't think the song-writing is quite as good (definite sophomore album issues), but it's the production which I feel really hurts it. Angel City is a perfect example of what BobVbass and spongebob were on about - the drum sounds are clearly mixed for MP3 consumption. On a couple of other tracks you can hear the 'room' on the vocals, which is a cardinal sin as far as I'm concerned. Ty Taylor has a huge voice, but to so obviously constrain it is a poor show.
  8. For me, it's the embarrassing prices pawn shops put on stuff that always good for a giggle. I know that, generally, long gone are the days of being able to stumble on a vintage bass for just a couple of hundred but some places really are taking the micky. There is a long established pawn brokers just round the corner from my work which always has a selection of musical stuff in the window. I wandered past the other day and notice a nice looking American Standard P-bass in amongst all the pointy guitars. Clearly not new, but in decent condition. Price: £1050! Crivens, you can get a brand new one from GAK for just £10 more...
  9. Wonky2, you have my sympathies - that sounds like a particularly unpleasant condition to live with! I've suffered with Spondylolisthesis for nearly 20 years, brought on as a result of lifting a stage monitor the wrong way! I learned to cope with it for a long time, until finally being correctly diagnosed by a chiropractor and getting treatment from them. 2 years down the line and my movement and ability have massively improved. I'm also 1.5cm taller than I was, due to no longer standing with a twisted/hunched posture.
  10. VMAs? Vacuous Music Awards?
  11. Whilst it's not TAB (but most of it isn't too hard to work), there is a huge and very good resource of soul transcriptions here: [url="http://freebasspart.pv24.pagesperso-orange.fr/Bass_Players.htm"]http://freebasspart.pv24.pagesperso-orange.fr/Bass_Players.htm[/url] It's Stax/Atlantic based, rather than Motown, but should keep you occupied for a good while. Plenty of Duck Dunn lines to get stuck in to.
  12. The 1996, MoP one used to be mine - I bought it through John at Fareast Guitars in about 2005. Best neck I've ever played. Wish I could justify getting this back... Feel free to ask any questions, if you have them.
  13. Simon.


    That looks t'riffic! Well done. Any particular reason why you wanted to change out the P-pup? Much as I love my P-Lyte, I've always felt the pick-ups let it down ever so slightly.
  14. I first discovered VT through the power of Basschat, and really love them. Live they are just full-on, and the energy they put in to each and every show is amazing. A great band and a genuine, 1st-rate frontman who entertains. Not something you see too often these days.
  15. Can't really help with the original request, but I'm glad it's not just me who discovered this! I bought a set of covers for my Japanese 75 RI jazz, and while the bridge cover fitted like a dream, there was no way the neck cover was going to line up. In the end for practical playing purposes, I preferred it with the neck cover off, but it would have been nice to have both on occasionally for the aesthetics. #shinythings
  16. I've heard a few of their tracks on the radio and find them ... OK. Not sure what there is justify all the hype around them. Could someone who is a fan explain to me what it is they do that the Black Crowes haven't done already, and done considerably betterer? Ta.
  17. Oh my giddy aunt... I'm going to have to leave the room. That is a splendid bass - good luck with the sale, I only wish I could take it off your hands.
  18. Booked for Edinburgh. Not a huge venue, so a great chance to see some excellent players up close.
  19. I absolutely adore that fretboard. Wow. Just, wow.
  20. If someone needs to give 110% to get a job done, then clearly they are the wrong person for the job. I'm all for Groovy, though. The world could do with a bit more of that.
  21. As others have said, Chris McIntyre or Jimmy Moon. I've used both, and had excellent results every time. Chris for my own stuff, as I'm Edinburgh based, Jimmy for the band I guitar tech for, as they are Glasgow based. By the way, if you do go with Jimmy, try and find out when his band Rose Room are playing next and go see. Really, really good.
  22. I used to love playing live - it was my main driver for being in bands. I'd always been in originals bands, and loved the togetherness of working towards the goal of writing, crafting and playing songs to an audience. The last main band I was in rehearsed on a regular basis, released a couple of albums and did a lot of gigs - including 2 UK tours and some European dates. A lot of commitment. For reasons I have never known, I was punted, by e-mail, from a band I'd helped found and had been with for 7 years. Add in that the remaining members of the band then nicked about £2k worth of my gear (some recovered, some not), and I wanted to be far, far way away from bands for a long time. I was rather disconsolate about the whole thing and wary of putting that much energy and effort into another relationship. Since then I've found other things to fill the time, which I enjoy just as much and get more satisfaction from. I miss playing live, very, very much, but I don't miss being in a band.
  23. I don't think I've ever seen the purple flame one before - that's pretty darn pretty! Nice one. I've one of the original Japanese versions, in Frost Red. The super-skinny neck makes them such a fun bass to play.
  24. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1423573695' post='2686455'] Are you going to make it to the Bash this year a good year to come down with Steve Lawson and stuff to give away. [/quote] Guiltily runs off to check the dates of Bass Bash ... ..... ..... ...... Hopefully, yes!
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