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Everything posted by Simon.

  1. Surely some clever clogs somewhere must be able to invent black feet wire, as well? As in properly black all the way through, rather than coated. Bound to be a demand for it, I would think.
  2. Oh my! 👀 That is a seriously lovely colour combo! 👍
  3. No. Not jealous at all! No, really. I'm not. Really.
  4. The RetroB shape is definitely a nod, wink and elbow towards the Fender shape. Likewise the J-Type, although I'm not sure if Alan is still doing that style. Beautiful basses, but not cheap. They come up in the For Sale forum quite regularly, although I suppose that kind of defeats the OP objective.
  5. I can't see me ever using it in a live band setting, but I do enjoy a bit of tapping when playing or composing solo pieces. Alongside chordal work, it's useful at filling out the sound. Used to be quite good at it, less so now... 🙄
  6. Milton's original version of Evil Woman is splendid!
  7. I love that site! Hadn't actually realised it had disappeared, as it's given me plenty of tunes to work at, over the years. It's an incredible resource.
  8. Ooh, that Overwater is very tasty! I'd even go as far as to call it lush. 👍
  9. I really like the concept of the pickguard, but I'm not sure it works with the natural finish on the body. An (aged) Olympic White on the body might work well? Nice work on the neck. 👍
  10. Yeah, it all went a bit pear-shaped for him. Loved his guitar playing with Sky, though, Those first 4 albums were hugely influential on me as a kid learning to make music.
  11. Nice work Gareth! Loved the contrast between '86 and '87! 😄
  12. Not me directly, but my Dad is a jazz drummist & clarinet player. One of his long-time musical associates sadly passed away a while back and his family decided to sell off his gear. My dad was offered (and bought) a Yanagisawa soprano sax for £100. Yanagisawa don't do budget instruments... must be worth at least 20x that amount. Said sadly departed acquaintance was primarily a bass player, but alas (for me) his family were a bit more clued up about the relative value of his '72 Jazz and DB, so there were no bargains to be had. Closet I've probably come was a mid-80's MIJ Fender Jazz I paid £100 for when I was at uni - which was a lot of money to find as a skint student. It belonged to a flatmate who a) never played it and b) was very broke. It's since been extensively modified, so is more of a bitsa these days, but I've still got all the original parts. Well, except the sawdust from the extra routing... It's the proverbial 'comfy slippers' bass, so I doubt it'll ever move on.
  13. I'm a bit further out than that, so it ain't me!
  14. If you've got it, flaunt it! * * - Except for Covid-19, obviously.
  15. That's a band name, right there! 😄
  16. I liked that! 👍 Consolidated bits of what I knew, without really having known how it all linked together.
  17. Simon.


    I think you might have been a little bit over-enthusiastic with the chambering...
  18. Nice. I like that a lot. Liked Trappist-1 as well. 👍 Well done on the BBC playlisting, too. Nice to see something different from the usual bland, manufactured pop being played.
  19. Whether Stew goes ahead with this or not, whether it works or not, this has to go down as one of my all time favourite Basschat threads! The sharing of ideas, the willingness to help out, the support, camaraderie and Stew's willingness to give it a go, are all just awesome. Exactly what BC has come to mean to me. Now, I have to go as apparently I have something in my eye... 👀
  20. The name is familiar, but I don't know why. Currently listening to some of the latest album (Activate Infinity) on Bandcamp - have to say I'm really liking it! I generally find the easiest way to empty a room is to put on anything I've played on...
  21. I don't think I've ever seen anyone shift so many lovely basses, so quickly! This is lush, but alas I don't have the funds. Or a signed permission slip from management. Good luck with the sale. 👍
  22. I think for some there is a learning and development element to it as well.You might be good enough to front a band playing in the Dog & Duck, but if someone offers you the chance to work as a backing singer for a band playing arena shows, the opportunities to learn (and earn!) would be much greater. Case in point, in the days of my old Americana band a couple of the guys met a girl at a party who was desperate to sing with a band but had no live experience and struggled with the concept of standing on a stage in front of an audience. She certainly could sing, no doubt about that. We persuaded her to come to a couple of rehearsals with us, doing backing vocals on a couple of numbers and taking lead on one. Eventually she was confident to give it a go in a live setting, and despite being extremely nervous, did very well. She did a few more shows with us, growing in confidence all the time, and was then poached by the BMX Bandits...
  23. In an attempt to inspire myself to pick up a bass and start playing again after a long (very long) break, I set myself the rather ambitious target of learning Vlufpeck's Conscious Club, during lockdown... First realisation - that after 8 years away, I definitely can't play at the level I used too! Second realisation - OK, that's probably a bit too ambitious for a first track to tackle. Settled on Frank Wilson's Do I Love You instead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV_Bql7Pugw Got all the parts together, just need to work on the consistency at full speed. Thankfully it's only 2.25...
  24. I remember getting Metallica's Black album on vinyl, and while the recording was fine, the center label was misprinted on side two, so it went back and I swapped it for the CD version. Also had another one around the same time. Gate-fold double album, where sides 3 and 4 were both printed as side 3. I think it might have been Exit Stage Left. It was the first Rush album I bought, after being blown away by a track on the Fluff Freeman rock show, and the song I desperately wanted to hear again was (or should have been) on side 4... That one went back too.
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