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  1. Sorry, thanks to everyone. I'm not used to this yet but I'll get the hang.
  2. It's back to school for DogBoy fretmeister. Thanks for the reply but oh dear, earth loops, and a mains filter. Doh! and here I was blaming the government.:-) Just as a matter of interest the key to the matter proved to be ONE filtered socket, ONE four socket trailing plug board plugged into same, all equipment plugged into trailing sockets. The noise however seemed to be digital, like a data transmission, but hey, so what it's fixed.
  3. LET IT BE KNOWN, i AM A SELF TAUGHT NEW BOY SO PLEASE BE PATIENT. I'm using a Mark Bass Little mark lll with a pair of Hartke 210 XL cabinets. I settled on these as what looked a viable option. As yet I've not used these in anger so to speak but it seems that at even relatively moderate (prox. 60% gain, 50% master volume all tone controls set to flat response) I get unacceptable back ground noise. I'm using XLR balanced input as standard jack leads are even worse. It's more than likely something dumb I'm doing, but advice would be welcome. P.S. I get the same from my Quincy Tolouse 6 string and the stag 4 and 5 string basses so I don't thing its the guitar. P.P.S. If this post is done incorrectly then again i ask your forebearance as I am new to using forums.
  4. Gigging drummer for 40 years. heart trouble meant I had to give it up. Suffering from depression, and aged 57 I got a rubbish 2/2 foundation degree in popular music. Eventualy, after doing some private tutoring and stuff for a while, bored now,  I took up bass as a challenge and have been experimenting for some time. I started out with a heavily customised stag 24 fret 4 string (Seymour Duncan 1/4 pounders , grover tuners and decent strings etc.} and a Laney RB4 160 watt amp. , learned a few classic rock tunes  and did a couple of pub gigs with three like minded oldies, but I was forced to move out the area, and the band really wasn't that good it warranted travelling for. Living on my own and with no musical contacts I took a more serious approach and I now have Quicy Tolouse 6 string through neck active, with a mark bass little mark lll and a pair of Hartke 210 XL cabinets, and I am trying to teach myself to play Bach Cello parts with a view to teaming up with a flute player. Okay I always did have ambitions beyond my abilities but if you don't try you'll never know 🙂 All of this brings me to the point of my signing up to the forum., so I'll leave this and head over to my first attempt at a post.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SpondonBassed
    3. JapanAxe


      That's quite a journey - welcome aboard!

    4. Risk101


      Huge admiration for your "get up and go" to get as far as you have already - surely bodes well for the future. Welcome to the forum. !!

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