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David Nimrod

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Everything posted by David Nimrod

  1. That's a beautiful bass, a piece of Ibanez history, beautifully restored (improved!). Good luck with the sale
  2. Reading all the above:- what a truly sad situation... Talk about a self fulfilling prophecy, no shops, just online retailers. Another point of human contact gone, more people staring at screens. Fewer musos meeting up in music shops, passing the time together... Another face of Modern Britain?
  3. [quote name='7string' post='162022' date='Mar 23 2008, 12:19 AM']It's going to be a heck of a trip !![/quote] I am just *so* envious Have a wonderful time!
  4. [quote name='Faithless' post='161990' date='Mar 22 2008, 10:12 PM']What forced you to 'abandon' 5-string-thing, mate? [/quote] I just couldn't get on with 5's... don't like the B string thing. All my basses are 4's now, apart from the SRX705 (for sale). I see the good in 5's - but I just love 4's, they're right for me.
  5. Just forward your post to the manager/owner of the shop. I doubt whether the 'assistant' that served you(!) will be there much longer.
  6. That grain is amazing! Go for a clear I say... Or pearl white
  7. When I'm on an unlined f/board I play in one of those esoteric 17 tone scales... And you know, I always get it right (wish I was a *real* musician!!!)
  8. [quote name='Dillsfretless' post='161686' date='Mar 22 2008, 09:32 AM']I recently found this bass pic, and for me it is just the best looking bass I have ever seen! I've downloaded it and open it every day just to have another look - pretty sad! especially as I don't even play 6 string. Anyway, here is is, and if I win the lottery I'm getting one exactly like this even if I can'y play it: Note: just realised that that one is a fretless, but I'd get a fretted.[/quote] Don't worry about the 6, more to the point:- Have you been looking for a Drummer..?
  9. [quote name='Beedster' post='161632' date='Mar 21 2008, 10:54 PM']I'm missing it already mate [/quote] I drove straight to my tech. in Leicester... couldn't resist. He's gonna sort out the action & mend the black s/plate... I'm not surprised you're missing it... bloody gorgeous bass! I just can't wait to play it, I know we're going to have fun. & it's just about the most awesome bass I've ever had
  10. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='161515' date='Mar 21 2008, 06:01 PM']A light passive P with a jazz neck though...[/quote] Funny you should say that
  11. I've got my SR1000EFM Prestige strung with Status groundwounds... What with the Bartolinis I just can't describe the smooth deep sound. It's wonderful
  12. [quote name='Bernmeister' post='161438' date='Mar 21 2008, 02:38 PM']Oh blimey! 2 x Swr Big Bens the single 1x18 cabs & the new Swr Sm1500 amp, that would certainly cause some serious bowel movement.[/quote] That setup would be just unbelievable Infact the amp. looks amazing anyway... Luckily for the buildings 'round here; I'm skint! We had an earthquake a while ago, we don't need another...
  13. [quote name='leonshelley01' post='161417' date='Mar 21 2008, 01:57 PM']I need a little help. I'm looking to upgrade from an Ibanez GSR200 to a MIM Fender, but I'm a little concerned about the shape of the Fender necks. Whilst I love the "thump" of a Precision, I suspect the neck will feel like a baseball bat in my hand after a while, whereas the Jazz is probably nearer to the neck shape I prefer. I have tried both in the local shop, but 10 minutes noodling sitting down won't give me an idea of what it is like playing a 2 hour rehearsal. I tend to play classic/hard rock in the style of JPJ and Steve Harris. Any advice/thoughts gratefully recieved.[/quote] I think you've already answered your own question... at least partially If you like the slim Ibanez neck, the Jazz profile will probably suit you better. The Jazz is more versatile soundwise too, but ultimately 'it's up to you'
  14. Down at the rehearsal studios last night, using an Ampeg head with two huge home made ported 1 x 18" cabs... I was playing my naturally lively sounding EMG powered Ibanez Doug Wimbish signature on the Precision pickup. All I can say is 'Wow!' those 18" cabs certainly shift some serious low frequencies... it was wonderful, bass sound. Interestingly the Ampeg 450 was cranked up full, to power these cabs, obviously they need a lot of watts to run... It's got me thinking If you were going for a Head + 2 18" cabs, what would you choose (just for the fun of it!).
  15. [quote name='bassman2790' post='161391' date='Mar 21 2008, 12:57 PM']Recently I have noticed a growing trend of folks saying "I'm thinking of getting a Precision" and I can only see the demand increasing, so I think that the time to grab your instrument of fundamental simplicity is NOW before market forces push the prices up to silly levels.[/quote] Funny you should say that...
  16. What a gorgeous pair - pure Ibanez porn
  17. [quote name='nick' post='160759' date='Mar 20 2008, 12:47 PM']IMHO a decent lawsuit 4001 copy is way cooler.[/quote] Of course it is! Be proud of your Rickenfaker
  18. [quote name='Dillsfretless' post='160524' date='Mar 19 2008, 10:17 PM']I've never actually played bass with anyone else,[/quote] There's your problem... bass really needs to mesh in with drums etc. The feeling of locking in with a good drummer in a real groove is like, Sex? As good as, anyway Get together with some other musicians and it'll all be exciting again.
  19. [quote name='bremen' post='160320' date='Mar 19 2008, 04:29 PM']Are Star*ucks on it? They look for succesful independent cafés, find the landlord and offer an increased rent over whatever the café is paying. Saves all the tedious, time-consuming and expensive process of building up a business.[/quote] They really are one of the worst... & who the hell wants 'em anyway? Every bloody high street is now getting exactly the same, no character. Apologies for OT rant
  20. Sounds like a brilliant bargain to me!
  21. I'm 46, and I've been playing bass (my only instrument really) for 3 years... I'd give pretty much anything to have started at 16 and carried on (regrets). If I had I might even be pretty good at it But you have to just [b][i]do it now[/i][/b]. I play 4 string (can't get to like the feel of a 'B' string) and I'm in an originals band. We rehearse once a week, every week, and have done a few small gigs. I've never done covers, and I write my bass lines, so how can I get 'em wrong? I've always played fingerstyle, & as to slap, I can't do it at all well, but I do try... Most of my lines are fairly simple, and I only know one scale (Pentatonic minor). So most of my lines come from that scale. I guess I play rock. But the most important thing is that I love playing bass, and do it nearly every day. [i][b]~ I love bass ~[/b][/i]
  22. Anyone remember the Sandberg 2 string basses..? Apparently the CNC neck machine went bonkers I had a play on one, it certainly worked as an instrument. And it was all you needed for a 12 bar in E
  23. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='159647' date='Mar 18 2008, 02:32 PM']...the place always tends to go downhill very rapidly live music-wise.[/quote] +1 to that
  24. [quote name='foal30' post='159398' date='Mar 18 2008, 09:14 AM']well, your hands is a good place to start. specifically where you pluck/attack. thumb/palm mute/ flatwound strings on a P is nearly always nice.[/quote] +1 to all of that... To me the beauty of a P is that it's down to the player. The bass itself has very little tonal variety of its own...
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