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David Nimrod

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Everything posted by David Nimrod

  1. [quote name='minty fresh death' post='128717' date='Jan 27 2008, 03:05 PM']This thread is really starting to put me off using this forum.[/quote] Why? What do you want the Forum to be?
  2. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='128643' date='Jan 27 2008, 12:51 PM']Who benefits from posts that show little or no respect for other foum members??[/quote] I'd say that the question is more:- 'What constitutes a lack of respect' ? And who decides? My answer I guess would be that a free and open forum should regulate itself. If a poster is out of order then other posters'll let him know soon enough. As long as it doesn't degenerate into a flame war (then the mods should step in) I think people can look after themselves.
  3. [quote name='tombboy' post='128647' date='Jan 27 2008, 12:59 PM']Totally agree on the whole David... the point I was trying to make is about manners. If you personally think a seller has overpriced would you post it on the forum or PM the seller, allowing him the chance to listen to your concerns and possibly amend the price. Most posters on here who are experienced in the second hand/vintage market would recognise a rip-off sale straight away and the Mods have stated that they will take the necessary actions against such sales. This sale appears to be moderately (in everyone's opinion) overpriced and not an attempt to scam anyone. He's now invited offers, so those genuinely interested have a chance to get a great bass at the price they feel warrants their interest.[/quote] Yeah, I'd agree wholeheartedly on discussions [b]purely[/b] about price, I just think that these threads can and do throw up other related (or even not so related) issues... And I would reiterate your point:- if manners/respect/empathy go out the window, the forum is doomed... and that cvan't happen, it's just too good a place to be
  4. My opinion (for what it's worth) is that it's a free market, and that goes for [b]opinions[/b] (some of which are learned, others less so) and to [b]prices[/b]. It comes back I think to a basic divide; on one side the members who like a very moderated environment, like to be told what to post and where... And others who value a more free environment. Discounting the obviously abusive posts I can't see the problem with discussing a bass and it's value. Most of the discussion in this thread has been about Rickys, rather than the posted asking price of this example. Interesting points have come up... To me this is a [b]discussion[/b] forum, not a [b]free ads site[/b]. If someone has an opinion, why on earth not hear it. Who benefits from deleting opinion?
  5. [quote name='Dave_MuadDib' post='128597' date='Jan 27 2008, 11:29 AM']Excellent, this one looks like it's pretty good! I need to buy a gigbag anyway, so I might as well get one that's suited for it! And this comes at a decent price. Cheers![/quote] No problem dude
  6. I have a B2AV... had the same problem when the original one wore out... Go to Thomann - type in 'headless gig bag' - there's a choice of three ;-) I got the most expensive one (£23-84) and it's just great. Problem solved.
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' post='128331' date='Jan 26 2008, 05:32 PM']On the other hand these two new SG Supreme Basses are the stuff GAS is made of...[/quote] Wow! that natural one is gorgeous! Love it in a 34" scale, pure class...
  8. [quote name='Machines' post='128330' date='Jan 26 2008, 05:30 PM']Yep - it's getting a bit tedious when instead of PMing the seller people jump on the bandwagon and ridicule the price/item for sale.[/quote] I disagree... it's best to have this out in the open, also there's little enough posting on the site in the last few days as it is.
  9. [quote name='gareth' post='128312' date='Jan 26 2008, 05:01 PM']But who actually plays them in a gigging band. I know lots of local bands and they all use fenders and stingrays - no-one uses a rick[/quote] Good point... If I used a Ricky (and I've tried!) it'd have to be a 4003... I don't think there's anything better about a 4001 is there?
  10. [quote name='utopiummusic' post='128278' date='Jan 26 2008, 03:53 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12201"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12201[/url] [/quote] And your point is? That 'Introduction' was posted *after* the advert
  11. [quote name='jono b' post='128268' date='Jan 26 2008, 03:39 PM']£850 from Music Ground. Horrible. I didn't think you could ruin an SG bass but there you go. Ghastly.[/quote] It's gotta be a shame... what would Jack Bruce (amongst others) think?
  12. Another 'For Sale' post with no introductions... Where's the love? This is a Forum, not 'Loot'
  13. Apologies for being slightly O/T here, but I couldn't resist... My experience of trying to get a few bridge parts for an Ibanez bass. Don't bother dealing with the clowns at Headstock Distribution. I needed some new saddles for my Ibanez SRX705... An easy problem to solve you'd think, I mean it's a saddle common to countless Ibanez 4 and 5 string basses. None in the country... They quoted a month or more delivery time, it had to be ordered thru a dealer, etc etc. They had to wait for a container of basses to come to the UK. They couldn't get it sent from Japan by post, or courier. I wondered how they support their gigging bass players, I asked? Hmmm... no sensible answer forthcoming. Did they wonder why people play Fenders I asked? No spares problems there Anyway, as our Japanese guitarist was going to visit family back in Tokyo, he got me some. Problem solved...
  14. [quote name='BassBod' post='127547' date='Jan 25 2008, 09:01 AM']Price reduced to £750 bump.......anyone?[/quote] I love your bass; How about my Takamine 512 + case + some cash? That way you pay the MOT and still have an acoustic bass to play
  15. [quote name='andy67' post='126671' date='Jan 24 2008, 09:17 AM']however as I am turning 41... it may just be a little crisis I am going through but I seem to really fancy one![/quote] Maybe getting an 8 x 10 is the bass equivalent of buying a Harley (at our age!). I'd love one (an 8 x 10 that is), and I've done the Harley thing in my youth...
  16. Schecter did a version - E to E. Hellcat 6 it was called I think...
  17. [quote name='sifi2112' post='126506' date='Jan 23 2008, 10:39 PM']Have a look a Ibanez DWB3... same sort of specs...[/quote] Theres a DWB on the Bay - Item number: 200193293189 It's got no bids, starting at £200 inc. case. I have one, it's an amazing bass
  18. [quote name='nash' post='126332' date='Jan 23 2008, 05:53 PM']i'd go for the ampeg over the ashdown.[/quote] what are the 'sound' differences, all other things being equal?
  19. What head are you using?
  20. That day's my Birthday! Still, I can't think of a better, more fun thing to do I wonder what the family'll think... Anyway, I hope to be there. I'll bring:- Ibanez DWB3, Fender US Deluxe Jazz, Aria custom shop upright (maybe). Not that it's mine... and no, I can't play it! Very cool instrument though
  21. [quote name='s_u_y_*' post='124326' date='Jan 21 2008, 03:32 AM']EBS MultiBass II preamp DI box. Two seperate channels that can be run separately or together. Each channel has it's own gain setting. [url="http://www.ebs.bass.se/2007/microbass.htm"]http://www.ebs.bass.se/2007/microbass.htm[/url][/quote] Job done, by the sound of it.
  22. I dunno, I just can't see the point of re hashing old designs... Then again, how many new bass shapes are there anyway? And the P/J arrangement... nothing new there either. The headstock looks awful too (blimey I'm grumpy tonite!). I'm off to the pub
  23. [quote name='PauBass' post='124034' date='Jan 20 2008, 06:40 PM'] Great Service and good prices... No import tax to pay... Highly recommended[/quote] +1 on that, they're great! A lot less hassle than some snotty uk music shops.
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