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David Nimrod

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Everything posted by David Nimrod

  1. Very interesting following this thread... It reminded me of a time in my life when I thought that I had to have *exactly* what I wanted... 5 or 6 years ago I was riding Moto Guzzis (Italian motorcycles) and was dealing with a 'one man band with a big shed'. We came up with custom solutions, ingenious and clever ways to make an old bike more functional and classy. But he drove me completely nuts; no contact, broken promises, lateness, unreliability, continual bullsh*t of the first order... The trouble was that this guy was hugely talented, prodigously knowledgeable and a creative engineer (a rare thing). But I gave up in the end... the grief, the money, the stress... I bought a BMW R1100RS, it never went wrong, was totally great. I still can't think of that guy without getting stressed, and I realised that you just don't need custom made stuff, just *good* stuff. I'm not knocking custom bass builders per se, it's a free market afterall, but would you say a USA Fender Jazz actually *holds you back*? Having to pay a £1000 deposit, sight unseen? Sounds crazy to me, but then I'm just more pragmatic than I ever was ;-)
  2. [quote name='markdavid' post='33560' date='Jul 18 2007, 12:53 PM']Hi all, Have been thinking about taking my bass for a setup as the action on the bass is quite high at the moment , how much do you think it will cost to get my bass setup[/quote] A *full* setup should be no more than £30 - £40 in my experience... That will include fret levelling where needed, plus all the usual stuff.
  3. Is he the guy that does those Jaco 'tribute' basses that he says are so good?
  4. [quote name='dood' post='33182' date='Jul 17 2007, 06:26 PM']failing that, how about one of those minimixers from behringer or phonic. Mine was 45 quid new! This I *think* is it, but thought it had a different model name. certainly looks the same! [url="http://www.phonic.com/en/product/detail.php?group_name=&languageid=1&group=en&product_no=am220"]http://www.phonic.com/en/product/detail.ph...roduct_no=am220[/url][/quote] The EBS box looks great, but is pretty expensive ;-( Still, I may have to check one out... Does a mini mixer amplify the bass guitar signal? (You can tell I'm on shaky ground here, technically).
  5. [quote name='The Funk' post='33086' date='Jul 17 2007, 03:15 PM']Slash's Gibson isn't a genuine Gibson but it has the Gibson badge on the headstock. Gibson don't mind at all and have given him a signature Gibson which he doesn't use. There isn't a point to this post - I just wanted to see how many times I could get Gibson into one post.[/quote] Lol! you're right about Slash, but I think there's more at stake there ;-) Each to their own I guess...
  6. I gotta ask... what's the point of a 'replica' Fender? Surely it's either a genuine Fender or it shouldn't have a Fender decal on it. Or have I missed the point ;-)
  7. OK, I need a simple box with an input, a headphone output, and between the two, just a few tone controls and a master volume. I don't need cheezey effects, rythmn patterns, guitar effects, amp. models, cab. models, fretless effects, compressors etc. etc... Any advice? I've thought of the Korg Pandora, the Behringer V Amp and the Line 6 Pod. But there's gotta be a simpler way, surely?
  8. This may seem like a daft question, but does a 12 sound much different to an 8? I take it that the 12 has 2 identical octave strings as well as the primary string... So apart from sounding a bit thicker, is there much more to it?
  9. eBay really is getting daft... this one looks almost worthless to me.
  10. The last one of these I saw on eBay was listed at £150 and didn't get any bids at all. I got my virtually brand new SRX705 on the 'Bay for £206, so £400 is kinda high ;-)
  11. Other: Ibanez SR1000 Prestige 4 string.
  12. Last bump... before eBay - aaaaaargh... don't make me take it to the 'Bay ;-(
  13. I could do with some for my Hohner B2AV... Stringsdirect has Elites 5 string sets for £16-95.
  14. Hi there, my Fender Jazz deluxe has what feels like fairly wide string spacing...
  15. That is awesome! The most revealing bass rig I've ever tried... Way too good for me.
  16. clear air turbulence... bump!
  17. *Very* Dodgy... he had the same thing on a 'BIN' at £255 a while back. It's is just a re badged Squier, I'm sure. What a con!
  18. Can I have some opinions on what this Fender is worth please? I really don't know ;-) Any advice would be much appreciated!
  19. For any more info or pics, just PM me...
  20. I have my 1 x 15" Ashdown ABM combo *on top* of my 4 x 10" ABM bass cab. It wouldn't work the other way round... but this set up doesn't seem a problem. But if I had got the 2 x 10" Compact ABM cab it would sit on top of the combo. Both the combos and the Compact cabs are the same depth, the full size cabs are deeper.
  21. Bloody hell! What an amazing story! Photoshop indeed ;-) Just goes to show how even a company like Trace can make a cock up. None of the 'solutions' offered really seem satisfactory either... Maybe you could change the lot for some Ashdown gear ;-) Oooops, what have I said?
  22. Hi guys, I have a Fender USA Jazz 5 string Deluxe for sale. It has a rosewood board, 3 tone sunburst, 1996 (50th Anniv. sticker on back of headstock). Very good condition, a few very minor dings & scratches, just normal playing wear really. Sounds great, active EQ, good frets, includes G&L hardcase. If you're in the Midlands you're welcome to try it out ;-)
  23. I think you've got it right! the 4 + 1 looks like a classic 4 string. The MIM 5 string Jazz now has the 5 in a row design headstock. I guess Fender just wanted them to look different...
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