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I am not excane

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Everything posted by I am not excane

  1. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1329749275' post='1546679'] The Proton is nice but, and this is probably more user error than any fault of the pedal, I couldn't get it to be as squelchy and nasty as Spencer does in his video. I sold it and went back to my trusty Mini Q-Tron - too big by design but does everything I want from an envelope filter. [/quote] I've found this to be true as well - the Proton really shines when you put a drop of fuzz or dirt in front of it to really make it come alive. My vote is for the 3leaf. If you want a ton of features (and hefty size), then go with the soundblox. For a small footprint, classic envelope sound the 3leaf is a winner.
  2. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEIno6bPU54"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEIno6bPU54[/url]
  3. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmlIMM1tXmc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmlIMM1tXmc[/url]
  4. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1329578024' post='1544464'] I've had my eye on the Hexe for a while... That Mammoth clone sounds amazing. I could never get s Mammoth to sound like that, but i do use an active bass. I now use a Mastotron which reacts much better to an active, but still can't get quite that sound... Shep [/quote] Yeah, it's VERY sensitive to active PU's. It actually sounds pretty cool, but some might think it's TOO compressed. Also, my MTD's are 18volt which turns all gated fuzz to mush, but the Elrick sounded the best with this particular pedal.
  5. [quote name='blind pilot' timestamp='1329470800' post='1542836'] Fancy selling the depth charge....................................................................................................... [/quote] IF i were to get raging drunk one night, I MIGHT think of selling one of my 2 DC's, but those are BIG "what ifs".... It's my absolute favorite fuzz so not really a chance
  6. [quote name='cm261' timestamp='1329427151' post='1542461'] Sweet, the mammoth and bitcrusher play real nice together! Thanks for taking the time to make these, and for posting them here [/quote] You're welcome Always happy to share. I re-uploaded this one, something was funky. Should be working now [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeiOIL5xZIQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeiOIL5xZIQ[/url]
  7. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-JsdneWl68"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-JsdneWl68[/url]
  8. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O12O1HMYwNY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O12O1HMYwNY[/url]
  9. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWkqWEFmkBU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWkqWEFmkBU[/url]
  10. I put up 3 new videos demos of the MXR. Check my sig. Enjoy
  11. The Darkglass B3K or B7K is the only one-pedal solution that will nail this tone.
  12. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcgYhT86VPA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcgYhT86VPA[/url]
  13. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNROvZ2F9Hc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNROvZ2F9Hc[/url]
  14. Brand new MXR Bass Fuzz Deluxe [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyV4ceQw2g4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyV4ceQw2g4[/url]
  15. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1328349808' post='1525768'] So is the price of the B3K, yet they still seem to be selling plenty of those! [/quote] That's true, but I was thinking of all the compressors I know that are cheaper that offer a ton of more features. Maybe this compressor is awesome, I'm still interested in it
  16. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1328376658' post='1526221'] More to the point, how do I get a saxophone sound out of my fretless bass... [/quote] Interesting.... sax was my first instrument (20 years playing) and often thought about the same thing. Running sax through my pedalboard has gotten me some of the strangest and coolest sounds I've ever heard.
  17. As already said, you don't. All the fretless simulator garbage, pedals, etc, etc will not cut it. If you're serious about a fretless tone, you need to buy a fretless. Period.
  18. I spoke too soon - before I checked the price.... That's ridiculous.
  19. Color me intrigued
  20. [quote name='Pob' timestamp='1328319016' post='1525619'] ... and yesterday I got an Oxide in the post. It is blinding, really fat and heavy even without getting too deep into it. It pairs up right nicely with the Xerograph too. I'll be doing some recording with it next week so I'll stick a sample of the IE twins up in a band setting if people are interested? [/quote] DOoooo it!!!
  21. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Lz90Yi1U3M"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Lz90Yi1U3M[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H98N4JINf9M"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H98N4JINf9M[/url]
  22. As requested by many - here are some full band mixes with some of my favorite pedals. Enjoy! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deUd3gBGqQc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deUd3gBGqQc[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=extlOVZ-ZNc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=extlOVZ-ZNc[/url]
  23. Tomorrow night Jan 31st at midnight I'll be picking another winner. Good luck to all! Funny.... all of the winners except one have been in Europe. UK'ers seem to be the lucky ones!
  24. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1327886698' post='1518421'] Well, not really, because if the low frequencies are largely unaffected and all you're getting is a bit of distorted high freqs. added, when you add the guitar in the same freq. area, it will obliterate the fuzz and you'll only hear the clean bass. If however you have a good fuzz affecting all frequencies from top to bottom or close to it (like for example an old Russian Muff or a Tonebender) you'll retain bass and low mid freqs., they'll be distorted and you'll be able to hear that distortion because you won't have a loud instrument covering those freqs. [/quote] That's just it, what you're saying is true but leaving out a key factor: The clean blend allows you to bring in ANY frequency you wish, either from your clean bass, EQ, or any other effect before the fuzz. What I love to do is have an overdrive for a nice main tone, then kick on the fuzz (with a clean blend) for heavier parts. I put an emphasis on ALL the frequencies (especially low and mid) with my overdrive so that comes through with fuzz on top of it. It's not an exact science, I'm just saying what has worked for me. Yes, a GOOD fuzz ("good" being the key word) will work too but I like having a true clean blend for more complex tones.
  25. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1327152295' post='1507042'] Fuzz mixed with clean always sounds to me like clean with some hairiness on the background. That's what this video sounded like. [/quote] Correct, that's exactly what it's supposed to sound like.... SOLO. Now, you mix in guitars, drums, keyboard, etc. and you get the balls from the fuzz but still retain the low/ low-mid fundamental to not get obliterated.
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