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I am not excane

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Everything posted by I am not excane

  1. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' post='1253241' date='Jun 1 2011, 05:17 PM']I was going to suggest Cook but in his Botch days. Best example I could think of is middle of 'C Thomas Howell...' when it's just him and that filthy tone.[/quote] Totally agree I'm so glad I got see Botch before they were no more.
  2. Brian Cook from Russian Circles has a pretty wicked bass tone: Go to about 2:20 in the video to hear when the bass riff comes in with his OCD/ Rat Here's the album version: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDdTpVrcNvQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDdTpVrcNvQ[/url]
  3. [quote name='PauBass' post='1251879' date='May 31 2011, 01:46 PM']Thanks! Looking forward to those clips. Before I order one I'd like to hear what it sounds with fingers, sound differs a lot when usin a pick, what's your opinion?[/quote] It's the same difference as using fingers vs pick without using FX.... of course it will sound different, but the tone of the pedal will still sound almost like the clip with the pick. The pedal retains all of your playing dynamics and is very sensitive to your attack. That's a big plus with this pedal PLUS, it doesn't start to "fart out" or get fuzzy like a lot of overdrive pedals do when pushed. You can get some fuzzy tones out of the B3K, but it's the only pedal I've used that still keeps the "grind" without getting mushy or fuzzy. I'm in the process of getting a Zoom Q3HD to drastically improve the sound quality. I purposely want to record these videos by NOT going direct into a board because I feel you get a more real-world sound of what it will actually sound like when you plug in and play live in a band situation (unlike a pristine studio recording)
  4. [b]ANYTHING by King's X.[/b] Doug Pinnick is one of my biggest influences in overdriven/distorted bass tones. Here's a song from the last album. It opens with the bass so you can hear it nice and clear. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg3mUhGVCgo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg3mUhGVCgo[/url]
  5. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1249806' date='May 29 2011, 06:49 PM']Still both hugleee. Edit. Just been told I`m a horrible nasty man by my partner for being rude. So apologies. Just not my thing.[/quote] No apologies necessary! I'm probably the first person to speak my mind and will tell someone if I think a bass is awful. Just curious.... what finish on basses do you like? Solid colors? Natural wood, etc. ?
  6. [quote name='Johnston' post='1249681' date='May 29 2011, 04:21 PM']We need a picture of your shoes as well .[/quote] [b]I was thinking these to play with the red one....[/b] [b]Either one of these for the blue one....[/b] [b]And I suppose these would work with both?....[/b]
  7. [quote name='PauBass' post='1248925' date='May 29 2011, 04:27 AM']Good work! I'm really liking the Darkglass B3K too! I'd love to hear what it sounds like when playing fingerstyle, do you have any clips by any chance, please?[/quote] I will be doing more clips of the B3K and will definitely include fingerstyle.
  8. [quote name='burno70' post='1248562' date='May 28 2011, 02:26 PM']Hey man - good stuff, nice one! The b3k sounds killer - I'm saving up for one right now. Whats your favourite dirt out of your mighty collection?[/quote] For strictly overdrive, hands down the B3K wins. It's the most transparent overdrive (if you want it to be) or can get very saturated. It keeps the most low end with the blend control and doesn't clip your signal or send it into fuzz territory like so many gain pedals tend to do. For fuzz, the depth charge is my all-time favorite. Distortion is tricky, haven't been able to nail down a favorite but I keep an MXR full-bore on my pedalboard for the versatility it offers and it sounds great with bass and guitar.
  9. Hey Guys, More pedal videos are up and I'm open for all suggestions [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=138296"]My Pedal Demo Thread[/url]
  10. I started a few weeks ago putting up pedal demo's on youtube and will be continuing with a lot of stuff I have coming in. Here is the link: [size=4][url="http://www.youtube.com/user/MrExcane"]My YouTube Pedal Video Collection[/url][/size] [size=5][color=#FF0000]UPDATE.... Just wanted to add that I will be starting a FREE PEDAL GIVEAWAY at the end of the month. All you have to do is subscribe to my youtube channel (and hopefully get some insight to some killer pedals) but you will automatically be entered for a chance to win. I will randomly select the winner at the end of November[/color][/size] The newest ones I put up include Darkglass B3K, Audio Monk Fuzzpotion, Iron Ether with Menatone Mailbomb. [b]I'm open for all suggestions if you guys want me to record a pedal![/b] (I'll let you know if I have it or can get access to it) Pedals that I have currently and in the process of recording are: Barber Trifecta Barber Dirty Bomb TH Audio Grump Bass Fuzz Earthbound Audio Supercollider Fuzzhugger ABsynth DNA Analogic Bass Dragger Dr. Scientist Cosmichorus GNI Phaser/ Flanger Rivera Metal Shaman Team Awesome Fuzz Machine Jack Deville Mod Zero Empress Multidrive Look for those within a week or so.
  11. Now that I have acquired both of these basses (which are incredible) I took some photos of them together in the same light. I'm interested to see if this changes anyone's mind from the last thread I had. [b]Which bass do you prefer in terms of looks?[/b] (They are both identical except for the finish)
  12. [quote name='Johnston' post='1242952' date='May 24 2011, 08:52 AM']Surely you need both. Then play the one that matches your T-Shirt.[/quote] I was waiting for someone to tell me this.... thank you. I think I'll keep the one I own already and just buy the other one to go with it. Oh - [size=6]The RED is the bass I currently own.[/size]
  13. [quote name='johnDeereJack' post='1233526' date='May 16 2011, 03:00 PM']+ 1 Although if I HAD to pick one on pain of death it would have to be the blue one. IMHO they're both dreadful but the red one is waaaaaay worse. Again, MHO. Each to their own etc! [/quote] Just curious... I'm assuming you like natural finishes or solid colored finishes? Just wondering what makes them dreadful to you?
  14. Thanks for all the replies.... keep 'em coming!
  15. [quote name='neepheid' post='1228902' date='May 12 2011, 10:04 AM']Is it ok to dislike them both equally? [/quote] Of course - Different strokes for different folks. BUT if you HAD to pick one....which do you prefer?
  16. Just wanted to get a poll on which finish of these Modulus basses your prefer. They are identical except for finish. I'm just looking for you initial, gut reaction. I find both basses equally amazing, and I'm deciding if I should trade one for the other. (I'm not saying which one I own yet) Thanks
  17. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1220034' date='May 4 2011, 11:45 AM'] awesome. nice playing too.. how many of these do/can you make ? and at what price ?[/quote] Thanks. The pedals that I built were basically just my first prototypes, I never even thought about producing them for sale. IF by some chance enough people like the demo when I record it, maybe I will look into making a small batch.
  18. [b]High Gain Demo's[/b] I recorded some super high gain pedal demos for you guys - went a little crazy with the Okko. You can watch them all here on my channel: [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/MrExcane"]http://www.youtube.com/user/MrExcane[/url] I will be adding my 2 custom overdrives that I built hopefully by the weekend. I have a few more new boxes coming in, but you'll have to wait to see what they are
  19. [quote name='joegarcia' post='1189866' date='Apr 5 2011, 05:55 PM']New board and complete overhaul from me: Signal path: In - ZVEX SHO - split: A (main/bass) - Pitch black -> LS2 (clean blended Rat) -> LS2 (clean blended Drivemaster) -> Loop (Ch.B of RE-20) -> stereo volume -> Stereo Memory Man Ch.A B (fx/octave up) - Octron -> Enigma -> Loop (Mold Spore wah) -> Vesta Fire -> Ch.A of RE-20 -> PH-2 -> Master mute -> stereo volume -> Reflector -> Stereo Memory Man Ch.B So, so, pleased. Taken such a long time to get it this sorted. Still gotta upgrade the main looper and volume pedal but this is working really really well. Going into a '69 SVT (or Sunn 1200s) and Aguilar GS412 for A and Ampeg V4 or Burman and GS412 for B.[/quote] Wow....can't remember the last time I saw a Vesta Fire. Nice board!
  20. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1186565' date='Apr 3 2011, 05:26 AM']I am not excane - How do we go about trying your pedals? Not that s I need any more, but given these are your circuits etc I'd love to give some a run for their money![/quote] I'm planning on doing some demo videos of these pedals and putting them on youtube. I will go through all the settings, use fingers and pick, and running the neck from lowest to highest so you can really hear how they sound through the entire range of the bass. I'll also use active and passive basses. I have a few up right now (not my own pedals) but just to give you an idea that they will certainly be lengthy videos. You can check them out here: [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/MrExcane"]http://www.youtube.com/user/MrExcane[/url]
  21. Let me also add.... the Proton sounds fantastic with some dirt or fuzz going into it (if that's your thing) I find that just a little overdrive really opens it up for a very aggressive wah sound.
  22. Woops, I read it a little too quickly I'm way too tired Anyway, I really enjoy it. It's a very natural sounding envelope as opposed to ones that get more "sqelchy" and artificial. I don't dig filters that suck the low end or get very synthy. The proton doesn't do that, it keeps my bass sounding like a bass. You can get a little quack or a lot of quack, but it doesn't completely cover up your sound. I've never had a chance to play an original Mutron so I can't compare. Hope that helps.
  23. The Proton is not too hard to find - Tonefactor has them as well as a few other places. You can always contact Spencer at 3leaf to buy it direct from him.
  24. Along with my board: Here are my latest creations: My brand new custom designed overdrives. My tribute to District 9 and Van Gogh. Original circuits by me and all hand painted. The District 9 Bass Overdrive. Just a prototype, so a little rough. I was going to make a small batch of these with professional silk screening. My Van Gogh "Bones" Distortion. Original Circuit and hand painted by yours truly. It sounds BADASS.
  25. That's heavy duty right there.... love it!
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