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I am not excane

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Everything posted by I am not excane

  1. Changed things around a tiny bit.... thank God for top-mounted jacks. A pedaltrain junior can hold all the essentials and more. Enjoy.
  2. Just for you guys.... I recorded samples for the few of you that have asked me. Enjoy. I realize I made a separate thread for these, but I figured you all might want these as well. Prescription Electronics Depth Charge Part 1 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su677cqIrWc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su677cqIrWc[/url] Prescription Electronics Depth Charge Part 2 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJHB5J-dheM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJHB5J-dheM[/url] Amptweaker TightMetal Part 1 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-L9faNaVMk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-L9faNaVMk[/url] Amptweaker TightMetal Part 2 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r4ae-o2dYU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r4ae-o2dYU[/url] Both finger style and pick just to show the highlights of the pedals.
  3. I recorded a few samples for the few of you that have asked me. Enjoy. Prescription Electronics Depth Charge Part 1 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su677cqIrWc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su677cqIrWc[/url] Prescription Electronics Depth Charge Part 2 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJHB5J-dheM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJHB5J-dheM[/url] Amptweaker TightMetal Part 1 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-L9faNaVMk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-L9faNaVMk[/url] Amptweaker TightMetal Part 2 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r4ae-o2dYU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r4ae-o2dYU[/url] Both finger style and pick just to show the highlights of the pedals.
  4. [quote name='callingltu' post='1145277' date='Feb 28 2011, 07:00 PM'](some noname distortion)[/quote] Onerr!! They come from Brazil (or at least they used to) I thought I was the only one who had 3 of these pieces of **** sitting on my living room floor waiting to be sold. I picked them up on a huge closeout in a music store by me and I guess you get what you pay for.
  5. Nice! I love when I see both of those Akai's together on a single board.
  6. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1140392' date='Feb 24 2011, 03:36 PM']Amazingly that actually makes sense to me! Very interested to hear the results! Keep us posted. Shep[/quote] No problem, happy to share. The one thing I will be adding is a tone knob as well. I didn't include it on the zombie pedal, since it's just another hurdle to overcome in the completion of a proper circuit. The gain knob just has a generic voice currently, and I need to have the ability to get deep and bassy as well as biting treble "bees-in-a-can" sizzly fuzz. I will definitely share with you guys once I've got something.
  7. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1139851' date='Feb 24 2011, 07:36 AM']Zombie pedal is awesome looking. Great work. Your description is of interest to me as well as I am strictly an Active Bass user.. Does the buffer auto detect the optimum level and do the job for you, or is it dial controlled and you just 'tune' it to your bass? I'd be very interested to hear samples - same settings, one used on a passive and one on a hot 18v circuit (like a bart)… You should do similar with a Gate as well and have an active friendly Woolly Mammoth-esque pedal… I', sure that would appeal to ALOT of bassists.[/quote] Thanks A little more info about that pedal.... The three knobs currently are volume, gain, and blend. The toggle switch is not really working out the way I'd like it to, so I think I'm going to be constructing a circuit with an input impedance dial, so to speak. You don't really hear the difference when using the toggle, but you can hear the EFFECT it has on how "sputtery" the fuzz gets (which usually happens with high output basses) I use 18volt MTD's almost exclusively, so I am in the same boat. That's what led me to start messing around building this box to begin with. The next prototype I'm actually working on with a knob for the impedance works in the following manner: The input impedance of the pedal would hold steady at a little less than 1 MegOhm, since the 1-Meg pot is in parallel with a 10-MegOhm resistor in front of it. Rolling the impedance knob to, say, halfway would move about 500 kOhms of resistance into series with the audio signal before the first JFET and provide the remaining 500kOhms to ground, but the impedance, as I recall, would stay roughly the same - I'm working out the fine details.
  8. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1138073' date='Feb 22 2011, 11:15 PM']Nice work sir! Are all of those pedals your own creations? I've never owned a single pedal that looked as cool as any of them I can't wait for the rest of my pedals to arrive, I'm itching to add to this thread properly![/quote] Thank you sir. The Zombie and the one on the very right (black pedal with a creepy looking face) are both my creations. The two on the left are the Barber Trifecta and Earthbound Audio Supercollider.
  9. A few on the chopping block that are about to go on the board.... My newest creation is a circuit I've been working on. A fuzz with clean blend and impedance buffer for active basses. I did the custom artwork as my tribute to Fulci's epic "Zombie" movie. Took a lot of time creating the art then printing on a dye sublimation printer, then laminating and applying. I like how it turned out
  10. Nice board. How's the molten voltage whammy? I contacted them and never heard back from them. The whammy is delicately balancing on my list of pedals to scrap. The bypass is HORRENDOUS and takes up too much space....but still sounds cool as hell.
  11. [quote name='thebassman' post='1078636' date='Jan 5 2011, 09:57 AM']I mean the bass pot pushed in not pulled out. I will have a check on the other pots when I get home from work. Cheers[/quote] Thanks! Very much appreciated.
  12. [quote name='thebassman' post='1078196' date='Jan 5 2011, 02:43 AM']Hi Not an answer to your question, but I have the M6 carbine 2x12 combo and my bass control is set to push at about 1 o'clock. I have been a fan of Mesa gear for a while, I have owned the M2000, 400+ with powerhouse cabs and now the carbine. I have to say the tone and power of this amp is immense, god knows what the M9 must be like. Cheers Thebassman[/quote] Thanks for the info, yes the M9 is a beast. What do you mean by "push" at 1 o'clock? Push as in pushing the gain? Could you see if you have the same thing with the bass control as I do? I know the bass control on yours is also a push/pull, but do the mid and treble controls have center detents so you know where the mid (flat) position is? Anyway, I actually called Mesa yesterday and they told me the bass pot does NOT have a center detent since the pot is a push/pull. (glad to know it's intentional and not a screw up with my amp, but that never happens with Mesa
  13. Here's two of my smaller gigging boards....first the mini - my bare essentials. Then my PT junior for my "good" pedals, while I redo my massive board. (Probably won't have that done for another month or so) In the photos, those are special cables built for me by William at WMD to control the Superfatman and Multiwave with the same Roland EV-5 expression pedal. The two pedals use different voltages for the expression jack so one end of the cable has a converter board for properly controlling the Fatman.
  14. Hi all, Just received my new Mesa Carbine M9 and damn....WOW does this amp deliver (as does all my Mesa gear I've owned) Quick question about the bass control.... Is there any reason why the bass knob does NOT have a center detent like the mid and treble knobs have? I know the mid is passive, but the bass and treble are active. Could it have something to do with the bass being a push/pull knob for "deep"? Thanks for any info.
  15. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='941792' date='Sep 1 2010, 05:18 AM']Enough dirt?[/quote] Hardly. I don't think I can have too much dirt.
  16. Now I just need to decide which one of my boards I want to re-do.... I don't have enough space and I'm still waiting on another customized little prize. Notice the Black Cat doesn't have jacks on the sides. and a special attachment for the fat man in the room.
  17. [quote name='leloupa' post='908426' date='Jul 28 2010, 11:57 AM']Congratulations !!!!! I think another 435 with a maple board would make the picture even more intresting Insane, awesome, fantastic collection, really ![/quote] Thanks! I have a thing about maple boards though.... not really my thing. It has nothing to do with tone, just aesthetics.
  18. Thought I would share my current collection with you fine ladies and gents.... (the newest addition being the greenburst) Enjoy
  19. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='900498' date='Jul 20 2010, 04:22 PM']How's the low end on the Full Bore?[/quote] After comparing side by side the Landmine, the Hardwire TL-2, and the Fullbore, I decided on the fullbore for the small board for a number of reasons - It doesn't quite have the amount of low end that Landmine or Hardwire can achieve, but it sounds better (if that makes sense) It let's more of my bass come through while the other 2 pedals seemed to have almost the exact same tone (standard boss-style metal zone crunch) which I didn't like. Also, the noisegate and scoop switch are two features I'm really liking - so being all the same price I give it to the fullbore in terms of features and sound. I also use the board for guitar but the bass control still gets you a nice amount of cut or boost for either instrument. Hope that helps.
  20. [quote name='The Twickerman' post='898588' date='Jul 19 2010, 03:17 AM']Snap for three on the big board. The Choralflange, the Dass Drive and the DD-9! How are you powering it? I found that the Choralflange introduces a load of noise so had to opt for a Voodoo lab - but that only powers 8 pedals...[/quote] The DD-9 comes out in 2012 right before the apocalypse You mean the DD-3? Anyway, I power all of that crap with a Voodoo Labs hidden underneath and the power supply that came with the pedalpad. (So I can power up to 16 boxes) I also have a power strip under there for any adapters (only using 1 now for the Whammy) but I have 2 Dunlop Bricks sitting around in case I need to power anything else. I DO use the Voodoo Lab for the Choralflange, not the adapter that Fulltone recommends and it works fine.
  21. [b]My big board - happily been using for over 4 years without a change.[/b] [b]This is my new baby board which is almost complete. I'm just waiting for a custom bypass looper for the lower right corner. Look how adorable it looks next to its big brother, awwww[/b]
  22. [quote name='JackLondon' post='880316' date='Jun 28 2010, 03:45 PM']You are very lucky my friend, I'mmreally GASing for an MTD and have about 1/3 of the money ready...soon enough I will get one of those amazing instruments![/quote] Thank you. I had to work and save up the same way, but trust me.... you will be holding the finest bass you've ever owned once you get one.
  23. SWR huh?..... why surely (Please ignore my mess of cables)
  24. Thought I would share with you my current quad of MTD's.... enjoy
  25. I know this is raising a zombie thread, but is this MTD still available?
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