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Everything posted by jim_at

  1. Valves work in pairs, right? I've ordered a pair, so hopefully if I just change the pair of which the individual broken valve is connected to, it should be ok? Rather than replacing all four valves.
  2. Thanks mate, but Guildford is a bit far out for me to get to! (am based in Bournemouth with no car) Theres a shop in Southampton imaginatively called The Guitar Store who outsource broken amps to their amp tech, unfortunutely I guess this means it makes it more expensive, they charge £60 just to look at the amp before anythings even done to it! So would rather go to someone direct. But I suppose I could pull some strings with friends and get over to Guildford if all else fails
  3. Hi, I'm not sure if anyone will know the answer to this but it's worth a shot! One of the valves has blown in my Hi-Watt bass custom 200 head, and upon replacing the valve with a new KT88 I have read I have to re bias the amp. I need to find out what the base plate voltage that the amp should be, how where / how to use the trim pot in the amp that I have to adjust to get it in the right range on a volt meter. If anyone has ever re biased an amp before and can offer any advice, I'd love to hear it. Thanks Jim
  4. Anyone know of a great amp tech in the South? (Bournemouth, Southampton, etc) Need to get my Hi-Watt custom 200 looked at! Thanks Jim
  5. £120 Here she is! [attachment=47115:photo.jpg]
  6. Awesome pedal for filling up your sound, essential purchase if you're in a 3 piece rock band. Great condition and working order, but unboxed and with no power supply (replacement power supply easily and cheaply found in Maplins or similar). SOLD. THANKS.
  7. Is it the same pedal board/case in the pictures? I just couldn't work it out as the board is totally different in each picture! Can you literally open the case up, remove the lid, and use it as a pre-made pedal board without having to remove it out of its shell? Cheers
  8. I have a very good condition Trace Elliot 15" combo. What sort of trade would you consider for that? I don't really need another Jazz, but hey!
  9. Brilliant. Thanks to the guy that PMed some useful links over!
  10. I have travelled all over the world with my basses and my best advice to anyone is to get a fitted flightcase for your instrument. Best protection bar none, all wood and metal like. Expensive and heavy but worth it, a life time of protection on the road / in the air. Just pad it out a bit with nearest bubble wrap / rags if you're flying, just to make sure. DON'T PADLOCK YOUR INSTRUMENT. I have had my basses opened multiple times by Customs (they usually leave a note in the case saying its been checked) And I wouldn't want to piss them off with the hassle of having to break your padlock. If you have any catches or loose parts on the case make sure you go over them with gaffer tape, to create smooth edges that won't get caught on things. If you do a decent job it will also act as a deterrent to any sneaky baggage handlers that want a quick peak at your instrument too! And of course make sure you give the instrument a decent downtune before flying to prevent any warping/neck breakages (though unlikely on well made instruments) Example of last time I went flying with gear: Jim
  11. [quote name='TheButler' post='549663' date='Jul 24 2009, 01:28 AM'][url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=04051910564818"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...=04051910564818[/url] I'd look second hand personally though [/quote] Yeah, second hand and well looked after is my preference. Especially looking at that page and seeing the price
  12. Hey everyone, I've owned a few basses over the years, starting on Encore, moving to Yamahas, then Musicman Sterling, then Fender USA Precision, Fender Geddy Lee sig Jazz - I still own most of them but now really want a Rickenbacker 4003 to add to my collection. After admiring the tone in many records and finally getting to play one recently I think I want to introduce it into my live and recording setup. Only problem is finding them! Theres a couple on eBay, but hardly anything in the shops. Where do people get their Ricks from? I'm London / Bournemouth based, looking for the amazing White finish (with black inlay) - but interested in other finishes too! Thanks guys, and hello, lovely place you have here, Jim
  13. Hey guys, I got my white Hi-Watt Custom 200 head through a friend, and although I have no intention of selling it, I just wondered a rough value estimation of it. Nothing on ebay or their website, so any help is appreciated! Thanks.
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